gfd's training notes (battling the bad back)

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Wednesday January 3rd


Rep work Bench
185 x 15 x 15 x 9

Inc. DB's
75# x 13 x 11 70# x 12

Tricep push down with rope 4 sets of 20 reps, short rest

DB tricep kick back 2x 35#'s 15 reps

tomorrow legs
Jan 5th '07


full warmup---hip circles, side leg raise, hurdler leg raises
45? back ext.'s
warm-up squats...

box squat

One leg squats
40# DB each hand
3 sets x 10 reps

GHR--3 sets x 15 reps
no and yes

it was feeling great, then i played basketball the other day, (tuesday) and it started to bother me a bit. thats why i didn't do legs on wednesday.

It's doing better now, i kinda want to de-load a little bit, then ramp it up in about 2 weeks.

meanwhile im focused on getting my GHR's up. I know once those are strong as hell
my squat will follow.
indeed. heard GHR is really a pain to do and not a easy as it sounds/looks espcially if you don't have a proper ghr machine.. gudl uck
Back, biceps,

Lat pull downs
Wide grip 3 sets 2nd,3rd to failure 145#

Close Grip 2 sets to failure 145#

1 arm DB row 2 sets each arm x20 75#

Rear Delt flys. 2 sets 25 reps

Bicep curls w/ DB's 2 sets

Bicep curls with cable, outside shoulder grip, w bar 2 sets failure.

Body weight slant board

45? BE's, w/#3 woody band on neck. 2 sets 15 reps, + pauses on last 3 reps

Body Weight Slang Board Abs, 2 sets 25 fast reps.


Bench Press
185 # x 3 sets
18 reps
12 reps
12 reps <--failure

DB incline
3 sets
11 reps
10 reps
10 reps <--failure

High Rep Tri's
--wide grip m bar tri ext. 4 sets x25,25,25,30 <--failure

side Shoulder raises
2 sets
25#x failure
AngryMuscles/PB said:
indeed. heard GHR is really a pain to do and not a easy as it sounds/looks espcially if you don't have a proper ghr machine.. gudl uck

heres some nice ghr variations gfd.
I am available for online training. PM me if you are interested. And no its not free but very reasonable.

AM-I love GHR's, they are kinda hard at first, but you get the hang if you just keep doing them.,.. our machine is pretty good, wish the foot plate was wider, and wish we had band pegs. I had to have the manufacturer drill 3 extra holes in it. Besides that, it's good.

PB-- thanks for the video link, i will try these. I really hope if i can build up my GHR's, my GM's Squats and DL's will go up.

safety bar squats:
warm-up sets
worked up to 225#... did two sets of 10 reps... <--hardest 10 reps @ 225 i've ever done.

The SS bar seems to load the lower back more. It's like doing a high bar squat. But its great on the shoulders.

i didn't want to push it too hard on the first day, i have to see how my back reacts

Cambered Bar GM's
worked up to 125# x 12 reps

Did Cambered bar GM's easy because its my first time under this bar.

Single leg bulgarian squats with SS bar. 80#
bar-60# 1x15
80# 2 sets x 15 reps

GHR- did 30 reps regular style (PB: my laptop is messed up right now, so i'll have to memorize the technique's you showed me in the vids for next time)
i've missed a few logs, but i've still been lifting...

I got 315 half way up on bench. I took it down with a 3 second eccentric, toched chest, paused and pushed till my face went tomato. got stuck halfway twice.. but when i failed i was so pleased with my form.. back remained arched,,, hips low. .. feet planted... bar didn't just fall on my chest.. i held it at that halfway point for a few seconds,, then called for the spot...

i'm going to concentrate on deads for lower body... i'll still squat... but deads will be a priority for me...

we'll see what happens..

today i did:

185# +60# of chains
8 sets x 2 reps

105# INcline DB press

explosive pull ups,,, pause at top, slow eccentric.. full range of motion... hang at bottom...

2 sets of body weight dips
superset with DB curls
55# x10 x 10

one set of unilateral cable tricep ext. failure.

worked up to

DL from floor. reg. grip, hands inside knees.
worked up tp

GHR--did a variation that PB showed me.
3 sets x10reps
THE GHR variation was the first one in the video BTW... without the bar..


rack lockouts

Inc. DB 20 degree incline.

10 pullups x 2
explode up, pause 2, 4 count eccentric

Row machine, simulated bench press grip. level 11 x 12, level 12 x 12

Cambered Bar squats
worked up to:

Rack Deads:
worked up to

Single Leg Squats (holding DB's)