Have I messed up my future? (2.3gpa as a senior)

What's so bad about AAS at 18 :/?[/QUOTE

there is no point to taking aas @ 18

I tend to disagree. I have a natural test of 345 which is quite low. I have notice I gain very little strength or size naturally, but when I get on a PH my strength goes up a ton and I put on a good amount of muscle. I know it's not my diet either. When I started, I ate around 4000 calories. I consumed 500g of protein atleast and maybe 100g healthy fats and didn't cen count carbs(brown and white rice, Ezekiel bread and cereal, etc.). I gained a decent amount of muscle and a lot of fat as well as very little strength. Trust me, you may disagree, but gear at 18 with a low natty test level can be beneficial. Arnold started popping gym candies at 16, so 18 sure as hell can't be too bad if you keep it at test only and moderate dosages.
make sure you work hard here on out. you can still bring up your GPA to help you out. don't think of it as a lost cause.

i was on a similar track when i was your age and fucked up my soph and junior years of HS bc of dumb shit that absorbed my life. I got back on it senior year, brought my GPA up enough for consideration (along with good test scores) and now over 3 years later can graduate shortly from a well respected university in the midwest... EARLY (if i choose).

HS means nothing. your current work ethic and how your push forward is what matters. people see drive and know its there and will do most anything they can to help you succeed - you just gotta believe in yourself too.
My GPA was at a 2.5 when I graduated. Still got into a 4 year school though afterwards... You're fine. Worst case scenario you do a 2 year school & then transfer. Also as everyone said, a PT is just a certification... It's being a nutritionist that will cost you more $ & more years in school.
For a variety of reasons I barely graduated high school. I need to pass one class the 2nd semester of my senior year and I passed that class with a D-. My final GPA was in the 2.sumpthins.

Never -- and I mean NOT ONCE -- has my HS GPA been an issue for any job. Hell, for that matter no one has ever been interested in my college GPA (which was a 3.2). How you score on your SAT's and other college entrance exams will come into play a bit more, but even then you are not doomed if your scores are a bit sub-par. More often than not your work performance and reputation you build as an employee will be the deciding factor in determining what kind of jobs you do or do not get.
No way dude. Your fine well no one is fine now adays. Specially with corporate greed and the constant buying of imported items which is putting tons of people out of work. I tell you what isn't good is aas at 18. Lol.

I agree with this. AAS at 18 is not a good idea at all. And 345 for test is not really too low. Mine was in the 200's when I went on TRT. Taking juice is just going to fuck you up and you'll end up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at a young age. You seem like a smart kid that cares about your future. I would think about what your doing.

haha me too brother... all the pussy i could've wrecked would not be missed the 2nd time around.

Hahaha hell yeah.
Grades don't matter, not even in college. They just want to see that you graduated. I've never had an employer ask what my grades were, just what my degree was in. I never had an employer ask about anything in High School.
^ like he said grades in HS don't matter unless your applying for a scholarship. However the work ethic you develop during HS to get those good grades are important in college.

I graduate in May with a degree in electrical engineering and out of all my job interviews my gpa has never came up
Great thread to read. Yeah they do not usually ask for your gpa. I had experience with this in a interview. Some very high end jobs do ask so it is up to you to research that.