From Average to Awesome(Or at least I hope so)


New member
Ok, so here goes nothing. My reason for this post is two part, one is for me to keep a journal of my journey to steroid use. Part two is for other average guys like me that may be considering AAS, so maybe they can learn from my experience. I am planning on posting a fair amount of before, during, and after pics. I do also have some MPB, which has been decently halted by Finasteride, so I will be documenting that with pics as well. I know eveyones experiences will differ, so I'll just be one example. btw I have been taking Finasteride for a year and have had no negative side effects, equiptment still works like I was 18(for now).

I am 33 years old, 5'10"+, currently 196lbs(thanks to Christmas dinners) and I have been training fairly decent for the last 3 years. I currently go to school and work in the health/supplement industry. I am estimating my bf% to be around 14-15%, but maybe someone will correct me after I post some pics.

My diet is ok, but will be completely overhauled once I start my cycle. My diet currently looks like this: 4000 Cals, 108g fat, 445g carbs, 310g protein. I've been doing this for about 3 months and have gained about 11lbs(im not counting the extra holiday 3lbs I gained over the last 2 days). I know my diet numbers are probably pretty garbage and I get a great deal of my calories from weight gainers and Wendys, but I plan on going all clean whole foods for my cycle. (3J's posts got me motivated)

I wasn't even thinking about juicing until a conversation with a trusted co-worker got me interested. I had been running a natural test booster and I was told that for about the same price I could do the real thing. Like a fool, I quickly said, "sign me up"(mistake #1). My knowledge of AAS was limited, to say the least, but I figured a 12 week cycle would be cool. I was told it would be $100 a vial and that a vial would last me one month. I figured I would get two vials and as long is the first vial went well, I would get vial three(mistake #2). Two hundred dollars down and three weeks later(I was told it would take three days), I had myself two vials of "test".

I was instructed by my trusted "friend" that I should pin two cc's e3d and that a popular natural test booster was all I needed for post cycle therapy (pct). Now this could have been huge mistake number three and four, but I'm not THAT trusting . I went home and started doing my homework.

If I would have just followed directions, I would have been pinning 200mg of test prop e3d, and the vials that were supposed to last me two months would have got me through one. I definitely feel I was f#@ked more financially than I would have been physically, at least until I got to the PCT.:thefinger At $200 per month though, I don't think I would have put in another order with him.

So after doing some research(thanks to this site and a couple others like it : ) this is the cycle that I am planning. First, I do want to explain that my goal is to keep this simple. I'm not doing this to compete or to necessarily enhance my athletic ability, although adding twelve inches to my verticle would be nice(I've always dreamed of dunking : P lol), I just want to be satisfied with my body, if that's possible. I do feel like I'm close. I think that at 220lbs with a little bit lower bf% I'll be happy. So here's my plan. :rockband:

8 weeks of test prop/150mg eod
250 iu of HCG e3d starting on day 3 until 4 days before last test shot.
Arimadex ed up to PCT

Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 starting 3 days after last test shot.

I'm planning a fairly clean diet around 4500 calories, maybe I'll get lucky and after posting some pics, 3J will hook me up with some custom numbers.

So I am currenty in the getting some money together stage since I almost spent more money on 2000 mg of test prop than I will have to on my entire cycle + post cycle therapy (pct). I am hoping to place an order with a trusted sponsor within the next two weeks. So until T-Day all I can do is just keep training hard and maybe work on pre-cooking my damn meals :moon:
Ive been getting pretty pumped about starting this cycle. I get up this morning and decide to pull the trigger. I have some other financial obligations but f it, time to get swole. Lol So I sit down at the computer and get ready to place an order and my keyboard won't work, then I try to place the order using the internet on my phone, what a pain in the ass. So I thought the order was placed but I couldn't check my secure email, because my damn phone doesn't support java. I don't believe in "signs" but I was really hoping that all these problems I was having were just coincidenses.
Well anyways, I went to a friends and used his computer tonight and all seems good. I'm going to send funds tomorrow.
Im thinking about changing my HCG to 500ius twice a week or 1000ius once a week from week 4-8, instead of running HCG for 8 weeks. I'm definitely open to any input.
Money has been sent and fingers are crossed! Killed chest tonight and I'm about to take some pics. Hopefully I can upload them from my phone because my keyboard is still shit.
I do want to reiterate that I have been on Finasteride for about a year and I believe that it has slowed my hair loss significantly. The top of my head has looked like this for the last 5 years or so and doesnt seem to be getting any worse. The receding of my hairline however, very slowly but surely seems to be getting worse. Hopefully it holds on until they find a cure, or I have enough money for implants. I just dont think implants would look good with a short hair cut like mine. Unfortunately the bald look is just not for me. As far as all the things I read about people concerned with Finasteride side effects, I have had none that I know of. Like I said, my equiptment works just like when I was 18, no bs.

Well my current weight is holding at 195lbs. I have been trying to add mass for a little over three months now. I am planning on adjusting my diet asap to what I intend on doing during my cycle(minus 500 calories or so). I have done everything I need to do, so now i'm playing the waiting game for my gear. I will also be trying to figure out the best way to run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during this cycle. Any input would be appreciated.
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Well, my funds have been recieved and the order is processing! Fingers are still crossed.

I have been doing a lot of reading and it seems that I have been overtraining for many years. I usually spend a good hour and a half to two hours lifting. I think I may try needsize's 5x5, I just have to get it through my head that that is enough. I just dont want to undertrain on my first cycle and miss out on some big gains.
I went ahead and started the 5x5 tonight. I just borrowed the workout from needsize's 5x5 post. At least the workouts will be real easy to log. I modified his sample workout slightly.

Day 1 Chest, Calves, and Abs (started tonight)
Flat Bench 5x5(195lbs)
Incline DB 2x10(65lbs)
Incline DB flies 2x10(40lbs)
I started the flat bench a little low, as recommended. I figured that I could probably start at 225lbs, but I would see myself plateauing very quickly. I probably should have done the inclines 10lbs lighter each. They weren't hard, but going up 15lbs in 3 weeks may be tough. Chest took me less than 15 minutes to complete. Hopefully this is enough to add some good size and strength.

Smith Rack calf raises 5x15(no weight because I didn't do these tonight. I just did calves Saturaday.

"Killer Ab Workout"

Day 2 Back & Shoulders
BB Military Press 5x5
Side Laterals 3x8-10
Deadlift 5x5
BB Shrugs 2x8-10
Seated Cable Rows 2x8-10
Front Cable Raise 2x8-10
Bent Over Laterals 2x8-10

Day 3 & 4 Rest

Day 5 Bis, Tris and Abs
Close Grip Bench 5x5
Standing Barbell Curls 5x5
Weighted Dips 2x8-10
Incline Dumbell Curls 2x8-10
Skull Crushers 2x8-10
Preacher Curls 2x8-10
Weighted Incline Crunches 5x10

Day 6 Legs
Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x8-10
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 2x8-10
Leg Curls 2x8-10
Seated Calve Raises 5x15

Day 7 rest

I figured while I'm waiting for my gear this would be a good plan to start. I'm going to try to log as many workouts as possible from here to the end of post cycle therapy (pct). I'm also going to try to get my bloodwork done in the next couple of weeks, for reference purposes. Hopefully my gear is here within the next few weeks.

Any input on the workout would be appreciated. Undertraining?? - Overtraining??

Starting my revamped diet Wednesday. Maybe I'll make some decent natural gains in the next few weeks. Posting the diet tomorrow here and on the diet forum so I can get some input from 3J.
its only my opp, you havent even come close to your potential natty,your gona do whateveryone else does,

I respect your opinion BigMike, but yeah, I'm probably going to do what "everyone else does". If I waited until I reached my full natural potential, I would probably die first. Lol
You don't need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for an 8 week cycle bro. Your balls probably won't atrophy at all in only 8 weeks. I'd save it for a longer cycle of at least 14+ weeks

Good luck
Ok, so a little over two weeks ago, my hamstring collapsed on me while playing basketball. Now I have been playing basketball for twenty-five years and have never had a problem with my hamstrings until the last few months. First I strained my left, then after waiting about a week to play again, I strained my right. I had a few weeks of smooth sailing until my left felt like it just folded on me. I went and saw a sports med doc after I had no improvement after a week. He said I needed 6-8 weeks for recovery. Well I'm in a league and I really didn't want to miss any games, so thursday we had a game and it had been two weeks and I felt pretty good. Doc said if I took it easy and wrapped it up I should be ok. Well in my four minute run after a couple of highlight moments and a few fouls, my hamstring did it again and I'm pretty much back to square one. So in the best interest of my future cycle Im going to take at least the next six weeks off of basketball and training my lower body.:thumbsdow

On a brighter note I started my new and improved diet four days ago. It looks like this.

Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3 whole eggs
1 cup of old fashioned oats
1 heaping tablespoon of pb
1 cup skim milk
1 tablespoon of olive oil(when I remember)
I throw all of this in a blender, blend it up, and pound. It actually tastes pretty good. I enjoy it more than most of the weight gainers that I've had.:spit:

Meal 2- 8 oz chicken breast
8 oz yam(pinch of brown sugar)

Meal 3- 8 oz chicken breast
8 oz sweet potato
1 cup broccoli

Meal 4- 2 scoops Muscle Juice 2600
1 cup skim milk
This meal is just temporary until I can find my food a bit cheaper. I thought about just doing another meal 1 here, but I already had the Muscle Juice and it tastes good. :flipoff:

Meal 5- pwo shake(currently 2 scoops of MRI Pro-Nos)

Meal 6- 8 oz steak fried in olive oil
1 cup skim milk

Meal 7- casein shake(currently 2 scoops GNC pm protein)
1 cup skim milk

Hopefully I'll have some nice size and strength gains o'natural over the next 6-8 weeks, because there is no way I start my cycle not being able to kill some deadlifts and squats. My gear probably wont even be here until around Feb 1st, so waiting another few weeks after that won't be a big deal. I've been getting about the same calories as above over the last few months except most of my cals came from weight gainers and Wendy's.

I figured I would just update my training log once a week, so this is how it looks.

Tue Jan 4 Back & Shoulders

BB Military Press 5x5-135lbs(this was actually a bit tougher than I would have liked it to be)

Side Laterals 3x10- 20lb db

Deadlift 5x5- 225lbs (yeah I did these with the injured hamstring. :axe: It hurt just a little bit, but I'm going to wait until my hamstring is recovered before I do those again. Okay fuckers!!!! lol jk btw 225lbs is pretty light for me on deads)

BB Shrugs 2x10- 225lbs

Seated Cable Rows 2x10- 1st set 150lbs, 2nd set 160lbs

Front Cable Raise 2x10- 15lbs
Bent Over Laterals 2x10- 1st set 15lbs, 2nd set 20lbs

Jan 5 and 6th and 7th rested

Jan 8th(today) Bis, Tris and Abs
Close Grip Bench 5x5- 185lbs

Standing Barbell Curls 5x5- 95lbs(last rep of last set was pretty tough. Arms had a nice pump already)

Weighted Dips 2x12(somebody broke the gyms dip belt, so I had to do these bw. I just did them super slow and controlled. Guess its off to Dick's for a dip belt)

Incline Dumbell Curls 2x10- 25lbs(was getting a nice burn out of these)

Skull Crushers 2x10- 55lbs + ez curl bar(73lbs??)

Preacher Curls 2x10- 50lbs + ez curl bar(68lbs ??)

Weighted Incline Crunches 5x10- 10 lb(last few reps of last two sets felt like my abs were going to explode.

Today was supposed to be leg day but I wont be seeing these for a while. Strength gains I'm sure will be taking a serious hit without these.:wallbash:

Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x8-10
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 2x8-10
Leg Curls 2x8-10
Seated Calve Raises 5x15

Tomorrow I rest and Monday it's back at chest. I can't wait!!:blue:
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I am having high hopes for the success of my new diet and lower volume training. I felt stronger and better rested yesterday and today. It could be mental, but I feel like I have made some strength gains although I have not gained a pound, yet..

Since I will only be training 3 days a week, I figured I would update my training log more than once a week, so here it is.

Chest & Calves
(last weeks lifts will be in parenthesis)
Flat Bench (5x5-195lbs) to 5x5-200lbs(easy)
Incline Bench DB (2x10-65lbs) to 2x10 70lbs(easier than I though it would be. Last rep of 2nd set was tough)
Incline Flies (2x10-40lbs) to 2x10-45lbs(these were tough)

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises 5x15- 110lbs(let's keep this on the dl, I'm not letting my hamstring get in the way of getting my calves swole. Lol I went light and my hamstring was not bothered. Calves were very happy!)

Back & Shoulders
BB Military Press (5x5-135lbs) to 5x5-140lbs(easier than the 135lbs last week)
Side Laterals (3x10-20lbs) to 1st x10-20lbs, 2nd x 7-25lbs(too tough), 3rd x 10- 20lbs(rough, last 2 reps horrible)
Deadlifts( : ( had to pass on these, no lower muscle groups, except calves ; ). I did the lame back extension machine to replace deads : P
Back Extension Machine 5x10-205lbs
BB Shrugs (2x10-225lbs) to 2x10-235lbs(easy peezy)
Seated Cable Rows (1st x 10-150lbs, 2nd x 10-160lbs) to 2x10- 170lbs(last 3 reps of 2nd set was rough, but I dug deep, good stuff)
Front Cable Raise(2x10-15lbs) to 2x10-20lbs(great burn, tough, but felt good)
Bent Over Laterals (1st x 10-15lbs, 2nd x 20lbs) to 1st x 10-20lbs(easy), 2nd x 10-25lbs(last 2 reps garbage form)

Finished with tough ab workout

Will be resting until Friday. Then back at it!!
No gear yet, but it's all good. I can't start anyway till my hamstring is better. It feels fine now, but my flexability with it is way down. I figure once I get the full range of motion with no pain I'll get back to working my lower body. I miss squats and deadlifts. It would be nice to get my gear though, for piece of mind. I won't start sweating until Feb. 1st though.

Just figured I would make a quick update to my training log. Diet has been going strong too! I really feel like it's been making a difference, even though the scale's not agreeing. I can't seem to get beyond 195lbs, but it's still early.

Friday Jan 14th
Bi's, Tri's, and Abs
Last weeks numbers in parenthesis
Close Grip Bench (5x5- 185lbs) to 5x5-190lbs(no problem)

Standing Barbell Curls (5x5- 95lbs) to 5x5-100lbs(easy)

Weighted Dips (2x12) to 2x14-bw(still no damn dip belt:wallbash:)

Incline Dumbell Curls (2x10- 25lbs) to 2x10-30lbs(first set was cake, but the second set had me wanting to quit at 5. The burn and pump was sick, but I sucked it up, powered through and it felt great.)

Skull Crushers (2x10- 55lbs + ez curl bar(73lbs??)) to 2x10-78lbs(first set was easy, except for this pain that ran down from my left bicep to wrist. Second set my right elbow was klillin me)

Preacher Curls (2x10- 50lbs + ez curl bar(68lbs ??)) to 1st set 2x12-73lbs(this was too easy so I did a couple extra reps) 2nd set 2x9- 73lbs(Really paid for the extra 2 reps in previous set, couldn't get 10, my shit was on fire!!):destroy:

Weighted Incline Crunches 5x10- 10 lb(my abs were still hurting from tuesdays workout and I just couldn't do it):baby:

Back to chest tomorrow!! cant wait:doggy: