I just red repped u again, you really have a penchant for being less than zero when it matter s huh ? lifter4life...
As an older bodybuilder I respect him as soon I too will be lifting in my 60 s.
As far as knowing him I DID not before this video buut as I spend as little time as necessary in S California ( no offense to any S cal members; hate traffic and smog) that s not surprising. I did find the video informative though.
I know very few fkn World leaders and ZERO senators that I d let ride in my Audi more less sit in MY HOUSE....
our head monkey is a fkn idiot and the majority are what politician s almost all are-liars and thieves with one goal in my mind---to further they re own agenda and legacy at the cost of us plebians having to adhere to rules and standards they pass and enforce but NEVER follow.
I too was surprised tren s een around that long 49 er.
Cahling was in all the joe weider magazines my old man subscribed to back in the 80's
buddy of mine was fucking around, texted me a pic of this old man rocking like 20'' arms and a six pack with a santa clause beard
" hey look! its your grandpa! "
i didn't recognize him and had to look it up - but then realizing who he was, seeing what he had done going into his 60's really did inspire me
here is a sport i could work hard at into my 50's and 60's without feeling like i was a bad fucking joke - finally found that 'something' i was looking for to get me out of hanging onto boxing until i died or just fell apart chasing endorphins from training..
as far as tren use back then ..
i read an article where he was quoted on statements he made about the compounds and dosages the top pros were using in the 80's - and i was just blown away at how minimal the cycles were that all those giant fuckers were running. and no TRT, they cycled on and off as regular practice - those guys were actually pretty healthy man, especially compared to the freaks at the elite level in todays world
the reason he gave for the comparatively minuscule dosages compared to the cycles people run today was that they did not use UGLs, that everyone was running pharmaceutical gear , like almost exclusively
i forget the compound/dosage he named - but in particular he related a story about arnold basically bringing a "new compound" onto the body building scene from austria- that he was successful in keeping his use of it a secret until he had already won the Mr O back to back to back before this "secret" of his got out and circulated among the other top pros.. who immediately all jumped onto using it themselves ha! i am about 99.9% positive it was NOT tren, but it WAS something that i remember looking up and thinking - how expensive and elite that shit is, even to this day - and Arny had that shit all to himself for his first 3 Mr O titles