Gw501516 log!

Yes TeeCee, with some dieting at work for part of the time and eating whatever the rest of the time :)
Did you continue taking for another 11days or call it a night once you hit 250lbs?

Have you managed to remain lean, or have you rebounded at all?

Thanks for sharing your experience with this product too!
Since I started back taking testosterone propionate in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages I stopped reporting on the GW since the results would be skewed. I wanted to run GW on it's own and report results of it on it's own. I'm also back on HGH and that definitely will add to leaning a person out however that would take time and I have just started back on it.

I am back to 260lbs but a leaner version than the last time I was up at 260lbs. My pants are loose around the waist and they were getting very tight!! ;) I'm surely holding a few lbs of water from the test since I am not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or anything also.

Did you continue taking for another 11days or call it a night once you hit 250lbs?

Have you managed to remain lean, or have you rebounded at all?

Thanks for sharing your experience with this product too!
Ya zeek I'm interested in trying this after my post cycle therapy (pct). Or a little bit after my pct to try and drop some bf.
Since I started back taking testosterone propionate in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages I stopped reporting on the GW since the results would be skewed. I wanted to run GW on it's own and report results of it on it's own. I'm also back on HGH and that definitely will add to leaning a person out however that would take time and I have just started back on it.

I am back to 260lbs but a leaner version than the last time I was up at 260lbs. My pants are loose around the waist and they were getting very tight!! ;) I'm surely holding a few lbs of water from the test since I am not running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or anything also.

what are your thought on arimidex .25 every other day?
what are your thought on arimidex .25 every other day?

If the need arises I will use them. The need to me would be excessive bloat, itchy nipples or lowered sex drive from too high of estrogen levels.

I don't run AI's just for the hell of running them during cycles. I do understand why people do but I've never had a need to.

Some AI's will play some nasty tricks of their own in terms of health complications btw.
30 day GW501516 run

Well tomorrow will be day 2 of my 30 day run with this stuff. From Saturday will include 4-AD (Mild formula) along side it. High rep sessions, skipping, treadmill all of it. Was 253 earlier today, 6'1.5" with just over 29" inch thighs. Arms just under 17.5", however how gut that's just under 43" and this is my main concern. Will be looking to keep calories at 3,500 per day, some days less dependant how I'm feeling.

Will touch back base with you Zeek, let you know the deal!

re: DAY 8 and the verdict is.....??????

Thanks T, looking forward to hearing your take on things!

Hello there Big Zeek,

Today the scales are telling me I'm 247lbs.... Injured ankle so not done half the cardio I desired. Only pushing weight 1 day a week, high reps...

5-6lbs down

The saga continues brother:laugh:
I`m using this GW on my cycle and day 6 the stamina is great!!!!! I like it so far so good.Zeek great log man.
re: This is the time Mr Zeek Wolf...

My supply lasted 27 days.

Diet was so so over all. Training really fell off due to other commitments....

However I stand at 243lbs.... 10lbs and a bit down than when I began....

Gonna try scam more, but stack with Ostarine and do my full weeks worth of training!
Sorry for the potentially dumb question, but you weren't really doing the GW orally were you? Sub-q, right? 5mg ed.

I was most definitely drinking it! fill that little dropper or syringe and squirt that stuff into a cup of juice.
I stopped when I jumped back on the sauce!

It's good stuff but it isn't in the same league with AAS, it also doesn't come with any of the sides etc of AAS

A natural athlete will benefit the most from this or someone cycles and uses this in their off time.
I stopped when I jumped back on the sauce!

It's good stuff but it isn't in the same league with AAS, it also doesn't come with any of the sides etc of AAS

A natural athlete will benefit the most from this or someone cycles and uses this in their off time.

thats what i was wondering. was thinking about jumping on some after my pct.