evansss training log

tman55 said:
either way you are one strong mofo especially for a natty.

thanks bro. i mean by now i should be considering i've been playing hockey and lax for years and started training when i was 13. i think im gonna run with the natty thing since i have the size that i want, now its just a question of how much fat i can shred and one can always do that shit the good old fashioned way.
AngryMuscles said:
so what's next for mr. evansss??? PL competition? BB competition?? bouncer at some night clubs?? model for some fashion thing?

lol just more lifting angry....more motherfucking lifting.

Deadlift 135x12/225x10/315x6/405x5/405x3
Pullups 4/5/5 pausing at top and bottom
T-bar Iso row 45x12/90x8/135x6/160x4/170x5
Seated Row 230x6/230x6
Close Grip Smith 90x8/140x6/180x6/200x6
Overhead Tricep Ext. 110x6/120x6/120x6
1 Arm Skulls 42.5x6/42.5x6

went up in my deads. was able to hit 2 working sets with 405 instead of 1. was able to add 1 extra pullup to the last two sets. went up from 140-200 in closegrip smith. went up from 110 as my last set to 120 in overhead ext and 1 arm skulls stayed the same. im damn happy with these numbers today :druggie:
Winter said:
Great workout Evans - are those PRs? I usually get too burnt after 405 to do another set of deads.

me being able to do a second set at that weight yes. the others im not too sure about but there defiantly up there if not PRs
AngryMuscles said:
ooooooooooooh right......him!!!! yeah now i rem.

yep thats me brosky. im still in the process of finding a good cam to do some more vids on . the ones on my phone sucked.

Incline bench 135x15/185x8/225x10/245x5/275x3
Flat bench flys 52.5x10/52.5x10/52.5x10
Hammer Strength Press 180x12/180x13/180x13
Standing BB Curl 65x10/95x9/135x7/135x4
1 arm preacher 42.5x11/42.5x11/42.5x10
cable curl 150x10/150x8

decent workout today...incline bench felt weak and wasnt up to par like i thought it would be. i was able to go from 50s to 52.5s in my flys. my hammer strength stayed the same but was able to squeeze out 1 one rep on the 2nd and 3rd set. my bb curls got heavier but the reps were lowered. 1arm preacher was able to jump from 40 to 42.5 with around the same repage. by the end of the workout though i was shot and this reflected in my cable curls....