Guilt about taking the week off...


New member
So we've been doing some major home renovation projects the past several weekends. I'm pretty tired from no down time.
I lift on a 6 day split and teach a high intensity cardio/plyo class 4 nights a week.

My throat is sore and I'm dead tired, so I decided to listen to my body and take the week off of lifting. Still teaching my class, plus I'm a full time mom, so I stay busy enough anyway. Still, I'm feeling dumb guilt for taking a week off of lifting even though I KNOW I need it. Haven't taken time off in.....can't remember.

Anyone else feel the guilt when you're resting?
I feel guilty too, I just cannot seem to take a full days rest away from the gym. I haven't felt well for the last 2 weeks, I have reduced the amount of run days I am doing while I am sick from 4 times a week to 1 and I have just increased my cardio on the Stair climber. I haven't changed up my lifting routine or intensity yet. I just make sure I get enough rest right after I am done training.

I have been lucky and my son has been with his dad for the week and a half so I didn't feel bad for sleeping a lot.
It hits me the same way MT but it is just in our heads and the break usually results in renewed forward progress in the gym.

Kick back and relax a bit!
I agree with Zeek. Feeling guilty is can actually be a good thing, shows you take lifting seriously and hold yourself accountable. Life happens, a lot of us don't have the luxury of being a sponsored athlete where we get paid to lift. You said your still teaching your class and we all know full time moms bust ass like nobody's business, so your body isn't going to go to hell!! Cut yourself a little slack! A break could be a blessing in disguise!
Guilt is normal and like Moose25 says, it means you're taking your lifestyle seriously. I feel soooo much guilt if I take two days off in a row. But I have learned to listen to my body and rest when I need to. Tomorrow is chest/back day but I'm resting instead bc I started a new job this week. I need to rewire my brain and my body for this new schedule.
What the hell is wrong with some of us... I planned to take a week off and ended up just taking three days off... Couldn't stay away...Feels to good to pump iron.
I used to but don't feel a damn bit guilty about it any more!

I think its an often over looked part of the puzzle! I run into guys on here all the time saying they have been at this weight for this amount of time eating well and what knot! Some of them the more experienced guys on here. After talking to them a bit I will often recomend they take a week off completely stay away from the gym and watch what happens when you get back!

I leave it at that don't get into to much detail! I don't think I have ever heard back in 2 or 3 weeks with out some thing like. Wholey shit u were right my strengths up or I got past that platue.

So for me when I hit a platue thats typicaly what I will do even if it's mid cycle! Generaly produces results
I got sick and Im taking a week off cycle.....I hate it cuz i feel weak and like im loosing size but hopefully my body grows even more when I go back, I heard breaks can be a good thing
Took this week off for bouldering nationals in Vail. I feel like I have so much energy around my usual gym times and nothing to do with it. I miss the weights but itll feel that much better to hit it again monday.
It's ok to take time off. One week here and there is actually good. Don't feel bad. Just relax and enjoy "recharging" here and there and hit it hard again the next day. m2c
So we've been doing some major home renovation projects the past several weekends. I'm pretty tired from no down time.
I lift on a 6 day split and teach a high intensity cardio/plyo class 4 nights a week.

My throat is sore and I'm dead tired, so I decided to listen to my body and take the week off of lifting. Still teaching my class, plus I'm a full time mom, so I stay busy enough anyway. Still, I'm feeling dumb guilt for taking a week off of lifting even though I KNOW I need it. Haven't taken time off in.....can't remember.

Anyone else feel the guilt when you're resting?

I feel the same way,i take a week off every 4-6 weeks to let my body rest,i just hate it cause i get so anxiuos to go,but when i do go back i feel better and workout better
its really good to take rests like that believe it or not. i call it grow week hahaa. dont take too much wrest like that maybe 3-4 times a year
Love a 6 day split plus ur work no offence but thats over kill as it is . Ur gains would be somewhat minimal providing ur body with little to no rest like that .