Do you find steroids make you more emotional?


The band I posted prophets of rage is a collaboration of rage against the machine and cypress hill

They make some good political points with their music.
Since ww2 the US has pretty much started every war we***8217;ve been in. Planes didn***8217;t bring those buildings down, study Newton***8217;s laws that building fell in like 9-12 seconds, it fee fell and that would of been impossible. The planes we***8217;re devastating yes but the buildings were designed for that type of scenario. Also research building 7 why did that collapse hours later and land in its footprint just like the trade centers.
hey Annon man, you have to do something about your avatar, everytime i see that paradisaical bush, i want to burrrrry my nose in it. oh the smell of it! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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this thread has gone over 9 pages, is this a steroid forum or a whatever you all are talking about?
take it to the general chat area and let OP get back with his cycle guys. if hes still around.

The question that started this thread was stupid anyway. Have fun
This is like saying you're not a racist because you talked to a black guy. Just fucking dumb in my opinion

You a true fullblood idiot lol...
I've lived with an american, who's told me about the no go zones that both you and anon claims doesn't exists at all in USA (what a fucking joke in itself...)
Then you get mad I have so much knowledge....
And then your final comeback to this is that I have no knowledge...

Never go full retard bro.
American started wars? Lol. That's offensive......offensive attack bro. Like we start all these wars? The one you're referring to was given the green light by a lethal attack on us. And how about pearl harbour? I dont know man. You say we start the wars and pretend to care about our soldiers?!? Tell me that isnt what you said......its exactly what you said.
And yes I can read. And yes I can look up shit articles where the author is as narrow minded and simple as you appear to be......but what's the point? We like our country.....many of us love it. Perhaps patriotism is absent in your country? Guess it makes sense. Your country is not on top of the money or the power lists.....nothing to be proud of? Sad

There is no such thing as your right not to be offended, especially not by words. Or are you selective with freedom of speech, it only applies within USA? Stop being a fucking retard.

So tell me...What type of list do you want?
American started conflicts and wars?
Wars america has been involved in?
Shall I exclude or include the times you've gone to war without congressional approval?
I can give you more lists but i'm curious how hard you want to get buttfucked here :)

You created al qaeda, them retaliating against your first action to have them slaughtered doesn't really fucking count in the broader spectrum? USA's actions had consequences, WOW WHAT A SHOCKER....
I agree with many of your views santa...... but you talk too damn much and end up saying stupid shit. I get so lost in the flood of weird shit. I'll touch on a couple things real quick. You say that we started these wars then you say we entered them late? You say we are bullies but then you say we dont enter wars until it involves us? And what's up with the pledge making sheep of us? How the fuck does reciting a pledge of allegiance to your country make you a slave to it? It's a simple thing to help show our youth something about patriotism......something you need a strong lesson in.
We can go on and on measuring cocks here with "this stat says this and this stat says that" but no matter what measurement you use to grade a country on I find the us ranked fairly high.....if not at the top. Where is Sweden? Somehow doing it better but going unnoticed perhaps? Maybe that's cuz you guys dont get involved. What kind of chicken shit country does as you said and chosen not to get involved in a WORLD war because you "lose either way"? Seriously? Maybe you could help. Or is your military that pathetic? Maybe had ya joined up with the good ole USA then you could've helped out the winning side and made an even closer friend.

At the end of the day it seems you talk out of both sides of your mouth. Like everyone else your people worship us, by your own admission, yet you somehow harbor horrific hate for us. You say things that I can not tolerate a foreigner saying about my country. Sorry bro.....loyalty is an admirable trait. You bash my country and I am going to talk back....sometimes with too much passion. But in your defense, I cant really expect you to understand where I'm coming from, you only half heartedly defend your own country.
Back to your pathetically exhausting list of things we are number one in.........if we are the fattest country then we are obviously the one eating the most and doing the least. The redundancy is boring. It's like saying that the entire McDonald's menu is unhealthy and then listing every item on the menu. Comical really :)

Lots to address in these posts. Time for bed. I'll get back with ya later bro

I have replied to both you an anon attacking FACTS and you've both replied with emotions, attacking my character, calling me a liar and making up facts.... and when I finally had enough and proved everything, even with american sources, i'm suddenly talking to much and in a flood of weird shit?
How about you man the fuck up and say... Santa, you were right all along, I have been delusional because of the early indoctrination that happens at a young youth, to create mindless workers that just have it good enough to not question why their government is buttfucking them on a regular basis.
Or even better yet... How about you refute ANYTHING of what I've posted with verifiable links and statistics? Ohh, can't.

And if you don't know the true history about the pledge of allegiance, than you are simply ignorant and that's in no way my fault.

I'm sure you find it high, just as your own searched doesn't even show you top ten. And my argument has never been USA vs Sweden, that's your doing. I've said there's no metric that supports USA is the best at anything but shit things.
Have you tried google swedish inventions and history?
Why should we have been involved in that war, or any war for that matter, even though we frequently fight alongside US troops in most global conflicts....? You refused to be part of the war yourself so the hypocrisy is real... Ohh, yeh you joined but after what event? And for what reason? Never go full retard, especially with not even basic history knowledge.

Your inability to differentiate subjects and opinions and have the world in absolute extremes in black and white must be a fucking horrible way to live life, but I guess it does shelter you and creates a bubble of "WE'RE THE BEST".
Latestart, you are a pathetic joke of a human being and i've lost all respect for you in this thread.
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this thread has gone over 9 pages, is this a steroid forum or a whatever you all are talking about?
take it to the general chat area and let OP get back with his cycle guys. if hes still around.

It went way to far but you know me bro, I ain't backing down for shit...
I'll defend myself at any costs if I feel attacked or someone wrongdoing me. Specially being called a liar...
Since ww2 the US has pretty much started every war we***8217;ve been in. Planes didn***8217;t bring those buildings down, study Newton***8217;s laws that building fell in like 9-12 seconds, it fee fell and that would of been impossible. The planes we***8217;re devastating yes but the buildings were designed for that type of scenario. Also research building 7 why did that collapse hours later and land in its footprint just like the trade centers.

There's also video of charges shaped explosions and its bit suspicious every single jew where off duty that day.
It was just another reasons to tighten security, go to war for oil and instill fear in the population so data profiling/metadata/face recognition etc would be universally accepted under the guise of terrorism.

But If i would have mentioned this, latestart would have gotten a brain aneurysms. (Plus, I'm not a super fan of conspiracy theories, they're just mostly entertaining mind exercises for me)

I know I haven't replied to your specific post and at this point bro, I'm not even that interested in continuing this thread.
I'll reply to being talked to, but I don't feel like continuing this just to piss people off, regardless of being right or not.

At the beginning, my honest intention was a legit discussion about USA greatness and flaws.
You a true fullblood idiot lol...
I've lived with an american, who's told me about the no go zones that both you and anon claims doesn't exists at all in USA (what a fucking joke in itself...)
Then you get mad I have so much knowledge....
And then your final comeback to this is that I have no knowledge...

Never go full retard bro.

You just proved my point "I know America cuz I lived with an American " are the idiot. Dumbest shit I've heard in a while. Argued against ke then made my point. Lol. Just like me.....I'm not racist cuz i have a friend who is black. Lol
I had a good friend from the Netherlands for about 5 years. But all I learned is his point of view.....not facts
It went way to far but you know me bro, I ain't backing down for shit...
I'll defend myself at any costs if I feel attacked or someone wrongdoing me. Specially being called a liar...

Then stop lying. And attacked first. Nobody said shit about your sorry little country until you started running mine down. Find something else to bash. Stay the hell off my country's back. Just be pleased with your satanic username and move on. Or maybe change your username to "Fuckamerica " and be done with it.
And got me fired up. Congrats.....nobody on this site or in any other facet of my life gets me this fired up. Lol. Good work.

Let's pretend you're right and I'm wrong for a second. Let's pretend America is like the nazi Germany you love. Well do you think that an American that loves his country and loves God is gonna stand quietly by and listen to an atheist bash the country he loves? Not likely. And you are the idiot for thinking that's ok. Somehow you domt see the attacks that you have initiated here. Somehow you are the victim.
You said I need more AI? Well I think you need more testosterone sir. Man the fuck up. Accept that you attacked first. You attacked my country and openly attacked the American way of life.....and even blamed it directly on ALL of its citizens.
You think my country engages in too many wars? Well I think yours is too afraid and weak to engage. It's ok bro. Build a military and things will change. You have no military and by your own admission it has been too afraid of loss to engage in the past. Hahahaha.
If you US stops fighting for countries too weak to defend themselves then good luck keeping the pathetic country you have. All those little American things yall hold onto so dearly will all be taken away. Will you fight then?
You just proved my point "I know America cuz I lived with an American " are the idiot. Dumbest shit I've heard in a while. Argued against ke then made my point. Lol. Just like me.....I'm not racist cuz i have a friend who is black. Lol
I had a good friend from the Netherlands for about 5 years. But all I learned is his point of view.....not facts

You questioned why I knew so much about your local police, so I answered that question with the truth, one of my oldest friends and former roommate is from chicago.
Then you went full retard...

You can make all the excuses you want but even your fellow americans have stopped backing you and are now laughing at you behind your back bro.
I've provided you with facts, you even acknowledged that by saying "why you do you know so much about our local police". I also provided sources for everything else, I posted. Which of none have you provided counterproof for.

At this point, just stop responding and save whatever dignity you have left bro.
Then stop lying. And attacked first. Nobody said shit about your sorry little country until you started running mine down. Find something else to bash. Stay the hell off my country's back. Just be pleased with your satanic username and move on. Or maybe change your username to "Fuckamerica " and be done with it.
And got me fired up. Congrats.....nobody on this site or in any other facet of my life gets me this fired up. Lol. Good work.

Let's pretend you're right and I'm wrong for a second. Let's pretend America is like the nazi Germany you love. Well do you think that an American that loves his country and loves God is gonna stand quietly by and listen to an atheist bash the country he loves? Not likely. And you are the idiot for thinking that's ok. Somehow you domt see the attacks that you have initiated here. Somehow you are the victim.
You said I need more AI? Well I think you need more testosterone sir. Man the fuck up. Accept that you attacked first. You attacked my country and openly attacked the American way of life.....and even blamed it directly on ALL of its citizens.
You think my country engages in too many wars? Well I think yours is too afraid and weak to engage. It's ok bro. Build a military and things will change. You have no military and by your own admission it has been too afraid of loss to engage in the past. Hahahaha.
If you US stops fighting for countries too weak to defend themselves then good luck keeping the pathetic country you have. All those little American things yall hold onto so dearly will all be taken away. Will you fight then?
You keep saying I'm lying but you can't provide a single example of what I've lied about.... You have no arguments and you know you look like an idiot so instead scumbag and make up stories and lies to suit your point of view as to not shatter your world view... Pathetic.
Attacked first? I said europeans dont care about soldiers or american started wars in general, which is true. Even tankman agreed and understood it was just banter...but you? You are mentally insane.

The rest of your post I'm not even gonna dignify with a response, you've totally lost it and are just being retarded for the sake of retardation at this point.
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Then stop lying. And attacked first. Nobody said shit about your sorry little country until you started running mine down. Find something else to bash. Stay the hell off my country's back. Just be pleased with your satanic username and move on. Or maybe change your username to "Fuckamerica " and be done with it.
And got me fired up. Congrats.....nobody on this site or in any other facet of my life gets me this fired up. Lol. Good work.

Let's pretend you're right and I'm wrong for a second. Let's pretend America is like the nazi Germany you love. Well do you think that an American that loves his country and loves God is gonna stand quietly by and listen to an atheist bash the country he loves? Not likely. And you are the idiot for thinking that's ok. Somehow you domt see the attacks that you have initiated here. Somehow you are the victim.
You said I need more AI? Well I think you need more testosterone sir. Man the fuck up. Accept that you attacked first. You attacked my country and openly attacked the American way of life.....and even blamed it directly on ALL of its citizens.
You think my country engages in too many wars? Well I think yours is too afraid and weak to engage. It's ok bro. Build a military and things will change. You have no military and by your own admission it has been too afraid of loss to engage in the past. Hahahaha.
If you US stops fighting for countries too weak to defend themselves then good luck keeping the pathetic country you have. All those little American things yall hold onto so dearly will all be taken away. Will you fight then?

Sweden may not have an army but they do have the Swedish Bikini team which gets my vote!
I have replied to both you an anon attacking FACTS and you've both replied with emotions, attacking my character, calling me a liar and making up facts.... and when I finally had enough and proved everything, even with american sources, i'm suddenly talking to much and in a flood of weird shit?
How about you man the fuck up and say... Santa, you were right all along, I have been delusional because of the early indoctrination that happens at a young youth, to create mindless workers that just have it good enough to not question why their government is buttfucking them on a regular basis.
Or even better yet... How about you refute ANYTHING of what I've posted with verifiable links and statistics? Ohh, can't.

And if you don't know the true history about the pledge of allegiance, than you are simply ignorant and that's in no way my fault.

I'm sure you find it high, just as your own searched doesn't even show you top ten. And my argument has never been USA vs Sweden, that's your doing. I've said there's no metric that supports USA is the best at anything but shit things.
Have you tried google swedish inventions and history?
Why should we have been involved in that war, or any war for that matter, even though we frequently fight alongside US troops in most global conflicts....? You refused to be part of the war yourself so the hypocrisy is real... Ohh, yeh you joined but after what event? And for what reason? Never go full retard, especially with not even basic history knowledge.

Your inability to differentiate subjects and opinions and have the world in absolute extremes in black and white must be a fucking horrible way to live life, but I guess it does shelter you and creates a bubble of "WE'RE THE BEST".
Latestart, you are a pathetic joke of a human being and i've lost all respect for you in this thread.

Your stoned ranting has caused me to lose the little respect I had for you as well. Attack something that someone loves and you'll piss them off. If you came over for dinner and said some vulgar shit about my wife I would beat your little ass to death. Why? Because i love my wife and she did nothing to you yet you said something disrespectful JUST TO PISS ME OFF.......WELL YOU GOT IT.....IM PISSED

The fact do have a good enough command of the English language to communicate how you feel. It's what makes it so offensive. Am i mad? Yes. And I had to attack you to invoke the same anger in you that you did in me......because the only thing you seem to give a shit about is yourself. No loyalty to country. It's why you find it so difficult to think that we would fight for ours. Any patriotic man on this site wants to beat your ass right now......and that was your intent. You say you lived with an American? Well you may have talked to him this way but you didnt come here and do it.......or youd be more inclined to hold your tongue now havent set anything up for discussion. If you were interested in debating you would bring up a topic that wasnt intended just to shock or offend me and ask what I thought about it. Instead you have attacked and slandered and warped facts to try and do your bidding. You've brought up slavery and racism and conspiracy theories and obesity stats. State something, even if it is offensive, and ask what someone else thinks about it......if you really want to learn. You domt want to learn or to have a friendly debate. You want to offend. I offer up your username could've chosen any username you wish but you chose one that you knew would make fun of and offend some people. Most people dont give a shit your an atheist but some just overlook it and are sad for you. Point dont want want to offend.
You think patriotic Americans are laughing at me and making fun of me behind my back? Not patriotic ones. They are choosing silence because engaging with you is silly. Countrymen of a strong country are silly to engage in political debate with citizens of such weakness. Lol.