You can see really good results with a lower dose of deca on your TRT Ben. I'm running 200mg/wk with my 250mg/wk of testosterone on my TRT protocol and really love it. I'm never going to come off it again as my knees hurt so bad otherwise. You can get away without a dopamine agonist while on TRT most likely by the way - just keep that E2 nice and optimal. I know I tend to recommend running a DA with any 19-nor, but at really low doses I've yet to see my PRL climb at all with a managed estradiol.
Of course, your mileage may vary as we're all different, but my experience is that connective tissue pain while on nandrolone comes from pushing weight consistently without a deload/break. Adding in stretching/warm-up exercises on top of scheduled breaks can really make a world of a difference.
My .02c