dbol + ? what and when ? beginner

Where did u get that im afraid to hurt myself lifting ??

Debunking The Milk Myth: Why Milk Is Bad For You And Your Bones about milk article

About my sleeping issue. I dont get whats wrong with askinh experiwnced users of juice. Should i engage my sleeping issue so I can get most of my cycle. I know there is a price I have to pay for all the juice ai will do so I want to get most of it. MAYBE there is someone here who had similar issue and he has experience with dealing with it. Thats not an anxiety. It is all a race to getting the knowledge and perfection.

Many times i have met with the approach of : dont be bothered with anything, juice will make u grow. Just eat and train. I am health conscious and I am very open for new strategies. Couple decades ago bodybuilders wud avoid simple sugars at any part of the day regardless. Now it is acceptable and even indicated to get em straight after workout. Im here to explore and hopefully to find people who did expermient with different approaches and can help me out with my concerns. So please lads RELAX :) dont make me anxious of asking the questions haha =) its the soul of the forums :)

Rip - get in here please :)

Load of crap. Don't believe every article you read on the net. Milk is great, another classic example of people wanting something new to demonize... I'm not gonna try and pick it apart or argue the point, but hopefully Rip will see this and destroy it. I will say this though: humans are only 'designed' to consume two types of liquids; water & milk. That's all we evolved on.

Realistically you will grow regardless of your sleeping patterns. Obviously getting enough sleep is just good for your health but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The reason what bodybuilders did a couple decades ago is so different from today is because science has evolved, we're finding and exploring new data all the time, new technologies appear allowing more extensive research etc.. We know more these days.
Where did u get that im afraid to hurt myself lifting ??

Debunking The Milk Myth: Why Milk Is Bad For You And Your Bones about milk article

About my sleeping issue. I dont get whats wrong with askinh experiwnced users of juice. Should i engage my sleeping issue so I can get most of my cycle. I know there is a price I have to pay for all the juice ai will do so I want to get most of it. MAYBE there is someone here who had similar issue and he has experience with dealing with it. Thats not an anxiety. It is all a race to getting the knowledge and perfection.

Many times i have met with the approach of : dont be bothered with anything, juice will make u grow. Just eat and train. I am health conscious and I am very open for new strategies. Couple decades ago bodybuilders wud avoid simple sugars at any part of the day regardless. Now it is acceptable and even indicated to get em straight after workout. Im here to explore and hopefully to find people who did expermient with different approaches and can help me out with my concerns. So please lads RELAX :) dont make me anxious of asking the questions haha =) its the soul of the forums :)

Fuck whoever made this, milk is good. Solid protein source and it is not bad for your bones. People online say meat is bad are you going to listen to them?
Fuck whoever made this, milk is good. Solid protein source and it is not bad for your bones. People online say meat is bad are you going to listen to them?

Meat is the devil!!! Lol.

If we listened to every bullshit & biased article on the net simply because it said "studies show..." we wouldn't be eating anything. High protein diets are bad. Too much water is bad. Milk is bad. Carbs are bad. Fats are the devil. Dairy is bad. Meat is bad.

Lol.. we should all resolve to live on broccoli and oxygen. I shudder to think of the stomache pains on my next bulk... :roll:
Actually oxygen is bad too.. Every breath we take is slowly aging and killing us :)
Of course I'd rather die slowly breathing oxygen, then quickly not breathing it..

Everything can be demonized, even the air we breath
Rip - get in here please :)

Load of crap. Don't believe every article you read on the net. Milk is great, another classic example of people wanting something new to demonize... I'm not gonna try and pick it apart or argue the point, but hopefully Rip will see this and destroy it. I will say this though: humans are only 'designed' to consume two types of liquids; water & milk. That's all we evolved on.

Realistically you will grow regardless of your sleeping patterns. Obviously getting enough sleep is just good for your health but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The reason what bodybuilders did a couple decades ago is so different from today is because science has evolved, we're finding and exploring new data all the time, new technologies appear allowing more extensive research etc.. We know more these days.

Thanks for the answer about sleep. My only concern was . If i keep breaking up from a constant sleep will this affwct much of my gains cause i rather to take sleepin pills for couple months and get the results :)
And now to all lads. As u can see its not an anxiety at all . I am just looking to find some truth as there is a lot of contradicting informations. There is no need here for laughing and joking of me. Only fools will follow the masses blindly.
Thanks for the answer about sleep. My only concern was . If i keep breaking up from a constant sleep will this affwct much of my gains cause i rather to take sleepin pills for couple months and get the results :)

Yes, lack of sleep can/will effect gains... but on your first cycle, I really don't think it's a major concern. Your going to gain a shitload of mass regardless. If you can get the sleep in, awesome. If you can't, I wouldn't go as far as taking anything strong that's potentially addictive for sleep. People can develop insomnia from coming off stronger sleeping pills after regular use.

Like I said, Melatonin works awesome and it's not addictive.
Yes, lack of sleep can/will effect gains... but on your first cycle, I really don't think it's a major concern. Your going to gain a shitload of mass regardless. If you can get the sleep in, awesome. If you can't, I wouldn't go as far as taking anything strong that's potentially addictive for sleep. People can develop insomnia from coming off stronger sleeping pills after regular use.

Like I said, Melatonin works awesome and it's not addictive.

Ya i used to take assult and i think it had melatonin in it. U just remind it to me. Thanks i go melatonin.
Test e will still kick in around week 4.

Dbol should kick in more or less immediately.. end of first week you'll notice extra weight (water.)

im acter around 500 mg of dbol . I got some extra weight but i see results in size allright. Shud i extend dbol to 6 wees to finish it when test e kicks in ?
Where the fuck did this psycho come from. He is joking OP don't pop anadrol on its own. That guy can handle because he is the champ or some shit

Definetly go with pct i was just curious whats it about like.
anyways wat u think of doubling dose on test e forst couple shots , does loading phase helps at all ?