DMSO Alternatives?


New member
just mixed about 8gms. of test into 50cc.s of DMSO, works great, appetite is insane strength is way up also HOWEVER- weird italian food garlicy body smell, and my fricken skin "bubbles" and marbles around the area where it's applied. I was reading about using 99% rubbing isopropyl alcohol or everclear which sounds good but what is this "PLO"? I tried to go to but the website won't load. Any helps appreciated. Thanks
injection is a lot simpler. thats my advise. lololololololol also the molecular weight of a hormone plays a part in how effective it is when administered trandermally. but none of them is going to be as effective TD as IM.

but if you must
I've read numerous peices where the absorbtion rates is only bout 25% plus you also absorb a lot of unwated toxins from the atmosphere.

as for the smell thats common with DMSO
and the bubbling well it's only an industrial solvent! lol
As painful as it was to stop using the DMSO :D , yeah right bubbled skin is just the highlight of every workout and smelling like shit to everyone was real pleasant, I separated the DMSO from the suspension using a little MA and then supersaturated the solution and repeatedly washed the crystals after harvesting. I then mixed 33ccs of 99% Iso Alcohol with the crystals- @7gms since I didn't use much originally. Seems to have worked pretty well, then again I'll have to have my girl do the smell test. Any idea on what the absorption % is on IPA? Thanks everyone for the input.
You should take a strong look at adding Isopropyl helps to shuttle the hormone into the bloodstream by passing it through your skin. You can buy it at:
Look under "bodybuilding supplies" on the left side tabs.
Do a search on the web for "finasol" and you will find the proper recipe that includes the following:
- 99% IPA
- IP Myristate
- Distilled Water
- Spray Bottle

Spray the solution on twice a day...and watch the body grow! Still not as efficient as injection, but fairly close when using this recipe.
Here is the "RECIPE" Bro:

Combine these ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well:

- 80cc Distilled Water
- 50cc Isopropyl Myristate
- 110cc Isopropyl Alcohol 99%
- Hormone Powder

Spray 5-10cc's every 12 hours (twice a day). Do not spray on any of your 'sensitive' parts of your body...spray on shoulders, upper arms, quads, and stomach. Spray after a not wash off spray, bath, or swim for at least 6-8 hours after spraying. It does not smell at all! Absorption rate has been tested at about 50-60%...I feel as though it is higher than that for me. Everyone absorbs differently, but do not expect an 80% rate from any transdermal.
You CAN get 80% from a transdermal, you shouldn't talk if you don't understand it. It all has to do with the compounds molecular weight combined with the carrier used. I gave you a link for Finaderm which is a good product, but you can only use esterless (base) compounds for a transdermal delivery. They usually have weights from 260-290 which is ideal for a high absorbtion rate. I don't know why you would fuck with this spray, not only does it look like a pain in the ass, it uses inferior products for delivery and it has WATER. You don't want water in your transdermal system, you can take my word on that. Ity really fucks with absorbtion. You put some water with your powder and dmso and you'd be lucky to get 20% delivery. But hey, believe what you want, noy my money.
awesome responses guys, thanks again for the input. Mixed the reseparated crystals with the iso and that seems to have worked really well- no weird white powder on the skin after application like the DMSO had- I take it this means theres' a pretty good absorption rate.
Skins finally healing on my arms- DMSO SUCKS- skin burns and really bad body odor.
Deadlift: I have used this "recipe" for the spray myself and have had great results. Additionally, I am on Dr. prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and apply AndroGel once daily, which is a transdermal gel/testosterone prep that contains the same transdermal ingredients found in the above "recipe" for spray. If it is good enough to be the first testosterone gel approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for replacement therapy in men for conditions associated with absent or low testosterone, then perhaps the same transdermal "ingredients" are good enough for us to combine via the "recipe' for our own home-brew hormonal concoctions? Please provide all of us on this board the following info for educated debate:
- Your statistics on the Finaderm 80% absorption rate.
- Whether or not you are affiliated in any way with "FinaDerm"?
- Have you ever used the FinaDerm product yourself?
- Have you ever made the finasol/spray recipe and used it yourself?
- Provide the ingredients in FinaDerm.
I am open to debate, but please don't scold me for sharing my opinions which are based on actual experience and pharmaceutical reference based on solid FDA research and statistics. Lastly, I am VERY curious as to why FinaDerm WILL NOT share the list of ingredients in their transdermal delivery system...could it be that they are very similar to the above "recipe"?
I will get the blood level tests to show you. Also, isn't the absorbtion rate of androjel extremely low, like 10-20% or something. I don't really know anything about it, just thought I read that somewhere. No, I am not affiliated with finaderm, don't even know the guys. I will say that one website that sells theor p[roduct, universalkits, is a very good business as well as a board sponsor so I shot that name to hopefully get them the business if that eas the route he wanted to go. As well, no I havn't used finaderm, I just inject, doesn't bother me. I haved used dmso, but it gets old quick. I have seen the blood assays which is why I made the statements I did. The thing that got me about your post is that you say not to expect more then 50% delivery from a transdermal, but that is only relative to the comound your using as well as the carrier. So many variables to look at. DMSO is great for absorbtion, although I will say it is rather unpleasant to use. Like I said, you need to use base compounds with low molecular weights like test base, nandralone base, etc. I know the 80% absorbtion rate was based on a compound with a molecular weight ion the 270's somewhere. As soon as they e-mail me the blood reports again I will post them. I deleted them a while ago from my acount.

Also, not to try and flame you, but a the FDA looked at a lot more the absorbtion rate when they allowed androgel.
Also, I'm in Canada and we don't go by FDA guidelines. I will post some research from here as well when I dig it up again. Don't shoot it down for that reason either, because our medical technology is past american. You spend money to kill people, we spend money to heal them :)
Deadlift: You made some excellent points, especially the difference between Canadian health research and tax spending vs. American...I couldn't agree more, so much in fact that my wife and I have actually considered moving to Toronto.
In regard to Androgel, you are correct...the prescribing literature states that absorbtion is about 10%...although some independent studies have shown closer to 20%.
I am very curious to find out what is in FinaDerm...although as soon as someone figures that out, FinaDerm will be out of business. I am still with the belief that FinaDerm contains the same ingredients, or most of them, as the recipe I outlined.
i also agree that absorption rate is dependent upon the molecular weight of the hormone that one is trying to shuttle through the dermal layer (skin). However, one still needs an excellent carrier to push it through the skin. I have used DMSO (10 years ago) with Tren, and it was darn effective. I have also used the recipe above and had the same results...not less, not more...but with no DMSO stink and burn. I am still very skeptical about FinaDerm's reported absorption rate of 76% (per their web site), and I am all ears to hear the results from the lab analysis.
Still waiting on a reply from them, but they won't be telling me what's in it either.

About moving to Toronto, that's where I live and you'd love it here. Big city, with country close enough for the weekends. As well you can be homeless and still get free open heart surgery. Real estate prices are getting high though, but to be expected in a "world" city.
I am in Detroit, which is less than a 4 hour drive to Toronto, and only a 15 minute drive to Windsor. The wife and I visit Toronto at least twice a year. You have the Film Festival, Hockey Hall of Fame, Maple Leafs, Theatre, a bit of everything without the annoying American attitude (bloated egos, selfishness, wastefull, etc.). The only sticking point is your economy...otherwise we would move their today! Drop me an IM when you get the FinaDerm results...who knows, maybe I will be a Finaderm convert! Thanks again Deadlift...much appreciated. By the way...have you gotten anyone from the States to ship you the oil you needed?
No. nobody wants to help me out, but the company said by the end of this month he will be shipping to canada. I still havn't gotten those blood reports, maybe they have a new e-mail addy?

I just recieved finaderm, but the instructions are not very clear. what would be the best way to prepare 1 10ml vial of equipoise(200mg/ml)? I want to be able to use the steroid over a course 5 weeks( 200mg per week)..any help woould be appreciated.