Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

Hockey me and you were friends now were enemys! I called her first! lol Jk

But hey man i just started up today. Im pumped i cnt wait for in a few days were i feel that prop...:wiggle:

Im jealous your rocking the prop, I hear that shit kicks in FASTTT!! No worries, Ill be on your log blowing it up throughout :)

LOL looks like I have my pick then :)

Hocky yw and thank you!

Duh you have your pick, do you know what forum your in?? lol We're a bunch of dudes with Test running through us like a bunch of 16 year old kids!! Hornnnyyyy is an understatement, lol.

So thats a hell no on the booty tat?? haha

Hey man nice log and great input in every updates. I sit down and read the log from day one till your last update. I will like to keep mine like this but not much time at this place I am. Great job and will follow from now on till last day. Good luck!!!

I appreciate it, I'll for sure be looking out for your log!
MARCH 9th DAY (23)

Feeling great, but its friday so why wouldnt I?? haha...Did my 7th PIN yesterday morning, and def felt a little something extra 2-3 hours after the PIN and throughout the rest of the day. I finally decided to take my first dose of Aromasin this morning, Im noticing slight bloat, so I figured why not start taking it, I took 6.25mg, at this exact moment, and it doesnt taste amazing, but I honestly dont mind it straight up, haha. Anyone that has run Aromasin, do you notice anything from it?? Or does it just do its job?? Will it make my libido go up?? any input would be great!

SHOULDERS (Yesterday afternoon/evening)

I tried 225, did it 4 times!!! But decided it was to much for the 5x5, next week for sure!!
135x15 WU, 225X4, 215X5, 215X5, 215X5, 215X5.

55X10, 55X9, 50X11.

20x15 wu, 25x12, 25x12, 25x12.

100x15, 100x15, 100x13, 100x13. I wish my gym had heavier freaking dumbells!!!

Anywho, good workout all around, feeling the strength and just the ability to do more and last longer. Still waiting for that BIG kick in though, cause I feel I have yet to get it.

MARCH 9th DAY (23)

Feeling great, but its friday so why wouldnt I?? haha...Did my 7th PIN yesterday morning, and def felt a little something extra 2-3 hours after the PIN and throughout the rest of the day. I finally decided to take my first dose of Aromasin this morning, Im noticing slight bloat, so I figured why not start taking it, I took 6.25mg, at this exact moment, and it doesnt taste amazing, but I honestly dont mind it straight up, haha. Anyone that has run Aromasin, do you notice anything from it?? Or does it just do its job?? Will it make my libido go up?? any input would be great!

SHOULDERS (Yesterday afternoon/evening)

I tried 225, did it 4 times!!! But decided it was to much for the 5x5, next week for sure!!
135x15 WU, 225X4, 215X5, 215X5, 215X5, 215X5.

55X10, 55X9, 50X11.

20x15 wu, 25x12, 25x12, 25x12.

100x15, 100x15, 100x13, 100x13. I wish my gym had heavier freaking dumbells!!!

Anywho, good workout all around, feeling the strength and just the ability to do more and last longer. Still waiting for that BIG kick in though, cause I feel I have yet to get it.


Are you doing seated or standing if those are standing you are a bad ass mother fucker!!
Nope seated, now I feel like a little bitch!! Haha, I will give them a whirl standing next week, I need to reach bad ass mother fucker status!!
^^ I guess it depends on how strong your core is?!?!? I know when I do them standing I feel it in my abs, but I hear ya, sitting isolates the shoulders, no help from anywhere except the triceps and upper chest!!
Why? I think they are way easier standing.

Seated you are stable and do not have to use any muscle to stabilize your body or your back. Also seated you normally have a pull off rack that is above chin level, when you put the bar on your chest and walk out you are doing from a dead stop from your chest no rebound. From what I have seen most people do seated and barely get the bar below their chin on standing there is a larger ROM if you do them right!

^^ I guess it depends on how strong your core is?!?!? I know when I do them standing I feel it in my abs, but I hear ya, sitting isolates the shoulders, no help from anywhere except the triceps and upper chest!!

Core is hit harder for sure, along with stabilizer muscles in your back. and what I said above...

When i use to powerlift in highschool we use to squat until we puked.

Haha, I came >this< close to puking on hack squat drop-sets yesterday.

I've puked a couple times after doing hang & power cleans, and of course many times after football practice...ahhhhh those were the days!
Waitttt you mean I should be going lower than the top of my head?! :insane:

Damn it, you guys caught me ;) I def go below my chin, kinda scared to be hitting collar bone though, my one shoulder pops out some times, IDK if being as cool as Dahurt is worth a shoulder injury, hahahahaha.
Haha, I came >this< close to puking on hack squat drop-sets yesterday.

I've puked a couple times after doing hang & power cleans, and of course many times after football practice...ahhhhh those were the days!

I couldnt tell you how many times I puked on the bench at hockey practice back in the day, I hated it then, my dumb fat ass, lol. If I only knew what I know now, I would have loved those practices!!
:flipoffha Thats what hard work looks like, pussy ;)

you already know i got you beat on hard work, i just dont want to post it cause i dont like telling people lol.

but are you taking pictures post work out then? i thought before and afters would be more accurate if you werent pumped. even though they look cooler haha

but awesome gains still. i cant wait to be done with all this cardio type work outs so i can get back to heavy lifting!