gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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JT- i got a pair of gloves with wraps on them, i hate wearing them, but when i broke my other wrist a while ago i used them and they helped. what ones do you use?

Thanks AM
i dont know how to make a box, i suck at construction/oragami/legos/blocks...

I use aerobic steps. Just jack some from your aerobics class.


you can use a bench, if its not too high. it depends how tall you are and your femur tib/fig length.

a box is usually 11-16 inches high (sometimes lower/higher but thats a good guidline).

here is a picture of one with a description. you can make it of wood, but this gives you an idea of the dimensions.

Parisi warm up method
-muscle activation: hip-pop ups, single leg hip-pop ups, straight leg lift, outside leg raise, inside leg raise, opposite arm opposite leg raise, sky divers

-muscle activation hip circuit: outside knee raise, forward leg circle, backwards leg circle, straight leg side raise, knee to arm-pit

dynamic mobility- cobra stretch, iron cross, mt climbers, groiners, hurdler lead leg pick-ups, rollover stretch

Hill Runs

"the incline" (its just a big hill by my house) x1 01:03:72

hill sprints (on a smaller shorter hill) x 3 00:33:81, 00:31:32, 00:28:09
getfitdoc said:
i dont know how to make a box, i suck at construction/oragami/legos/blocks...

I use aerobic steps. Just jack some from your aerobics class.


you can use a bench, if its not too high. it depends how tall you are and your femur tib/fig length.

a box is usually 11-16 inches high (sometimes lower/higher but thats a good guidline).

here is a picture of one with a description. you can make it of wood, but this gives you an idea of the dimensions.

I know that item and it's really good material..but with all the shipping and exchange rate, i'd be broke before buying that
**sub-max max eff legs
-box squat
warm up: parisi method

light sets off box

i am just weak, i dont feel i can even give a true max effort right now, i feel i have to many weak spots in my form.
they have been getting better, but i'll call these workouts **"sub-max"max effort**, which just means i am doing what i can do as of now, my current best effort without risking injury.

rack dead lifts (8")
my wrist hindered further dead lifting

band hammy curls 1 set to failure.

modified GH raise.
(i finally figured a way to do them at my gym untill i can get the order for a new one in). I put a pad on the ground and tucked my heels under the hammer strength incline press, had my workout partner stand on the seat and there they are.
3 sets of failure
i couldn't even do one on my own power. i had my partner hold a band around my trunk to assist me. this HAS to be my #1 priority for a while.

ankle distraction w/band. this shit made my ankle feel great IMMEDIATLY.. i will now do this forever.
getfitdoc said:
JT- i got a pair of gloves with wraps on them, i hate wearing them, but when i broke my other wrist a while ago i used them and they helped. what ones do you use?

Thanks AM

I've got the Inzer 20 inchers. I only use them for my 1-2 heavy sets on bench and then heavy DB work.
fast bench

warm-up-shoulder traction, one arm cable presses

light work with bar.

started with 180=60% of 295
180#x3- these two sets were to slow, so i went down to 175#
175#x3x6sets-all sets were times, and done under 3.5 seconds, best two sets were 3.16 and 3.22 (all timed with stopwatch, verbal cut to "go" and stoped when rep 3 was locked out).

kept rest under 1 min.

DB skull crusher-3 sets 30#x15 35#12 40#8
explosive tri ext w/rope-2 sets 40# 15 reps 50# 10 reps

close grip lat pull as explosive as i could get w/hurt wrist
2x160 x15

unilateral explosive band shoulder circuit #1 band-side raise, front raise pull apart(both hands) two circuits 20 reps each time.

i felt slow on the bench but the times were good, had to drop to 175, It is a different excercise when you got that stopwatch on.
big hill in 01:00:66
3 hill sprints best was 28:66 seconds

focus on post chain esp. hamstrings
rushed didn't have time for proper warm-ups, just did light sets

good morning squats
worked up to 145# 2 sets of 8

one leg romanian dead lift.
3 sets x 12 20# DB

cable pull through.
3 sets

180? hypers
4 sets 15 reps worked on explosion and static contraction on last few reps.

annoying... i moved this week, time is low
max bench

warmup shoulder traction, one arm cable presses....

worked up to 300 missed 2 x. I'm slow off the bottom. I controlled the weight, it didn't come down on me. I'll get it soon.

then i did 1 set w/225#+1 set of 5/8 chain. 1 rep as explosive as possible.
then i did concentric method rack presses w/ 185# sets of 10 and 8. I rested the barbell on the bar completely, then exploded it up as much as i could. it was 3" off my chest.

Then did Triceps, worked that one press where you are in bench position and you bring the bar a couple inches above your eyes.
115#x10 <---these bothered my wrist a little bit, but i like them. once my wrist is better i'll add these in w/more weight.

Then i attached my chains to kettlegrips and did overhead tricep extentions, followed by overhead shoulder presses. I really liked these two.

did 4 sets each. 15 reps. always working on exploding.

finished moving, i worked out to expel the stress in my life. so i may not have hit a new pr or followed a good template, but i felt great when i was done.
i am kinda having some low back issues right now. i had to move (mold damage in shower) and i still haven't got my temperpedic bed moved, so my back is a little off, so i will not be pushing it too hard with stuff till its feeling good again.

legs light, fast.

warmed up, lbextentions, some bodyweight squats... i forget what else.......
box squats 14" box...
135+#2 band first 2x15
135+#2band+1 set chains x5repsx8sets
i'm weak at the bottome, i am just trying to work form and be fast.

GMS- just the bar and #2 band. worked on being fast and keeping shins past perpindicular. 4 sets of 15 reps.

abs on slant board withh 2 #1 bands on shoulders. 3 sets, 15, 12,10... not much rest and very explosive.

low back traction w/#3 bands... LB traction is so relaxing i almost fell asleep at the gym.

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lot of good warmups shoulder traction, one arm cable shit...etc...

kept the bar light used a #1 band

worked a few light sets then

135#+#1 band. 5 sets of 10 reps
i paused the reps and held the lockout for a second.

then i did the tricep movement wheere you setup like a bench press and bring the bar to your face (JT press???)
4 sets--65#x15, 85#+#1 bandx12x3

one arm kettlegrip #3 band tricep press downs.
3 sets 15 reps.

two arm kettlegrip#3 band shoulder presses (elbows tight shoulder in sockets)
3 sets 12, 12, 10.

pull aparts #2 band 2 3 sets of 15

felt fast today. the weight was light so....
i hate kettlegrips for weights, but i love them with bands and chains.
did sled pulls on sunday... was hard as shit. 3 forward pulls, 3 backwards pulls 2 bear crawls. i used 3 plates. 135+sled(18#)?150#

then i did another bench day on monday.. (new schedule.)

did a rep day, lighter work. nothing to really note. worked with two boards a little bit, just for the hell of it. did a few sets with 225 using 2 boards. worked some high rep tris with it.
leg day.

thought i'd try a lightened method. Seeing as how i need to learn to be more explosive. I wanted to see how it felt.

bunch of warmup shit...
used#3 bands from top of 7foot rack.


jumpstretch platform squats 4sets 20 reps #4bands on each shoulder

1 legged DB rom deadlifts 2 sets 15 reps.

that was hard work, little rest in between sets, less than 1 min... the jumpstretch squats were killer.

warmed up

worked up to 300 and missed it.

Did DB floor presses. 3 sets of 20 reps.

did jm presses two hard sets of 15

did overhead tri extensions 2 sets to failure

the floor presses were great, im going to use those as my new maxeffort movement for maybe 3 weeks. i was happy my wrist held up with them, thats the reason ive been away from DB's for so long...
a little bit angry. I'm just adapting a lot of the stuff they do to me. Its trial and error until i can dial it all in. plus i've got a fucking wrist injury so its killing my variation.

Lat pull downs + Abs + GPP

Lat pulls, bench grip width.
4 sets 135x15 155x12x3
hard to do good lat pulls because of wrist, but i do what i can

ab wheel w/40# of chains on back 3 sets 15 reps

sled pulls forward, backward plus snad bag carrys(two arms and 1 arm)