Few Pics from last night....


you see his belly button! What is wrong with it.. I was hoping that wasn't you Jyzza at first! I was hoping the other one was you! LOL i didn't know what to say ahahaha
Nicole said:
Thanks for sharing the pics jyzza! You have nice eyes! ;)

Nicole...I let my face stay up there for few hours before I grew a beard and got the shades so the usual members can see me…I was hoping you would be one of them ...lol...
Well, maybe its along the same lines of test spiking in the morning and those who take 10mg dbol upon waking up.
Chad has said on his board that the gut is due to insulin,not GH.Then how come Prince has a huge belly if he never used it?

Jyzza,how come he recommended 4 iu's and up of GH when he himself only supposedly did 3 iu's precontest?He has also said he only takes GH pre-contest.Only did GH in the off-season once...all according to his posts on musclemayhem.

Looking at the pics I noticed how swollen with water retention his ankles were!
Thats not me in the first picture....I'm in the second picture standing behind Art Wood.....lol

anyways I didn't have time to go and MR.Illinois this weekend and it was in my back yard....
Did anyone see it?
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