first cycle and want some opinions


New member
so ive been lifting on and off since i was like 14,although back then i knew nothing and all i did was curls lol and thought nice arms was what it was all about. Well after a while of getting a decent body i kept getting the "how much do you bench" question. I never new the answer and was like well im going to find out first time tried benching wow! i barely got 135 once. from that day on i knew arms is not what its all about so i started of course working out everything. Not going to lie just about a year ago i started doing legs which is sad. But before i keep rambling on and on basically if i were to cycle being that buddy of mine is about to order a big amount he asked if i wanted to,i know i would run test e for 12 weeks he said at 550mg a week,hands down i wanna run something with it im looking for straight MASS,my body naturally wont pack on fat so worst case if i bloat on cycle i know once pct is over ill be back to real small waste right now i cant even use any belts at gym there all to big. So my question is what do you think are one of the best for straight mass an strength between...dbol,anadrol,and deca? im leaning towards one of these...i know ill be bashed and told not to do this being my age an stuff,but man i weigh 145-147 and no one around my weight lifts what i lift and im lifting as much or more as guys in the gym that are good sized yet have anywhere from 20-60lbs on me,i feel i was givin pretty good genetics i could be wrong after this cycle...and ill of course run a pct my buddy said he would get me adex,and both clomid and nolva for pct

age-20..bout to be 21 soon
workout-one muscle a day beside on arm day i do biceps an triceps,but 2 days in gym, then day off then, 3 days in gym then day off,then repeat
diet-i know this will get bashed cause ive noticed everyone on this site that ive read has a CLEAN GOOD DIET i find that odd but hey that's good to here honestly if its true,me personally i eat whatever i get my hands on as long as i hit my calorie intake of 3000 and my protein intake of my body weight but try to aim for 1.5 my body weight

my big lifts as of right now are
bench-295x3 needed help on 4th rep
deadlifts,405x3 i do em stiff legged to make back do the work
seated military press dumbells-100lbx5

i realize i probably wrote to much that anyone would want to even read im sorry but basically looking for opinions from experienced users on there thoughts of those 3 mass builders i listed which they preferred and how you used them...i will get pics up as soon as i can from when i weighed like 112 to pics of now where i weigh 145-147,please understand before you say i dont weigh enough im short lol i already look pretty built/big,at 165-175 i would look like a monster lol

so opinions please cause ive been watching guys threads like...spear,pikiki,dahurt,hockeyplaya18 and ya you guys have been killing it i read your threads each day,just from you guys ive learned alot and of course everyone elses comments in your guys threads....hopefully i don't get to much bashing lol this seems like a pretty legit/cool site
Hey brother just a few things

How long you been training properly with good diet for?
Whats your bf % cause 145 is fuckinv lightweight brother

Can you list your current diet:

And you realise your gonna get fucking flamed by everyone for being so young (even though i just turned 20 in Dec lol)
And i jjst read you wondered why we have clean diet.. let me tell you my man diet is everything.. i didnt think much of it until i started knuckling down and i pretty much got twice the results in half the time in nearly 3 years ive only done 2 cycles and im 228lbs 5'10" bf 16% (a bit high) but gear only plays such a minor role bro unless you have your diet in check
550 lol? Why not 500 on the dot? Anyway, your diet is going to be the number one thing. Before you attempt to get gear, make sure your disciplined enough about your eating habits. If you can't down 2 grams of protein per lb of body weight atleast (of course you need carbs depending on many factors as well as fats) then you have no business getting on gear. I just turned 18 and am starting my first cycle soon, but I have been honestly been dieting since I was 15! I started when I was 12 and trained just like you. Get a few more years under your belt mainly because you are still very short(maybe you'll grow another inch or so). Your stats look pretty good for your size as well, but you don't stop growing until your 25 so wait until then(I don't wanna sound like a hypocrite lol). If you are set on getting on it though and don't want to get any taller, then just educate yourself for a good 6 months or so atleast so you know what your doing. Don't just take one persons advice either. Good luck!
thanks for the responses guys :)

ok real quick lol...@ok idk my bf% but i would think its low because like i said no regular belts fit me at the gym i guess ill have to buy one, but ill get some pics up,hayesy my diet to you guys wouldnt be considered good diet like i said above i hit my calorie mark and protien intake amount of atleast my bodyweight or 1.5 body weight....i said above in that long post i made ya i know im going to get flamed it only seems normal on here lol. no lol you didnt read me asking why you guys have a clean diet i was being sarcastic on how me an my cousin while reading alot of threads noticed how EVERYONE claims to have a clean amazing diet i just find that odd,basically saying i dont buy it...especially when i see certain people claim there diet is so clean an perfect yet in my opinion from there pics of there body i wouldn't of been able to guess there diet is so clean an amazing. not saying my body is so good

@phatbastard,understand where your coming from

@dbolsmoothie...idk why its at 550mg maybe it was a typo he said itd be 550mg/week for 12.5 weeks idk why,2grams of protien per lb of body? that seems a bit much i could see 1.5 but maybe while on gear 2 grams would be good,only cuz i heard if you intake to much your body can only take so much someone told me the 2lb rule is usually for like bb's or really big guys whos bodys need it,hands down i know it couldnt hurt...i aint going to get any taller been the same height since i was like 15-16 it sucks! ya ive noticed alot of people on here start gear at a young age then tell others its so bad yet there getting ready for there next cycle lol but its ok because they already made the mistake once,when at the end of the day even if they could go back in time they would still most likely do it again lol...ya i know diet is important but whats worked for me is pretty much eating anything an everything just making sure i get enough calories and protein
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Sounds like you have a lot more research to do man.. Don't jump right into it take your time, keep asking questions. You said you have great genetics and are stronger than most your size in the gym so I'm curious as to why your interested in gear when you haven't even tried to see what a clean diet would do for you.. Def want to change your 550 to 500 like he said and 12 weeks not 12.5.. Don't listen to what everyone tells you either, even though he's your friend he might not have the correct information for you..Clean up your diet and keep on reading..

One more thing
5'3" 150 at most doing 100lb DB shoulder press? Not saying your lying but that sounds a tad bit fishy to me
Sounds like you have a lot more research to do man.. Don't jump right into it take your time, keep asking questions. You said you have great genetics and are stronger than most your size in the gym so I'm curious as to why your interested in gear when you haven't even tried to see what a clean diet would do for you.. Def want to change your 550 to 500 like he said and 12 weeks not 12.5.. Don't listen to what everyone tells you either, even though he's your friend he might not have the correct information for you..Clean up your diet and keep on reading..

One more thing
5'3" 150 at most doing 100lb DB shoulder press? Not saying your lying but that sounds a tad bit fishy to me

ya thats true,ya idk if my buddy was suggesting taking 550 or if he was letting me know thats how long itd last at 550 idk,not gonna lie i shouldnt count the 100lb dumbells for 5 reps cause thats only if i have my cousin push them up after i fling them up from my legs i cant get them pushed up from so low so i have him raise them to get me started,technically the most ive ever done completly on my own no help were the 90x7...just recently i tried the 100s 2 weeks in a row but after i fling them up i cant press them from that low so i have cousin push arms up so i should edit that and put 90x7
well thanks guys for all the opinions and for your time,i understand that i am to young to you guys,and im sure i could go around looking at others logs/threads and find things to pick at but id rather not,will have pics up Saturday hopefully of me when i was around 112lbs then pics of me now at like 145-147,really all i wanted to know was what was your guys opinion or experience in mass building steroids of the ones i listed at the top. im def going to go through with this even if i get no opinions on my original question and after seeing alot of things said my goal now is to try to prove it wrong just out of curiosity,im on a mission guys help me out :)
you can all those lifts at 145lbs damnnn im impressed!

if thats you in ur avatar all i can say is DAMMMMM,the only lift thats off is my military press cuz thats with assisted help in the beginning,all on my own my military press is 90x7...bench is my favorite an what i always focus on hard even though i focus hard on all of them...squats not gonna lie i dont go parallel i mainly try to hit my thighs i dont wanna go that low an have a huge ass,i know to some im doing it wrong but what works for me works,i just got asked today if i was juicing or new anything about it,have been asked if few times if ive juiced i always thought to my self wouldnt i be MASSIVE if i juiced,but i def got the wrong impression of steroids due to the fact you go on google an type in steroids an FREAKS pop up lol,i know ill look like a monster after just once cycle mainly cause of my build now and my height...and for deadlifts ya i dont do it the way most do it where u use ur legs its seems the whole lift an at the end u just pop ur back out lol to me thats more of a leg workout which explains why ive seen skinny guys lift 500+ i make my back do all the work
if thats you in ur avatar all i can say is DAMMMMM,the only lift thats off is my military press cuz thats with assisted help in the beginning,all on my own my military press is 90x7...bench is my favorite an what i always focus on hard even though i focus hard on all of them...squats not gonna lie i dont go parallel i mainly try to hit my thighs i dont wanna go that low an have a huge ass,i know to some im doing it wrong but what works for me works,i just got asked today if i was juicing or new anything about it,have been asked if few times if ive juiced i always thought to my self wouldnt i be MASSIVE if i juiced,but i def got the wrong impression of steroids due to the fact you go on google an type in steroids an FREAKS pop up lol,i know ill look like a monster after just once cycle mainly cause of my build now and my height...and for deadlifts ya i dont do it the way most do it where u use ur legs its seems the whole lift an at the end u just pop ur back out lol to me thats more of a leg workout which explains why ive seen skinny guys lift 500+ i make my back do all the work

If all of this is true, then that is pretty impressive. You do have an advantage of being short strength wise. If I were you though, I'd take maybe 6 months or so and make sure this is what you want to do. I have been doing so myself just to make sure this is what I want to do to my body. As many people might disagree, this is a big decision that shouldn't be approached with the same mindset as buying a protein supplement. Once your in the steroid club, you'll most likely stay in for the rest of your life. I can't say how many guys I've known, and some I'm friends with that say they're only doing one cycle. Another controversial part is that steroids won't do a lot I would say is not true. Of course diet, training, sleep, and lifestyle are of main importance, gear will help significantly if you have all of this in place. You can't have one without the other though. You can't have a good diet and workout for 5hrs a day(overtraining) and see results. It's all about balance. If you have that balance, steroids will do their magic their supposed to!
If all of this is true, then that is pretty impressive. You do have an advantage of being short strength wise. If I were you though, I'd take maybe 6 months or so and make sure this is what you want to do. I have been doing so myself just to make sure this is what I want to do to my body. As many people might disagree, this is a big decision that shouldn't be approached with the same mindset as buying a protein supplement. Once your in the steroid club, you'll most likely stay in for the rest of your life. I can't say how many guys I've known, and some I'm friends with that say they're only doing one cycle. Another controversial part is that steroids won't do a lot I would say is not true. Of course diet, training, sleep, and lifestyle are of main importance, gear will help significantly if you have all of this in place. You can't have one without the other though. You can't have a good diet and workout for 5hrs a day(overtraining) and see results. It's all about balance. If you have that balance, steroids will do their magic their supposed to!

thanks for the input man appreciate the time,ya to me i totally disagree with how many people say that gear is like 5%? that to me makes me laugh inside cause i tell myself wow gear only does 5% huh? is that why you looked some what decent before gear now after gear you look like a monster? one thing ill never lie to anyone about is how much supplements help,i love the guys i see in the gym be like man diet is everything,then they tell me there huge list of supplements and i think to diet is everything huh? alright bud drop all them supps your taking an let me know how strong ur lifts are from just your diet,with that being said i remember one time a buddy of mine was taking a PH and basically he got huge in a month i was like danggg man what did you do?! since i just saw him like a month ago an he wasn't big,he lied an said man just been eating good an taking protein i instantly new uh hell no! cuz i know he didn't focus on a diet he has a good metabolism and he just ate probably alot,he later admitted he just took a PH and while on that ph he just ate anything and everything,so it seems to me if you have a real fast metabolism seems you dont have to have the clean diet part,even though ya it would be healthier but i dont think it would effect your lifts to much...unless im a freak of nature to me if you have good genetics,bust you butt in the gym,and eat enough an get alot of protien you will look fine,ya you wont look like ronnie coleman or anything but you will still look good i think,i could be wrong im basing all my answers off of my experience so like i said i could just be one odd person...i mean i think if i kept lifting hard an eatin alot an all that i could maybe just maybe geat a lil more strength gains but not much,certain lifts just wont go up but some do,like yesterday when i did weighted dips by my last set i did dips with a added 135lbs and got 5 good reps,when the week before that i did a added 125lbs and got 6 or 7 reps,idk if next week ill be able to try 145lbs being thats my weight so id be dipping with basically another me on top lol. who knows maybe im getting the wrong impression of steroids but to me it only doing 5% of the work? idk about that one if thats the case i think it would be a waste to take them...and another thing i notice is people who say is oh before you touch roids you should gain another 20-40 pounds natty,depending on how big you are an all that stuff somtimes thats hard for people,i mean ya people say just eat eat eat eat then eat more till you thats a lil much,i notice as my body gets bigger what works is everytime its hungry feed it which is about every 2-3 hours,as you get bigger you obviously get more hungry,but to expect some skinny guy who cant eat much is hard to tell him eat eat eat eat,you eat when your stomach is hungry,my advise to skinny guys would be take some minor supps to add some weight so then your body would want more to eat an stuff and it would be more possible,but this is all my opinions and what ive noticed from just sitting back an watching stuff in real life according to the books i could be completely wrong...i should probably wait to take roids but the thing is ive been thinking about it for probably well technically a longggg time lol but thinkin about it more seriously probably 6 months,and my gains are kinda at a peak...i mean how much more can i honestly expect to lift while weighing 145-147,i was built very small lol an seems to be i was meant to have a small frame but i got sick of weighing 112lbs,im wanting to take a cycle to hopefully get up to like 165 cause at 165 id look pretty massive
well found at ya it was a typo...ya ill be running 500mg of test e for 12.5 weeks...and decided to go with dbol which ill be running at 45mg a day going to make order around april 7th then i will be posting logs :)...thanks for the input an time guys..ill be running adex during cycle,and nolva/clomid for pct
you're ready for a test only cycle.

and i guess you know how to run it and post cycle therapy (pct) to. i saw you were on cycle forum, so you have made some research before to start this thread.

the first cycle have to be the hormone than your body known already=testosterone.

for the rest we will see witht he results you will have, and how you keep your gains.

ther's no best advice you will get here.
you're ready for a test only cycle.

and i guess you know how to run it and PCT to. i saw you were on cycle forum, so you have made some research before to start this thread.

the first cycle have to be the hormone than your body known already=testosterone.

for the rest we will see witht he results you will have, and how you keep your gains.

ther's no best advice you will get here.

alright man thanks was just curious to see what everyone thought and stuff so thanks for the suggestion man appreciate it