dbol and DECA cycling info

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I am banned!
I got some dbol at 25mgs 150 pills and 6 10ml vials of DECA. What is the best way to run these two things? I want to kick it off with dbol for 4 weeks then stab the DECA after the dbol kicks in full.I will get nolva to stop gyno later this week.
You need to run testosterone with those two compounds. Sounds like you have done very little research. You should check out the sticky's at the top of the forum, good info there. Do you know what pct is? HCG? Can you tell us more about yourself?

training history
What's your age and stats.. It sounds like you don't have a clue what your doing, so I'd advise not to take anything tell you've got it together.
Your going to need testosterone in order to run either of those compounds. Deca takes 8 weeks to kick in, you wouldn't want to start it late into a cycle (I advice you don't take it at all on first cycle,, unless you like having a limp dick).. You need to have an AI and run it the duration of your cycle, that keeps estrogen in check and keeps you from bloating and getting Gyno,, save the nolvadex for pct, get clomid too...
After knowing age and stats guys here can help you put a real cycle together. In the mean time read the stickies and educate yourself
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.

Lol.. Ask for advice then tell a guy to move along. The guy brews his own gear and knows more then you'll ever know, and you tell him to move along.
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.

You're not going to get any advice on how to run here bud. You have no clue about anything related to gear. Read the sticky's before posting more nonsense.
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.

People ARE trying to help you, this is relevant information for people advising you on hormones you are putting into your body.

In short though, with what you have is not even half a complete cycle and isn't worth it. If thats all you have and can get, you are better off selling it (at your own risk) trashing it, or saving it for what you do have all the proper items.
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.

Deca SHUTS you down,, that means you'll have no testosterone in your body and you will aromatize and become a little bitchy girl,, is that what you mean by "deca builds better then test"
u run those together w o a test base of at least trt doses you are gonna have not only a limp dick but akin to to a limp dick, kicked in the nut s till they re powder AND be so g d depressed you will not even care if you EVER get em back.
ANd then the mental attrition of WHO YOU ARE..starts.

I am the most mental mf er EVER to be a senior mod here. I ve done it all AS I m old and had no OLOGY crew to save me from myself...you do.

Now go save save yourself. Shelve that shit or swap it fro for a long estered test and read. Then punch whoever said you could do that SAFELY in the head...or the balls if you believe in an eye for an eye.

DO NOT go away, please stay. But heed what you read and/or ask and we ll assist.

Answer all previous q s and then .......gear up.
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We should have a section on this forum where newbs can go ahead and run their retarded cycles and post a log and journal and we can see all the negative crap that happens to them, , then we can point to that thread and say "see, here's what not to do... Here's what happens when you buy miscellaneous gear and attempt to run it not having a clue"
I have a clue what I am doing. I will front load the dbol I guess. Everyone does not want test if DECA is better. I am 20 years and weigh 175 at 6'1" dont know why this matters. I got the DECA free so I am running it iregard less
I have a clue what I am doing. I will front load the dbol I guess. Everyone does not want test if DECA is better. I am 20 years and weigh 175 at 6'1" dont know why this matters. I got the DECA free so I am running it iregard less

Goodnight sweet prince.
A Newbie Flame Forum ?

"Post your local gym guru s cycle"...? Agreed.

I ran deca and dbol in 88 ???? at about week 5 or 6 I was impotent, bloated, depressed.........but strong.....greeeaaat. 2nd most depressed ever w a woman when a USM cheerleader stopped by to be serviced as Farve was busy and I was her go to guy....and could not even squeeze the base to part that red snapper s entry despite her urgings.

Like putting an oyster in a parking meter lolololol
Why do you want all that info? Just give advice on how to run this or move along man. I appreciate the concern but DECA builds better than test.
dude if you want help give info. we need stats
you think this is that simple?
and no your wrong, you need test, and no your wrong on soomany levels...
read the threads stuck up top of the aas section.... like first cycles...
I have a clue what I am doing. I will front load the dbol I guess. Everyone does not want test if DECA is better. I am 20 years and weigh 175 at 6'1" dont know why this matters. I got the DECA free so I am running it iregard less

deca is NOT better, and deca has side effects test does not. liek fuk man google "deca dick"
no you dont have a clue what you are doing, and if you continu eto tell yourself you do you will not learn what you need to..

and ps... your not finished development of your endocrine system till around age 25 and using hormones before then can stop or mess up your development for life! using steroids after age 25 is NOT the same as before... on top of you NOT having a clue...
you even sound too immature " i got it for free so im going to run it anyway" ... yeah... smart approach... well lets F myself up since i got it for free...

listen to these words: YOu INFACT do NOT know what you are doing or grasp the full complexity of these compounds, being iggnorant and telling us ( who have many years of research and experience under our belts) that you DO know what you are doing, when we, are telling you you do not... is only going to hurt YOU... like WTF do i care right? its for YOU we are getting upset for... take a step back, read the main steroid threads and come back to this thread once you have and post how you knew all that stuff.. please do...
Goodnight sweet prince.

OK bash someone new. Fact is as natty I got more size and strength than some of you. If not for your "supplements" you would be smaller too. I I'll read the articles but my cycle is good according to one bodybuilding friend so I'll take his word for it
OK bash someone new. Fact is as natty I got more size and strength than some of you. If not for your "supplements" you would be smaller too. I I'll read the articles but my cycle is good according to one bodybuilding friend so I'll take his word for it

6'1" and 175 is very skinny. Even the hardest of hard gainers are bigger than that. We have led you to water now it is up to you to drink. Oh, and your "bodybuilding" friend does not know shit if he told you to run this. The truth may hurt but that is what you came here to get, and now you have gotten it.
Everyone would like to help you. You're a little young for a cycle as explained above, but if you're still convinced to go ahead, you should really consider adding in some test. The side effects from what you're planning to take are not fun. Test will help with some of that. Also get on a supplement for your liver health with the d-bol.

Stick around. Click on a few sticky's and read a few threads. This is a good place for the knowledge you're seeking.
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