I am banned!
Been vacationing in oahu for the last week, been checking in from time to time, but somehow I've missed that beastly man pulling 6x2 plates off the floor. What gives??
is a 6 plate deadlift that big of a deal?? im sure matt can pull that..
I'm not. I've seen it done, by bigger guys. I'm not sayin, I'm jus sayinis a 6 plate deadlift that big of a deal?? im sure matt can pull that..
If he can do it he has my mad respect, due to disc issues I don't deadlift at all. Wish i could, but 4 weeks out of work(no pay) twice makes me shy away. Going to try some trap bar deadlifts after vacation in Hawaii is over
Been vacationing in oahu for the last week, been checking in from time to time, but somehow I've missed that beastly man pulling 6x2 plates off the floor. What gives??
This is the Internet and bros can claim anything they want. We've all seen Matts pics. I not questioning his dedication, but when he claims something like a 6 plate deadlift,which seems a little far fetched, don't be surprised when someone calls him on it.No disrespect to u man , but I guess it's not proper to make fun of a person in that way , starting a thread..
Matt isn't on my friends list , I used to argue with him a lot , he could do or say something stupid every now and then , but propably he is one of the most dedicated members I've ever seen ..
Although I had my doubts as well, I don't think public shaming is good practice. Especially dedicating an entire thread to it.
Although I had my doubts as well, I don't think public shaming is good practice. Especially dedicating an entire thread to it.
Before you climb too high on that horse, I would just point you back to the original thread, the boisterous tone and lack of regard for other gym-goers...
Before you climb too high on that horse, I would just point you back to the original thread, the boisterous tone and lack of regard for other gym-goers...
It has become that big of a deal.
I'm not particularly strong, don't pretend to be but 545 is a lot for me...I'm looking forward to seeing a real man pull the full six pies off the ground
If responding with a different opinion means that, then I'll be happy to climb on it as you put it. I went back and read the thread in it's entirety just now, and at no point did Matt come across as putting other "gym-goers" down. He came across as a bit immature in terms of his mindset when lifting on his "heavy" days but I didn't see anything deserving of a separate thread, nor did I see him putting anyone else down. Please feel free to link me the post he made which made him seem like he had a "lack of regard for other gym=goers."
I guess you felt the need to call him out on his apparent boisterousness. Well I'm not calling anyone is this thread a bit** but some of you have some bit** ass tendencies.