drews personal progress

Damn looking good bro!!
I'm same age same height just I'm 205lb at 15% bf and I look nothing like that just shows how loseing bf% makes you look bigger and better!
Well done brother. You've come a long way from your original pics. And you're a good dude. Genuinely happy for ya kid keep up the hard work and good luck at the show. What you planning on running leading up to the show? What kinda diet plan does this guy have you on to prep for it?

leading up to the show coarse
penadex300mg/ml(sus by sciroxx) .5 cc eod
trenadex a 100mg/ml (sciroxx) 1ml eod
equidex 200mg/ml (sciroxx) .5 eod
clen 120mcg 2wks on 2wks off,2 cycle that 3 times
and ill be changing some thing again soon,prolly swich to prop and add winstrol

meal plan
6 meals a day
low/moderate cabs
2 shakes daily

otc supps
waxy maize
isopure protein
vitimin c
vitimin e
multi vit
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WOW! You look great! AND you still have 10 more weeks? I cant wait to see how you look before the show. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished Drew, you deserve it!

Your posing looks good too. Just make sure you throw a little more weight on that back leg for your rear double bicep and pop out your calf :) Your legs have grown so much! SHow them off!
hey bro!

great pics! looks like you could lift more than you can but just shows that you don't have to be super strong to be big ;)
You are ripped up drew, I wish you luck on your first comp bro. You have put in alot of work man, train like a crazy man for your last 10 weeks, you will look like a Greek sculpture LOL. See ya bro

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looking great. Can you enlighten us on your cycle?

currently running

pfp2fifty by syntrop,its a blend of tren a/mast prop/test prop
and my own winny/var 40/40

also cycled clen 2on 2off 3 times currently off

starting lasik tomorrow for the show saturday
currenly weight last time i checked 181.2 with cloths on and will be competing at 176.2 or under,i have a few pounds of water to drop and will be carb depleting this final 5 days-i am satisfied i feel i am on track