DNP log (starting tomorrow, last minute advice?)

well shit why not just start injecting synthol? I mean if your going to go the instant gratification route. DNP is for lazy people. Do the fxcking work like a man! Things that come easy are not worth it. Instead of looking for the easy way out. Why not challenge yourself build your will power dial in your diet. Unless your already under 10% and trying to burn the last few points off with a quick run like 10 days max. then like Halfwit said you will rebound and will have poisoned yourself for mediocre results. I hate mediocre it makes me angry.

sorry to hear that hulk, I'm sure I wouldn't like you when you're angry and all but your opinion isn't the most revolutionary one on earth that has never been spoken. It's your opinion tho and that's fine, just don't push it on me. If it's not right for you, good dont use it, but don't come in here bossing me around like you make decisions for me. You think I won't keep gaining and keep the weight off? good, one more person that will be wrong. Take care.
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well shit why not just start injecting synthol? I mean if your going to go the instant gratification route. DNP is for lazy people. Do the fxcking work like a man! Things that come easy are not worth it. Instead of looking for the easy way out. Why not challenge yourself build your will power dial in your diet. Unless your already under 10% and trying to burn the last few points off with a quick run like 10 days max. then like Halfwit said you will rebound and will have poisoned yourself for mediocre results. I hate mediocre it makes me angry.

Comparing synthol to
with the amount of bodyfat you have on you you could have had the same results with just diet and exercise alone..

your adding a compound, a dangerous one, to your body for no reason at this point.. i dont get it??
Comparing synthol to

Shoosh some people have real life experience something you dont know anything about..... Did you not say and still stand by your statement tren is more damaging than DNP? Thank you case closed
sorry to hear that hulk, I'm sure I wouldn't like you when you're angry and all but your opinion isn't the most revolutionary one on earth that has never been spoken. It's your opinion tho and that's fine, just don't push it on me. If it's not right for you, good dont use it, but don't come in here bossing me around like you make decisions for me. You think I won't keep gaining and keep the weight off? good, one more person that will be wrong. Take care.

Alright I'll take that. What I really meant if you sift through all the tren induced rage is that DNP should not be used for the reason you are using it. It can be a useful tool for someone already in shape and in single digits wanting to get freaky grainy and cut. But these are people that have obviously disciplined themselves to do thing correctly and they already have the will power and knowledge to not cook themselves on DNP.

You can do whatever you want, I don't really care but the majority of the people I network with including at least one pro who is my prep coach share the same view point on it as I do. And yes if you are using DNP for a quick fix to go from 20% bf to 10% then yes it is in the same class of drugs as synthol. But whatever I don't know what I'm talking about. I just won my last show, but like I said I don't know shit.
thread isn't really about what dnp should/should not be used for, just my experience with it... I appreciate the more level headed response and like others who have voiced similar opinion, they are duly noted. We disagree obviously. I have been on a strict keto/carb cycle diet for quite awhile before DNP and lost a lot naturally, DNP is helping me get where I want to be a bit faster. I keep very good records of my macros, understand my maint cals and understand how to calculate my new maint cals after losing weight. I don't see how I would end up gaining weight back if I reduce my maintenance cals to appropriate levels and continue keto/carb cycling with lifting and cardio.

You guys might not like it, but the facts are I'm losing and have lost an insane amount of weight in the last 6 months and have put on/toned a lot of muscle in the process. I don't see a logical argument for putting weight back on being made other than you guys think I'm an uncontrollable uneducated fatty who thinks DNP will cure all of my life problems, which is simply not the case. Regardless of what your impression of me is over the internet, I'm likely one of the strongest, consistent, dedicated people you'd ever meet. The reason I was overweight was mostly due to simply not caring about my physique at all as well as struggling with a blood anemia disorder. I have had a very successful career of being self employed and that took 100% of my energy and focus, now that I've far surpassed my goals I can afford to work about 2 months out of the year and from home at that so I have a LOT of free time to focus on lifting at home, dieting, research, etc... Once I focus in on something I will master it and I am focused on improving my physique right now.

Anyways thanks for the input, hopefully we won't have to address this again in the thread. I will likely be posting before and afters, maybe even of my entire progress start to finish, but am still trying to figure out how to blur tattoos and distinctive marks on body, It's difficult because most of my body with a shirt off is covered in one or the other, with shirt shots are easily post-able though.

I now care about my physique, so consider it handled, will never lose what I have built again barring an injury or something uncontrollable.
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may 21 day 9
- Dose 500 mg
taken 250 9am 250 8pm

Feel good this morning but tired as a sack of rocks. I sleep DEEP on DNP, this stuff is like taking a hand full of ambien to me. About 2 hours after taking a dose I'm so groggy I can pretty much sleep anywhere.

Wen't to do stuff with family all day for son's birthday so wasn't planning on doing 500 total today. Had a piece of Bday cake after my salad dinner and that was the first desert I've had in probably a month. I made sure to hit the gym about an hour later and CRUSHED a workout. Felt great, especially on cardio for some reason. I was running faster than normal for longer (maybe glycogen boost from cake?.) Elbow injury still bothersome but the preparation H has made a noticeable difference in mobility. Weighed in at 279 so slowly increasing what I assume is water weight.

Got home from gym, took shower, everyone was starting bon fire outside so I decided to go for it and dropped another 250mg. Wen't outside with everyone for a bit, came back in a half hour later and was just done. I swear this stuff makes me SLEEP deep. I am going to miss how easy I pass out once this cycle is up.
may 22 day 10

- Dose 500
taken 250 9am 250 7pm

Woke up wrecked this morning around 7:30, felt drained. I slept so deep I didn't drink much water through the night so I chugged some first thing, had some eggs around 9 and dropped first dose of the day. noon rolled around and I was just spent again, laid down and passed out for an hour and a half nap. Sleep feels so good on this stuff. Have stuff to do around the house, hoping to get done in time to hit the gym before date night with wife. Will likely drop another 250.

This story is relevant so bear with me on the tangent. Last week I was on 250, it was the day I did the carb refeed meal. That day I was cleaning, treating and skimming my pool. It was sunny and hot so I was outside with no shirt doing yard work and I was pouring chlorine and shock in the pool while in it and skimming. I got out, rinsed off and we wen't to dinner. I ate a mild carb meal and as we were leaving on the car ride home my body really heated up (as many people have reported will happen) my body broke out in red rash over my arms, back and legs and the rash was hot and itchy. I THOUGHT at the time this was due to being in the sun and rolling in chlorine in the pool and it was just a sensitive sun burn. It was actually from the DNP. Here is why I think that...
Ended up having to do a bunch of work tonight so didn't get a workout, wen't to dinner with wife so took another 250 (500 total). I ordered a steak and veggie dish and didn't eat any carbs, BUT the damn steak was fried and battered and came with mashed potatoes as well, damn thing was $40 so I'll be damned If I'm not gonna eat it and we were in a hurry to get to a comedy show. I ate the steak and had a bite or two of the mashed potatoes, under 30 carbs/day other than that refeed last week and the piece of b-day cake yesterday. By the time we got to the downstairs comedy club area my body was on fire, the rash started coming back and the itches came. It was hot. This is FINALLY the sensation everyone was describing DNP to be like. Every log I've read tells of insane heat that only a fan can relieve and this feels about like all those descriptive logs. I have not felt these feels at all in the last 10 days other than when eating carbs. It is 1 1/2 hours since I first heated up and got the rash and itches and I am completely cooled down now and have no rash or itchiness. I did not take a benadryl or anything. I think my body was trying to burn up and get those carbs the fuk out and for some reason my skin doesn't react to it so well. I am not allergic to DNP as I'm 100% good without carbs, I just can't handle eating carbs on this, it's also a good confirmation that I've been sticking to my keto diet really well since I've only felt this heat on two occasions which I knew and was planning on eating carbs. Anyways, my take away from this is 500mg/day is like NOTHING if you eat less than 30g carbs/day, but if you want to go eat some bottomless fries at the buffet you had better have a fan ready to go.
may 23 day 11
- Dose 5

Woke up feeling sick, think it's allergies, very stuffy and my ear feels sore. Sweat like crazy last night but seemed like a cold sweat. Feel horrible and drained though this is all allergy related not DNP related. Wife wants to go to cedar point and leave the kids but seems like a horrible idea since I'm not feeling good and I have a crap immune system so I can't imagine I'll be getting better soon. will only take 250 today so my body can hopefully have a a better chance of healing.

no sides to speak of, just sick. arrived at hotel and going to bed. Have been taking Ibuprofen and allegro with no problem mixing with DNP.
may 23 day 11
- Dose 5

Woke up feeling sick, think it's allergies, very stuffy and my ear feels sore. Sweat like crazy last night but seemed like a cold sweat. Feel horrible and drained though this is all allergy related not DNP related. Wife wants to go to cedar point and leave the kids but seems like a horrible idea since I'm not feeling good and I have a crap immune system so I can't imagine I'll be getting better soon. will only take 250 today so my body can hopefully have a a better chance of healing.

no sides to speak of, just sick. arrived at hotel and going to bed. Have been taking Ibuprofen and allegra with no problem mixing with DNP.
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may 24 day 12
- Dose 500 mg 250 11am 250 10pm

Feel a bit better today so we're going to go in to cedar point park, I still feel like crap but don't want to make a horrible vacation and complain or drag ass so I'm just going to continue ibuprofen and allergy meds.

turned out to be a great day, weather is good, did all kinds of stuff and had a great time, though I'm positive I'll be feeling this in the morning. running around like this is going to do no good for my healing. I've been trying to stay hydrated all day but I'm sweating like crazy and my skin is secreting thick sticky stuff, it's like I'm sweating fat out or something lol I know that's probably not possible but it sure seems like it's happening. I was so sticky I was wearing a dog tag necklace and my wife slapped it, it flew up and slapped me in the forehead, it stuck there for about a full minute as we laughed about it and probably would have staid the entire day had I not yanked it off my head. She also noticed the whites of my eyes have turned DNP yellow, that bright neon yellow look. We took a picture of it and I'll post it if the yellow actually showed in the pic. I researched a bit and this seems common enough and not a sign a liver toxicity so I'm not too concerned about it. I feel good otherwise. we are going to drive home tonight hoping to arrive around midnight. Dropped 2nd dose at 11pm when we stopped for some late night food.
may 24 day 12
- Dose 500 mg 250 11am 250 10pm

Feel a bit better today so we're going to go in to cedar point park, I still feel like crap but don't want to make a horrible vacation and complain or drag ass so I'm just going to continue ibuprofen and allergy meds.

turned out to be a great day, weather is good, did all kinds of stuff and had a great time, though I'm positive I'll be feeling this in the morning. running around like this is going to do no good for my healing. I've been trying to stay hydrated all day but I'm sweating like crazy and my skin is secreting thick sticky stuff, it's like I'm sweating fat out or something lol I know that's probably not possible but it sure seems like it's happening. I was so sticky I was wearing a dog tag necklace and my wife slapped it, it flew up and slapped me in the forehead, it stuck there for about a full minute as we laughed about it and probably would have staid the entire day had I not yanked it off my head. She also noticed the whites of my eyes have turned DNP yellow, that bright neon yellow look. We took a picture of it and I attached it on this post, the yellow was much more noticeable in person, haven't checked to see if it's worse today yet. I researched a bit and this seems common enough and not a sign a liver toxicity so I'm not too concerned about it. I feel good otherwise. we are going to drive home tonight hoping to arrive around midnight. Dropped 2nd dose at 11pm when we stopped for some late night food.
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Rashes are typical if you're not consuming enough water to dilute your sweat. The toxins in your sweat are often delicious to bacteria, which tends to irritate the skin, and can make for some interesting body odor. Up that water intake, and see if they don't go away. :)
Rashes are typical if you're not consuming enough water to dilute your sweat. The toxins in your sweat are often delicious to bacteria, which tends to irritate the skin, and can make for some interesting body odor. Up that water intake, and see if they don't go away. :)

thanks for the tip, they never stuck around for more than a couple hours so can't try that out, but will definitely keep that in mind in the future...