Dirty, rotten old man or GTG?


Community Veteran
I've been seeing this woman for a couple of months. We at no point have had that talk about being exclusive or anything serious really. I can't even have her over at my house when my kids are awake because they don't like her.

I started looking at an internet dating site that my friend told me about. Anyway, to make along story short I've been talking back and forth with a few of the women and they look really good! and one of them in particular is pushing hard to meet me in person. So far just pics exchanged and a bit of phone talk. Did I mention she was hot? :)

So damn I am seeing someone who is very nice also is very good to me in many ways and is actually a really good catch. Professional, well spoken etc. Did I mention she was not hot? ;)

So do I tell the hot lady sorry no can do? Do I give the walking papers to the nice lady I am seeing a few times per week? or am I actually free to see them both? I've been out of the dating scene a long time due to marriages. So help an old buzzard out!!!
When you are looking for a new job do you quit the one you're at before you know you want the one you're applying for? Sure you may be tired of the job you're at, but it beats being unemployed :doggy:

Those internet dating sites are good for random hookups. I've never used one for looking for a relationship so I couldn't give advice on that part. It might be different for you though. These young girls are all whores.
Zeek, if you combine the two you will have a hot, smart, professional, well spoken girl! Have both of em man!
When you are looking for a new job do you quit the one you're at before you know you want the one you're applying for? Sure you may be tired of the job you're at, but it beats being unemployed :doggy:

Those internet dating sites are good for random hookups. I've never used one for looking for a relationship so I couldn't give advice on that part. It might be different for you though. These young girls are all whores.
Word. I can't respect a girl that will have sex with me on the first night after meeting her online. ZERO class.
Zeek it sounds to me like you've been out of the game a little too long bro. These days your not exclusive till you both agree that you are. I think you need to get out there and have a little fun and enjoy being single since you haven't really gotten to for a long time! I see no moral problem with meeting the new girl and at least seeing what she's about. Also don't be one of those guys that jumps into another relationship real quik. Enjoy it!!!
Hey Zeek, coming from a guy who JUST got into a serious relationship and spent a LOT of years playing the field, you are totally within your bounds to "see" two women at once, you just can't ever tell them that you're committed or in a relationship or anything like that.
great advice guys!! Thank you. You all seem to be on the same page too so that makes it easier on my conscience.

I really have been out of the dating scene for a LONG time! The kids are worried that I will find someone and not give them the same attention. They have been through a lot so it tough on me either way.
Zeek it sounds to me like you've been out of the game a little too long bro. These days your not exclusive till you both agree that you are. I think you need to get out there and have a little fun and enjoy being single since you haven't really gotten to for a long time! I see no moral problem with meeting the new girl and at least seeing what she's about. Also don't be one of those guys that jumps into another relationship real quik. Enjoy it!!!

Agreed. If you both have not stated you are exclusive then you are free to see other ppl and decide yourself. Just remember there are some crazy bitches on internet dating sites so be prepared.
Your not comitted to nothing at the moment mista, so go on a few dates fuck ya..then ask that question to yourself...who is best for zeek!

Makes sure the online chick is just that........a chick;)
LOL Jimbo! with these surgeries you are right, can't be too careful!! Those fake vaginas have to feel different though right? lol
Hey Zeek I'm 55 and have been single three years. First thing, there are so many single women between 40-50 its crazy! When I was first divorced I met a great women and just settled in real quick. But then a month later I would meet another great women, and another etc etc etc.. If you're a nice guy (like me), its kinda hard to date several different women, and be less than truthful about these relationships. But I love being single and free to live my day-to-day life without the constant negotiations when in a monogamous relationship. Anyways if I meet the perfect woman I might reconsider. But right now life is good. The online dating services are another matter. ALL of the 40-50 year olds are looking for a permanent mate. They basically interview you...not a good thing. All the women I've consistantly dated I met the old fashion way. Good Luck!
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Hey Zeek I'm 55 and have been single three years. First thing, there are so many single women between 40-50 that are desperate for a man its crazy! When I was first divorced I met a great women and just settled in real quick. But then a month later I would meet another great women, and another etc etc etc.. If you're a nice guy (like me), its kinda hard to date several different women, and be less than truthful about these relationships. But I love being single and free to live my day-to-day life without the constant negotiations when in a monogamous relationship. Anyways if I meet the perfect woman I might reconsider. But right now life is good. The online dating services are another matter. ALL of the 40-50 year olds are looking for a permanent mate. They basically interview you...not a good thing. All the women I've consistantly dated I met the old fashion way. Good Luck!

It is definitely different now. I remember being the one to have to chase the women down! these women now and around my age are the ones doing all of the chasing. Poor things might be worried about growing older alone. With so many guys our age going for younger women it doesn't leave much for them to pick from. I don't get out very often unfortunately. I have these two small kids full time and I work from home. I go out to the gym, a little shopping and that is about it. I just don't have the time to go out and hang out with people and meet women the old fashioned way.

I don't want a woman too much younger than me. For right now I'm going to see what is out there. I'm meeting that sexy creature for a few drinks when she gets of at 6 today. Hopefully I still have some mojo left in the tank :laugh: I hope she isn't a slut or her pic might end up in the the official ass thread we have here :p

I really appreciate the replies guys!
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I find as I get older, younger women flock to me...lol. I am still young, but attract highschool girls atm...which is dangerous for me :p

As for internet dating, be careful. Sometimes you will find psychos who seem nice but turn out to be psychotic in the end.

Do background checks on the women before you meet them. My buddy had an android app for his phone that let him know a girl he was going to take out on a date had several domestic assault charges against her. When he asked her about it she flipped out :D

Research your women.
I find as I get older, younger women flock to me...lol. I am still young, but attract highschool girls atm...which is dangerous for me :p

As for internet dating, be careful. Sometimes you will find psychos who seem nice but turn out to be psychotic in the end.

Do background checks on the women before you meet them. My buddy had an android app for his phone that let him know a girl he was going to take out on a date had several domestic assault charges against her. When he asked her about it she flipped out :D

Research your women.

Crazy women are really good in bed though!! I just won't bring them home :)
I am just joking Zero-V and I did have that happen once D-cal. She was my first wife.
LOL Jimbo! with these surgeries you are right, can't be too careful!! Those fake vaginas have to feel different though right? lol

as long as it's an inny bro...an inny!

Then you can't get flack for trying right:)
as long as it's an inny bro...an inny!

Then you can't get flack for trying right:)

LOl I don't know they say the surgery they get created an inny!

So I met the lady and we sat around for a couple of hours chit chatting. Very nice! Going to take her out again over the weekend if I can find a baby sitter.
LOl I don't know they say the surgery they get created an inny!

So I met the lady and we sat around for a couple of hours chit chatting. Very nice! Going to take her out again over the weekend if I can find a baby sitter.

Good on ya Zeek! Pull out your v and cial mix and get the neighbor to watch the kids