Deca for medicinal purposes

I'm a little confused as to why users would hold more water on Deca than NPP?

Surely they are both Nandrolone - but mixed wiith different estered oils?

I hold more water on Test E or Test C than I do Test P... I don't know why but maybe the same reason here???? This is a little deeper into the actual science(chemistry) than my knowledge goes.
The only thing I can think of is that the more frequent pinning required of NPP (or Prop) would keep your levels more even compared to the less frequent pinning of longer esters. This in return should mean less aromatization. Just a hypothesis though. In the end, nandrolone is nandrolone as you said.
I also have arthritis. My affected joints do feel better with deca, but only slightly better. There's also a very small, but noticeable increase in range-of-motion. (I typically use 350 or 400 mg/wk of deca along with test when cycling.)

If you haven't tried any of the newer biologic arthritis drugs (eg, Enbrel, Remicade, Humira, Orencia, Stelara) you really should talk to your doctor. They're very effective. (and also very, very, expensive if your insurance doesn't cover them).
I also have arthritis. My affected joints do feel better with deca, but only slightly better. There's also a very small, but noticeable increase in range-of-motion. (I typically use 350 or 400 mg/wk of deca along with test when cycling.)

If you haven't tried any of the newer biologic arthritis drugs (eg, Enbrel, Remicade, Humira, Orencia, Stelara) you really should talk to your doctor. They're very effective. (and also very, very, expensive if your insurance doesn't cover them).

Look into TB500.
I use 200mg of deca weekly and my joints are juicy, haha. I started 100mg weekly with no help went to 200mg and bam, pain is gone. I also take 1/2 mg of cabergoline weekly split into 2 doses to keep prolactin under control.
I also have arthritis. My affected joints do feel better with deca, but only slightly better. There's also a very small, but noticeable increase in range-of-motion. (I typically use 350 or 400 mg/wk of deca along with test when cycling.)

If you haven't tried any of the newer biologic arthritis drugs (eg, Enbrel, Remicade, Humira, Orencia, Stelara) you really should talk to your doctor. They're very effective. (and also very, very, expensive if your insurance doesn't cover them).

No, I haven't tried any of those drugs... are they worldwide available or just US marketed?

Very interested to spek to my doc about them if they are available internationally...
Entering week 2 of deca now, feel like I am holding some water although I attribute it to one too many cheat meals in between my diet.
Entering week 2 of deca now, feel like I am holding some water although I attribute it to one too many cheat meals in between my diet.

I'm guessing you are pinning 350mg as your original post said?

What ancillaries are you taking alongside the deca to looking after the sides?

Thanks for the update :)

400mg sorry, supposedly Balkan Gear but I reckon it is a rip-off as they don't make 250mg/ml Deca so I am accounting for possible underdosing.

I am going to get some prami after the weekend incase I start lactating or getting ED etc otherwise I am on 250mg Test with .5mg Adex 3x per week.
just personal experience, ive stacked deca a few times and my joints feel better, blew a knee out and was taking about 600mg of deca a week and ortho said 4 months and i was squating (light) in 2 months. ive had both shoulders worked on and they always bother me, ive thot about doing a long term run of deca but im not sure a light dose would benefit me as much, plus you hold water, blah blah.. i wish there was a miracle drug you could take with no sides that was beneficial. like i said to me i think deca cushions joints, and you can get some nice watery gains with a good test stack lol.
Even if deca merely cushions the joints I will be happy... I do not plan on busting ridiculous poundages either, rather I am one to stick to keeping the weight reasonable, yet heavy, but using techniques to build mass rather than balls out as much as I can lift and nothing else in some attempt to prove to everyone in the gym how strong I am. Drop sets, forced reps, partials, altered negatives/positives and the important one focussing heavily on my form.

IMO I think the reason for injury on deca is due to going up in weight excessively, on any AAS really.
You can see really good results with a lower dose of deca on your TRT Ben. I'm running 200mg/wk with my 250mg/wk of testosterone on my TRT protocol and really love it. I'm never going to come off it again as my knees hurt so bad otherwise. You can get away without a dopamine agonist while on TRT most likely by the way - just keep that E2 nice and optimal. I know I tend to recommend running a DA with any 19-nor, but at really low doses I've yet to see my PRL climb at all with a managed estradiol.

Of course, your mileage may vary as we're all different, but my experience is that connective tissue pain while on nandrolone comes from pushing weight consistently without a deload/break. Adding in stretching/warm-up exercises on top of scheduled breaks can really make a world of a difference.

My .02c :)
No, I haven't tried any of those drugs... are they worldwide available or just US marketed?

Very interested to spek to my doc about them if they are available internationally...

I would think they'd be available internationally. Stelara is relatively new. On the US market for about 3 yrs. The others have been around longer.
Remicade is an IV infusion done every 3 months in a hospital or doctors office. The others are shots you give yourself, either every 1, 4, or 12 weeks.

You're OK with giving yourself a shot, right? ;)
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You can see really good results with a lower dose of deca on your TRT Ben. I'm running 200mg/wk with my 250mg/wk of testosterone on my TRT protocol and really love it. I'm never going to come off it again as my knees hurt so bad otherwise. You can get away without a dopamine agonist while on TRT most likely by the way - just keep that E2 nice and optimal. I know I tend to recommend running a DA with any 19-nor, but at really low doses I've yet to see my PRL climb at all with a managed estradiol.

Of course, your mileage may vary as we're all different, but my experience is that connective tissue pain while on nandrolone comes from pushing weight consistently without a deload/break. Adding in stretching/warm-up exercises on top of scheduled breaks can really make a world of a difference.

My .02c :)

Thanks HW.... I'm quite content to hear that results can be achieved on 200mg a week... that was always going to be my starting point when I add it after sorting out my TRT protocol.

Keep us updated with how the 400mg goes Staunched - but surely 400mg is a more like a small blast?

I'm well past the stage of trying to lift ridiculously heavy for low reps, I just want to train intensely without pain. My arthritic pain comes and goes - predominantly worse in the colder months - but it most definitely helps if I have a few days off.

Cheers for the input fellas - all good info :)

Keep us updated with how the 400mg goes Staunched - but surely 400mg is a more like a small blast?

Will do brother. Yes I am treating it like a little blast whilst I am at it, however if the deca proves to aid in joint relief I will certainly run it at 100mg alongside my TRT dose which I am considering lowering slightly.
I currently don't use an AI for my TRT protocol - as the Test Undecanoate is such a slow releasing compound, my doc says it isn't necessary...

If I was to add 2 x 250iu of HCG weekly and 200mg deca to my TRT protocol - what would you say a good starting point for Adex would be...?

I was thinking 0.25 EOD and get bloods to check estradiol after 3-4 months?
I currently don't use an AI for my TRT protocol - as the Test Undecanoate is such a slow releasing compound, my doc says it isn't necessary...

If I was to add 2 x 250iu of HCG weekly and 200mg deca to my TRT protocol - what would you say a good starting point for Adex would be...?

I was thinking 0.25 EOD and get bloods to check estradiol after 3-4 months?

Has your doc verified this lack of need for an AI to be true? I hate it when docs think that they know more than they actually do and get really upset when you prove to them that they're wrong. I would think that even though undecanoate is a crazy long ester that the doses they use would still cause spikes -- which cause E2 spikes.

As far as HCG/Deca use goes, I have not had to increase my AI dose at all. I would do as you think and just pick a small dose and go from there. I would however start at something like .25mg E3.5D or even less and test after 6 weeks. Heck, I'd go the first month without an AI (if you have TRT-baselines showing you don't need it while on just testosterone) to see how things go.

While your suggestion isn't a CRAZY dose, I'd hate to see you crash your E2 because you don't need it at all.
Has your doc verified this lack of need for an AI to be true? I hate it when docs think that they know more than they actually do and get really upset when you prove to them that they're wrong. I would think that even though undecanoate is a crazy long ester that the doses they use would still cause spikes -- which cause E2 spikes.

My first thought exactly.

Every one is different, I myself need .5mg done M/W/F for ease with inj. done Sunday AM/Wednesday PM... For the bloke on my right that could have his e2 too high and the bloke to the left it may crush his e2. But yes, as halfwit mentioned, a good starting point is .25mg E.3D (Sun AM/Wed PM for example) and adjusting as necessary.