New member
^^Dont expect me to ever go above 260 my man, as of right now in my life, I want to get as toned as possible. Once I get to where I want to be with that, Ill start thinking if i want to add size or not.
New goal next shoulder day is to be tougher than youThanks bud I appreciate it!
Lets go rangers!!!!ya budddyyy
Well shit you are so much heavier than me we may have to up that LOL Man you are already tougher than me I am weak and little LOL
MAY 4th DAY (79)
So as of right now I have 4 more PINs remaining, UNLESSS I get a hold of some Test prop, cause I really want to run it after the TEST E so TEST clears my system super fast after my last inject, Thanks to info from Crazy Mike I have decided thats the best route!
LEGZ last night
135x10 WU, 225x12, 225x12, 225x12, 225x10.
10plates x12, 10plates x12, 10plates x12, 10plates x12.
90x12, 90x12, 90x12.
90x12, 90x12.
To be honest my legz were dead from hockey the night before, I really have to make it a point to do them before I have hockey and not the day after lol.
Have a great weekend BRO'S!!! Arms today, rest tomorrow, Chest sunday!!
I like the idea to taper with a short esther really make a lot o f sense, good job bro