Getting ready for PCT

My favourite Rage against the machine lyrics spring to mind: ``Fuck you, i wont do what ya tell me´´.

What about a little Slipknot or Disturbed Mike while your bustin out 600lb board press, lol. I looked at the bar last night thinking about that bro freakin nasty strong captain thailand!

So whats been up man? Fill us in on the Tren like are you getting that wicked pump everyone talks about?

Peace Beaachh
A buddy of mine was running 75mg of Tren Ace ED for like 10 weeks. Every time I saw him, he was bigger and leaner than the last time. I asked him what his diet was like. He said he had been hitting Taco Bell 4x a week and McDonald's 3x a week.

I'm not saying that everyone gets results like this, but from my experiences (and obviously his) running Tren gives you a ton a leeway in your diet and you look amazing no matter what.

Placing my order:

75mg of Tren Ace ED
500 mg Test C EW
side of fries

Do I go to the drivethru window to pick that up?
My favourite Rage against the machine lyrics spring to mind: ``Fuck you, i wont do what ya tell me´´.

What about a little Slipknot or Disturbed Mike while your bustin out 600lb board press, lol. I looked at the bar last night thinking about that bro freakin nasty strong captain thailand!

Slipknot is cool actually, i really like the tempo changes and the aggression, D Mike, dont think iwe heard of it. Honestly i listen to what ever is playing in the gym, i dont hear anything anyways.

Oh Dlove i hear your gonna need a set of balls also;) GONGRATS big man!!!
Ok so monday is gonna be trena for 3weeks, i started at 40mg ed and bumbed up to 50mg ed at some point(dont remember).

I havent been eating bad food, but my cals have been from 2000 to 3000 the most at most days, yet the quality of my muscles are better then ever, my arms are also bigger then they have.

I have yet to notice any amazing strentgh gains, the main reason is because i cant seem to get aggressive on tren??? WTF!! Im a pretty quick tempered guy as it is(and that is the main reason why i havent used tren before) and i love to get angry while lifting, now i seem not to be able to get so aggressive whilst lifting! AGAIN WTF!!!!

Tomorrow im gonna start with 100% dedication again as i have the time, my diet has been solid for 3days now which i hope will have an effect on strength.

Sides for me so far:
Acne on neck(almost gone now)
coughing sometimes, but nothing too bad.
crazy sweating when exercising, like iwe been in the shower 20minutes in.
No imsomnia whatsoever, im actually a ligth sleeper but ever since i started, iwe slept like a log!
Cardio about the same as before.

So yeah i guess we are all different.

What do you guys think, should i bump up the dose to 75 to 100mg ed? Milky if you want to chime in on that!

Onemore thing! im touching and flexing in front of the mirror all the time:D haha
You like to look at a full erect penis of a wild stallion while chewing gum? Nice finnish bro:wtf:

I bet u did not know I was so good at foreign languages!!! Hahaha I have many skills, bro!
Bummer that u r missing the agression on tren,
One of the best workouts of my life started with a phonecall in the gym from a totally useless employee! It felt so good- I was so pissed I could have moved mountains.
Guess I'll have to look up somemore Finnish insults to get you going, dude!
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tren before) and i love to get angry while lifting, now i seem not to be able to get so aggressive whilst lifting! AGAIN WTF!!!!

Spend a day with my chic when shes grumpy you will have superhero strength!

Have you tried Abombs Mike? Not recommended this cause it's a little harsh on the liver but man I got really reved up on them and strength increase was like no other. However in my experience with different compounds I still love test and test only mostly for the recovery it provides. I still dont know if i want to run tren just cause i already dont get a deep sleep.

I think if you up your calories and really start eating good foods and take a break for a little after your tren cycle you will see more difference from food than any chemical. With your strength I couldn't imagine how much I would be eating just to feel normal easy 5-6k cal range. IFBB pros that lift heavy are in the 8k range that's a little unhealthy imo though. Also try gettin 60-90gr protein in a sitting if you haven't already you will burn it off dont worry bout fat. One can of red slamon is 90gr protein and thats a peice of cake to eat for someone over 260lbs.

I read in your post to where you were worried about not taking tren in future cycles that it might upset you in the strength department cause you already took what you call the holy grail or milk calls nectar of the gods. No way man theres ways around this and it's mostly threw your diet-supplementation. The rest you got down tweaking your training that is. Chinese concotions for experiences bros like yourself apparently works wonders as well.

I can almost say I feel better sense of well being and just as much drive-intensity with vitamins and ALOT of good food than I would with shitty diet and chemical compounds. Now add both good food and test and it's off to the races. Your already in the drivers seat with training knowledge the rest is easy TEST and FOOD, lol. I really think that once your body used to really packin in the cal's (it takes time to work up to) but if you do im confident you will be amazed.

Sorry for the big ass post I had to get it out of my system, lol.
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Oh sorry if you have already dieted like the way i was talking about or tried the chinese concotions not trying to be patronizing man just you got the biggest and best part of this game down the rest is a breeze. Deep sleep will also turn you into quite the machine! Unfortunately HGH is pricey though, lol.
I bet u did not know I was so good at foreign languages!!! Hahaha I have many skills, bro!
Bummer that u r missing the agression on tren,
One of the best workouts of my life started with a phonecall in the gym from a totally useless employee! It felt so good- I was so pissed I could have moved mountains.
Guess I'll have to look up somemore Finnish insults to get you going, dude!

Haha just thinking about you gets me new pr`s!

Now fess up, where did you find that finnish?
Slep sooo good again, thank you tren!

Thanks for the advice Dlove, yeah i know what your saying but for some reason my head has not been working about the whole nutrition thing for a while, seems like my head is locked.

For the last couple of years i have only been counting protein grams per day(ala DC) and trying to eat healthy around those, and it has worked nicely for me.
I read in your post to where you were worried about not taking tren in future cycles that it might upset you in the strength department cause you already took what you call the holy grail or milk calls nectar of the gods. No way man theres ways around this and it's mostly threw your diet-supplementation. The rest you got down tweaking your training that is. Chinese concotions for experiences bros like yourself apparently works wonders as well.

Was this translated from a language other than english? wtf U SAYING dLOVE?diet supplementation? u talkin vitamins? Chinese concoctions - u talking dried mushrooms and eye of newt?:laugh4:
Haha just thinking about you gets me new pr`s!

Now fess up, where did you find that finnish?

Okay bro - think of this next time you're on the bench press - and lets hit some PR's you kusipää! Vedä vittu päähäs if you can't lift that! and don't think I'm no perkele pimppi!

Was this translated from a language other than english? wtf U SAYING dLOVE?diet supplementation? u talkin vitamins? Chinese concoctions - u talking dried mushrooms and eye of newt?:laugh4:

Lol, Damn you lean you should know i am illiterate by now. Supplementation is whats up, lol yeah man i meant vitamins bcaa powder, protein powder etc...
The chinese concotions are real popular out there in your hood, Cali. Very popular in Seattle too. Their mostly used to kill diseases but have such strong antioxidant and other properties in the herbs their good for heavy lifter. Damn you lean, lol J/K
Lol, Damn you lean you should know i am illiterate by now. Supplementation is whats up, lol yeah man i meant vitamins bcaa powder, protein powder etc...
The chinese concotions are real popular out there in your hood, Cali. Very popular in Seattle too. Their mostly used to kill diseases but have such strong antioxidant and other properties in the herbs their good for heavy lifter. Damn you lean, lol J/K

Thanks dude - I get it 1/2 way now - but the chinese stuff - there are TONS of chinese herbalists here - most don't speak much if any english - none look like bodybuilders... what would i ask for? I got a great patch from one once for a strained delt - 4" square - stunk! turned my shoulder yellow under the patch....and cured the ailment! like magic. I have no idea wtf it was! except $9....
My moma said that if you cant get it from food ya dont need it!

Im not shure about taking supplements in crazy amounts, its a million dollar business and i think just like medical research some of it is bs.

So rather then takin shitloads of supps, i try and eat a balanced diet, i do use a lot of whey, bvitamins and c, and garlic. Sometimes something else but those are the ones i use on a regular basis. I used to use a lot more, but out here theyre so friggin expensive as the locals dont use em, so maybe thats all jelous talk;)

Had a horrible dream last nigth that has not left me all day, feel like shit.

Anyways im fed with food now and tomorrow i will attempt a new pr in the zercher squat to see what this tren is all about;)