BiggieSwolls said:
Here's what TP said about his AS/GH use on Chad's board:
My PERSONAL opinion, is that more than 4.5-6 iu's/day is a waste. I've seen guys do 9 iu's/day, and some guys go as high as 18 iu's/day. Other than holding a shitload of water, there's no appreciable difference between 6 iu's and 18 iu's.
As for gear, 800-1200 mg's a week of test, plus an anabolic or two, is all I ever do. So, what Dave Palumbo reccommends is not to far from what I, in fact, really do.
I've always known that what most people think of how much gear the pro's use is NOWHERE NEAR reality. I had a guy in chat room once try and tell me that the pro's spend $80,000/show on gear. I added it up, and last year for the Night of Champions I spent $2800 on gear for that show. That's a total of EVERYTHING. Clenbuterol, cytomel, teslac, proviron, ephedrine, caffiene.. EVERYTHING!!
No, most pro's do NOT stay on all year round. I come off for as much time as I just spent on. Usually, off-season cycles are 6 weeks on-6 weeks off. While dieting, I go 6 on-2 off-6 on-2 off. That's 16 weeks, which is the length of all my diets, and I usually go off for 8-10 weeks after every show.
INSULIN USE: There's certain pro's who are big believeres in this. One "guru" I know has all his guys use Insulin in the off-season, and he even laughed at me when I told him I didn't use it. To be honest, he didn't believe me, cuz' he said "You're 308 pounds WITHOUT it? BULLSHIT".
To be totally honest with you guys, I'm not comfortable telling you how to do something I don't do. I'd be talking out of my ass if I said it worked, because I have no real personal experience with insulin. I mean, not anything beyond just taking 10 units with my first carb-up meal on Wednesday before a contest. That's all I've ever done.
I spent $2800 bucks getting ready for the NOC this year. $2800 TOTAL. That includes the GH. The 3 iu's I do, 6 days a week. That's 126 iu's every six weeks, or 252 iu's in 12 weeks. I paid $400 per box, so that's how much again on GH for the entire diet? Whoa... a whole $800. Fuck that $500 per box at 18 iu's a week bullshit, too. Where the fuck do you guys come up with this crap??
I don't mind telling people, because I get sick of hearing we (the pro's) are all drugs. But, like I posted before, the reason no one believes guys like me and Lee Priest, is because they can't get to our size. Has nothing to do with reality, or what we spend, or what we take, or how hard we train. It has to do with what other people CAN'T do. So they need an excuse. Nothing more than just a bullshit excuse.
Forgive me for this rant. But I resent my 15 years of busting ass in the gym being reduced to a cycle or two.
Ever see anyone who never comes off? Pro, not a pro, doesn't matter. You show me someone who never comes off, which is all 'bridging' is, and I'll show you someone who's receptors are shut down, and have quit making gains.
I don't know one good pro, one anyone worth a shit, who stays on all year long.
Personally, I take 12 weeks off the gear, after every show. The length of my cycles, depends on how far away the show is. Usually, it's 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off, unless I'm dieting. Dieting, I go 6 on/2 off/6 on/2 off.
NO ONE even try a follow-up question about "why" or "what". That's all you get.
I've never done GH in the off-season in my life. EVER. And just to be CRYSTAL CLEAR, off means OFF. As in, not ON. Means: OFF EVERYTHING.
I drop from 310 to 298-295, when I'm off. But never any lighter than 295. Do I get weaker? Slightly, yes. But you need to use your god-given brain for something other than counting reps when it comes to situtations like these. (All this free advice, I should be charging millions for this shit). So, you notice yourself getting a little weaker? ANSWER: So go out of your way to do things that you have no clue how strong you should be. Instead of training with super heavy weights for 5-8 reps, go up to 15 reps on all your power movements. That way, you, ONE, give your joints a break while stimulating the muscle in a new way, and TWO, so that you have no idea what weights you would be using at your strongest, because you never do 15 reps on your power movements. It's just a simple mind game you're playing with yourself.
That's all I've done. Even when I was 22 and 240 pounds.