Getting my gf's boobs back


New member
So my gf started running again a few months back and lost some weight. The problem is with her being a small girl there wasn't much weight to lose and it seems like it all came out of her boobs lol. She is a cup size smaller now and we both want them back to size. She asked me for some diet advice and I'm kind of stumped... can't say I've ever had this problem. Hopefully someone can help us with this!!
Haha I have a bodybuilders diet to finance! I'd have to be married before I would even consider that one and trust me I'm nowhere close to that!!! Just looking for that cup size back.
this is a tough one,i have a client I train and she is tiny to begin with about 121 at 5'2" she has curves and is an attractive woman but as im training her she keeps complaining about loosing her breasts-i cant find away around it, mammary glands are majority bf so if she is training to loose weight and tone up imo get used to having a smaller size cup,some woman are just blessed with larger breast and can train and loose weight and keep there breasts.
Other than that surgery or saline injections
If she is on birth control that is androgenic try one that is higher in estrogen.That work for my wife.The D's are back....
What about a soy based protein shake?? Doesn't soy raise estro and it would have her putting in clean calories. Just an idea... are there any other foods that would raise estrogen?
Birth control (nuvaring) and milk, man.
If she's not trying to lose weight and just wants to run for the other benefits, tell her to eat a higher calorie diet. Also, good high rep chest workout or massage to increase bloodflow can create a temporary illusion for about an hour though lol.

Soy and other certain herbal supplements can increase estro, so look into those and try it. This whole thing is about trial and error.
I have girlfriend. She has same problem before one year. She concern best woman Dr. You can search for that on Internet in search engine. Your girlfriend also joining some gym for it.
That's the way it is, unfortunately. Fifteen years ago or so I had a girlfriend who was SLIGHTLY chubby, but with nice tits. We have the same friends, so I've kept seeing her around, and little while after we broke up she decided to go on a crash diet or something and lost quite a lot of weight - which she's kept off until this day. She's quite a fine looking woman now. Unfortunately, it was a total DISASTER for her tits. After her weightloss, they looked like two big fat sausages. Just amazing. They don't look THAT bad today, however, so either she's had some work done on them, or they've adjusted somehow over the years (I don't want to ask her about the details on that, obviously...).

im almost getting to the point where i dont care anymore-as long as i can do my thing too.........

I don't see anything to complain about... I like a nice set, I prefer real, but some times implants are needed. However, I much prefer fake tits when somebody else pays for them. I should be collecting royalties or something for the set I bought.:nopity: