Ok so monday is gonna be trena for 3weeks, i started at 40mg ed and bumbed up to 50mg ed at some point(dont remember).
I havent been eating bad food, but my cals have been from 2000 to 3000 the most at most days, yet the quality of my muscles are better then ever, my arms are also bigger then they have.
I have yet to notice any amazing strentgh gains, the main reason is because i cant seem to get aggressive on tren??? WTF!! Im a pretty quick tempered guy as it is(and that is the main reason why i havent used tren before) and i love to get angry while lifting, now i seem not to be able to get so aggressive whilst lifting! AGAIN WTF!!!!
Tomorrow im gonna start with 100% dedication again as i have the time, my diet has been solid for 3days now which i hope will have an effect on strength.
Sides for me so far:
Acne on neck(almost gone now)
coughing sometimes, but nothing too bad.
crazy sweating when exercising, like iwe been in the shower 20minutes in.
No imsomnia whatsoever, im actually a ligth sleeper but ever since i started, iwe slept like a log!
Cardio about the same as before.
So yeah i guess we are all different.
What do you guys think, should i bump up the dose to 75 to 100mg ed? Milky if you want to chime in on that!
Onemore thing! im touching and flexing in front of the mirror all the time
