diruetic question


New member
im thinking about doing my first show in the next year and i have never used diuretics before and was told if i am wanting to do well that i should investigate using some. i hear lasix is getting a bit old fashion, whats the diuretic of choice these days and how mich are people using with good results? :dunno:
I can't give you a lot of details, as I'm new to diuretics also, but I do know that dyazide, aldactone, and lasix are popular. Lasix is the best to my knowledge but is somewhat more dangerous.
Id tend to agree with Dr. X in regards to Lasix being more dangerous than the others. I would suggest giving Dyazide or Aldactone a try before Lasix. Lasix has got a reputation for being quite harsh on the body and potassium robbing. In reality though, Dyazide , at large doses can be potassium robbing too.
Aldactone is the weakest of the prescription diuretics. As a mild and potassium sparing diuretic, it is especially popular with female bodybuilders. I've used it and I find it works quite well for me, being female.
There is also Aldactazide. This one combines Aldactone with a thiazide diuretic. This is a lot stronger that Aldactone.

Dyazide tend to be the most popular amongst competitive bodybuildersbecause it is a mild, postassium sparing diuretic. Dyazide works through sodium excretion. Since muscle tissue holds more potassium than sodium, bodybuilders favor Dyazide, hoping that the muscle size will stay, while they're dropping their water.

Out of the three, Aldactone, Dyazide or Lasix, I myelf would use Aldactone. You may get better results using one of the others but do yourself a favour, try them far in advance to your show to see which one you prefer. Don't make the mistake of doing them at the last minute and not knowing what you're outcome will be.
Fyre said:
Dyazide tend to be the most popular amongst competitive bodybuildersbecause it is a mild, postassium sparing diuretic. Dyazide works through sodium excretion. Since muscle tissue holds more potassium than sodium, bodybuilders favor Dyazide, hoping that the muscle size will stay, while they're dropping their water.

Out of the three, Aldactone, Dyazide or Lasix, I myelf would use Aldactone. You may get better results using one of the others but do yourself a favour, try them far in advance to your show to see which one you prefer. Don't make the mistake of doing them at the last minute and not knowing what you're outcome will be.

great advice Fyre!! I wholeheartedly agree... esp with the experimenting first.. that way you can see exactly how your body will react.. take the guesswork out as there can be NO mistakes come contest time :)
There is a down side to Aldactone(Spironolactone), it acts as an anti-androgen. Female competators often use it to reduce the virilization symptoms caused by the use of androgenic steroids. Male bodybuilders should limit it's use to the last week before the contest. A popular combo is half a Spirinolactone(50mg) with half a Lasix(20mg).
Deepglute said:
There is a down side to Aldactone(Spironolactone), it acts as an anti-androgen. Female competators often use it to reduce the virilization symptoms caused by the use of androgenic steroids. Male bodybuilders should limit it's use to the last week before the contest. A popular combo is half a Spirinolactone(50mg) with half a Lasix(20mg).

Lasix scares me! So many people have problems with it.
TRock30 said:
im thinking about doing my first show in the next year and i have never used diuretics before and was told if i am wanting to do well that i should investigate using some

It depends on what level you are at as well. I have only done local shows as of yet. I have never used any of the diuretics mentioned. I just use Taraxatone a couple days prior to shed the water. I have never had a problem dropping my water. I don't about the rest of you. But I don't see the point unless it is a major show. No need to take risks that are not needed.
I've tried Dandelion Root and that works as well. I believe that Dandelion Root makes up a lot of Taraxatone.
Dandelion Root is very potassium sparing as well so no nasty sides either.
Some people however, don't respond to herbal products. I've had some competitors that have tried every herbal form and nothing worked for them so we ended up using a mild, pharmaceutical diuretic. I guess it's really all trial and error.
Fyre said:
I guess it's really all trial and error.

AMEN!!! i even reccommend experimenting with water depletion and carbing up prior to a show just to see what is going to work and how your body will react!!! Why wait til the last minute and chance it ya know :)
i dabble in powerlifting myself but i do know this DIURETICS CAN KILL YOU , along with insulin they are by far the most dangerous things we do , waiting until your first show and then going for it is a recipe for disaster , experiment well in advance with very light doses to see how your body responds and go from there , just be careful
I only use a diuretic if I'm getting ready for a photo shoot or something and i just want to lose a little water. I would prefer to use an herbal form though. I am a trainer as well though so I need to know about them for my clients that compete. I am actually training for a show this Summer as well, I'm the Fitness end of things though, as opposed to bodybuilding.
I,d go the herbal route like you said ,my training partner used to compete and he lost so much of his electrolites that he literally cramped up in a pose and had to be carried off stage,medics had to stick an IV in em .This was 10 yrs ago lasix is nasty stuff.....
70w30 said:
I,d go the herbal route like you said ,my training partner used to compete and he lost so much of his electrolites that he literally cramped up in a pose and had to be carried off stage,medics had to stick an IV in em .This was 10 yrs ago lasix is nasty stuff.....

Yep, Lasix scares me big time!
70w30 said:
Good luck with your show.............:)

Thanks sweetie! I just have to keep my shoulders healthy! I have some problems with my shoulders from my competitive gymnastics days and it makes a lot of the fitness routine holds quite difficult to do sometimes.
70w30 said:
Your welcome ......:)
Do you have bad rotator cuffs?

My left shoulder is really bad. I guess it's from all the popping motions in gymnastics. I guess the falling on my head wouldn't affect my rotators would it...LOL:p
70w30 said:
I hope ya do better in your fitness routines ......lol
Back at ya :p

Thank god for cushiony crash mats.....lol
I couldn't even imagine how that would feel if you did a back handspring on stage and missed! Although, I have seen some flips onstage gone wrong and a few of them, I can't believe the girls actually were able to finish their routines. It hurt me just watching them.