Wolverine! Where?!
but that's the point. let's say (for whatever reason) you fucked a guy - or not you, yourself, but someone like you - another straight dude. you know in your mind you're not gay. but then how do you resolve the fact that you just had your dick in another guy's ass? simple - you were a straight man having sex with another man.
what i'm saying is that defining yourself one way or the other is fine, but it doesn't mean anything in terms of who you are, how you act or what kind of life you're going to have. those are all choices. your attraction to someone, on the other hand, is not a choice; it's a physiological reaction.
think of it this way: you know the expression, "if a tree falls in the forest but nobody hears it, did it make a sound?" well, the same is true w/ sexuality. if a man has sex with another man but lives a straight life, is he gay?
seriously, bro, labels fuck everyone up.
If you find you're sexually aroused by looking at a man then wouldn't you consider yourself gay? I've been in many a locker room shower with every varitey of men (football in HS and College) but have never once became aroused from looking at them nor found any to be appealing.
If a man has sex with another man and lives a straight life he'd still be gay because he had sex with a man.