rome wasnt built in a day
If I ever give myself a bloody nose while lifting Ill take a picture to show you all..
The salt seemed tomake me feel better and retain some fluid. -
a 'script for medical MJ - and OMG the quality is amazing!) Good thing I don't have one or I'd spend all my time braiding my hair and eating brownies - ;-)
500mg test-e 14weeks, tren-e 400mg's 10 weeks, run arimidex .5 EOD and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu E4th day. Clomid and Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). What do you think?
I'd run it this way:
Weeks 1-14: 500mg Test E
Weeks 3-12: 400mg Tren E
Weeks 15-16: 150mg Test P EOD
You'll look sick on this stack. Hard as a rock, strong as an ox, no water retention.
That looks real good. What about the Arimidex or Aromasin and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? I was gonna kick it off with the prop at 150 EOD but polishing it off instead sounds good, maybe both ways? What do you think?
Holy shit! I stay away from the boards for a bit and next thing I know my boy DLOVE is tearin it up w\a log.
HOw the heck are you?
Lat Pulldowns I forget how much weight but form was great I got some nice tips on how to them much more effective if anyone wants to know? I did some reading a ways back from Lee Haney his approach to good form it helps me a lot.
Whats this more effective technique you speak of?
Hello Guys,![]()
I am a newbie here.
Can you help me?