gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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75% 10 sets 2 reps

30 degree incline DB press

pull-ups superseted with face pulls
2 sets

Band Triceps
#4 band 50 reps
hammer curls 3 sets 15-20 reps each
#5 band triceps
75%- 12 inch box
6 sets 2 reps

single leg squats with DB's
Bench 60%
9 sets of 2 paused rotated from pinky on ring to ring on ring to middle on ring each set (total of 3 sets in each position)

85# incline DB's x 12 x 10

towelgrip lat pulldown 145x15x3--->straight bar face pull x 20

shoulder press machine 3 sets x 20, x12, x 9... fukin died on the last two sets, did a close grip, it really hit my triceps more than shoulders,,, i must need to start hittin more shoulders... my tri's are pretty dominate since i switched to the PLer style bench (but my bench has gone up 32.5 pounds since then)
squat 60% 12 inch box
10 sets of 3 reps

trap bar deadlift
worked up to

3 sets-as many as i could, hardest variation.(bout 12-15 good reps per set)
getfitdoc said:
fullcourt basketball
(bout an hour and a half)

going to try to start playing hoops once-twice a week, along with GPP and sprint work.

AM: maybe at some point I'll put up some vid.
Definitely my favorite way to condition.
85% 9sets x 1 rep

neutral grip pull downs superseted with rreverse cable flyes
3 sets 15-20 reps

bicep curls x 15 reps DB Hammer curls 2 sets

Thumb up shoulder raise.. 3 sets x 15 reps.
Squats 12 inch box
7 sets of 1 rep

thats all i had time for, i did do an extensive warm-up

later on
basketball drills 1 hour 15 minutes.
8 sets of 3

wide grip pull downs 145#
superset with
straight bar face pulls 60#

3 sets 15 reps

#4Band push downs, 2 sets 25 reps each
12inch Box Squats

95# on bar +#4 band and #3 band

8 sets of 3, as explosive as possible.

single leg squats

40# x 10

70# x5

55% +#2 bands
10 sets x 3 reps

Close grip pull-downs-160#
superset w/
Rear delt Flyes 20#
x 15 reps each

45# hammer curls
superset w/
75# DB behind head tri/ext.

strong man training
tire flips 15x
sledgehammer hits 45x
sled drag 40 yards forward 40 yards backwards
did circuit 4x
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75% 10 sets of 3 reps

Single leg squats w/barbells
just barbellx10
105# (suspended a 35# kettlebell w/a average band on each side, so the kettlebell was hanging from the band)
2 sets of 8 reps.

those suspended kettlebell single leg squats were hard as hell. Im doing them to help my knee stabalize better. It felt like it helped. But we'll see how the results are.

GHR- 3 sets
1-BW 15 reps
2-25# Sandbag behind head 8 reps x 2 sets

slant board abs w/band
#3band x 20 reps
#4band x 12 reps x 2
Today (saturday)

45 degree back ext. #3 band15 #4band15x2

pulldowns wide grip worked up to the stack for 3

close grip pull ups
BW x 15
35# DBx10
45# DB x 10

reardelt cable fly==superset w/seated bicep curl
6 foot 185 lbs...

not huge by any stretch. my bf%is pretty low..

i've got a couple more weeks then im going to max it all out again.

goal bench: 315
goal squat:350
goal DL: 475
(I am still doing trap bar deads. I know its not really a legit lift. but i feel like i can ME on it w/out beating my back up too much, once I can pull 500+ on my trap bar, i feel like i'll be able to start doing regular deads and have more success).
bunch of dynamic warmup drills/mobility/felxability

25 10 yard sprints
electronically timed. best time was 1.80