Horny enough to fuck a dude in da ass?

but that's the point. let's say (for whatever reason) you fucked a guy - or not you, yourself, but someone like you - another straight dude. you know in your mind you're not gay. but then how do you resolve the fact that you just had your dick in another guy's ass? simple - you were a straight man having sex with another man.

what i'm saying is that defining yourself one way or the other is fine, but it doesn't mean anything in terms of who you are, how you act or what kind of life you're going to have. those are all choices. your attraction to someone, on the other hand, is not a choice; it's a physiological reaction.

think of it this way: you know the expression, "if a tree falls in the forest but nobody hears it, did it make a sound?" well, the same is true w/ sexuality. if a man has sex with another man but lives a straight life, is he gay?

seriously, bro, labels fuck everyone up.

If you find you're sexually aroused by looking at a man then wouldn't you consider yourself gay? I've been in many a locker room shower with every varitey of men (football in HS and College) but have never once became aroused from looking at them nor found any to be appealing.

If a man has sex with another man and lives a straight life he'd still be gay because he had sex with a man.
If you find you're sexually aroused by looking at a man then wouldn't you consider yourself gay? I've been in many a locker room shower with every varitey of men (football in HS and College) but have never once became aroused from looking at them nor found any to be appealing.

If a man has sex with another man and lives a straight life he'd still be gay because he had sex with a man.

so then a guy who fucks his friend once when he's 21 but then gets married, has 10 kids and 20 grandkids and never so much as looks at another man again in his life is gay? wouldn't it be more accurate to say he's a straight man who once fucked a dude?

i'm not saying a guy who only has sex with guys can claim he's heterosexual. just that the world is more complicated than gay v. straight.
you either prefer to fuck the same sex or the opposite sex. If you prefer the same sex, you are gay. period.
you either prefer to fuck the same sex or the opposite sex. If you prefer the same sex, you are gay. period.

so by your logic, if barack obama was 51% white instead of 50%, that would make him white?

people don't often fit into molds cut by other people. that's all i'm saying...
so by your logic, if barack obama was 51% white instead of 50%, that would make him white?

people don't often fit into molds cut by other people. that's all i'm saying...

Obama only plays the black card so imo, he's 100% black.
so then a guy who fucks his friend once when he's 21 but then gets married, has 10 kids and 20 grandkids and never so much as looks at another man again in his life is gay? wouldn't it be more accurate to say he's a straight man who once fucked a dude?

i'm not saying a guy who only has sex with guys can claim he's heterosexual. just that the world is more complicated than gay v. straight.

It sounds to me like your saying being gay is a choice?
so then a guy who fucks his friend once when he's 21 but then gets married, has 10 kids and 20 grandkids and never so much as looks at another man again in his life is gay? wouldn't it be more accurate to say he's a straight man who once fucked a dude?

i'm not saying a guy who only has sex with guys can claim he's heterosexual. just that the world is more complicated than gay v. straight.

this never happened.
so then a guy who fucks his friend once when he's 21 but then gets married, has 10 kids and 20 grandkids and never so much as looks at another man again in his life is gay? wouldn't it be more accurate to say he's a straight man who once fucked a dude?

i'm not saying a guy who only has sex with guys can claim he's heterosexual. just that the world is more complicated than gay v. straight.

nay, not gay; just too much bad beer and a rotten hangover the next morning. If he had only said "christ, was I drunk last night" that would remove any hint of gayness. ;)
nay, not gay; just too much bad beer and a rotten hangover the next morning. If he had only said "christ, was I drunk last night" that would remove any hint of gayness. ;)

everyone who says "this could never happen," or "never, not on my life" is definitely, 100% a closet homo. real straight guys shrug that shit off.
everyone who says "this could never happen," or "never, not on my life" is definitely, 100% a closet homo. real straight guys shrug that shit off.

yup, until that unfortunate first time when they're just too out of it to care. they just lie back, close their eyes and think of any female they want whilst they are being blown. lol
Ahh Loqueefer....

Once again, a shining example of the moral wasting that has gone on and continues in this country.
People like him try and confuse right and wrong, create many artificial levels of right and wrong, etc.
Like now, because he fucks a man in the ass once, he isnt gay. So i suppose if you kill someone one time, you arent a murderer?

You are pathetic. If you actually believe the nonsense you are spewing you really should take some time to do some introspection. You have either been raised in a way that has not given you morals, values, or any moral convictions other then to just be "tolerant", or you have convinced yourself of this bullshit ideology and thining in order to justify your sad lifestyle and resolve the coognitive disonance that you have. I got news for you buddy, we (as human beings) are not supposed to tolerate wrong doings acts of moral apathy. Tolerating wrong doings and unjust acts and beliefs is not a good thing, it is being weak. Tolerance is just another name for weak these days.
Ahh Loqueefer....

Once again, a shining example of the moral wasting that has gone on and continues in this country.
People like him try and confuse right and wrong, create many artificial levels of right and wrong, etc.
Like now, because he fucks a man in the ass once, he isnt gay. So i suppose if you kill someone one time, you arent a murderer?

You are pathetic. If you actually believe the nonsense you are spewing you really should take some time to do some introspection. You have either been raised in a way that has not given you morals, values, or any moral convictions other then to just be "tolerant", or you have convinced yourself of this bullshit ideology and thining in order to justify your sad lifestyle and resolve the coognitive disonance that you have. I got news for you buddy, we (as human beings) are not supposed to tolerate wrong doings acts of moral apathy. Tolerating wrong doings and unjust acts and beliefs is not a good thing, it is being weak. Tolerance is just another name for weak these days.

Yeah, you're a real Socrates. Your ranting looks like the result of giving a monkey a keyboard and trying to recognize familiar patterns. It might look the same as human conversation, but it's clearly not.

Do you even know what COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is??? You definitely can't spell it.

Stop trying to think; the wheels almost come off the track when you try to tie your shoes.

Or let me put it in the pseudo-religious bullshit language in which you speak: God made morons like you for the service and amusement of people like me. Deal with it.
Yeah, you're a real Socrates. Your ranting looks like the result of giving a monkey a keyboard and trying to recognize familiar patterns. It might look the same as human conversation, but it's clearly not.

Do you even know what COGNITIVE DISSONANCE is??? You definitely can't spell it.

Stop trying to think; the wheels almost come off the track when you try to tie your shoes.

Or let me put it in the pseudo-religious bullshit language in which you speak: God made morons like you for the service and amusement of people like me. Deal with it.

No, i dont know what cognitive dissonance is.

You are a joke. Instead of trying to argue the validity of your "Moral Relativism", you instead point out the fact that i type poorly and fly by writing my posts at a mile a minute. Score one for the liberal! Like any other time they are faced with logic and\or showed the fallacies in their thinking, they ignore the statemtn and either dance around the topic or attack the person based on some bullshit.

If you are going to try and prove your superiority in a battle of wit, save yourself the effort. I would leave your head feeling like a piece of burned toast.
The facts are that you try and justify your deliquent behavior by changing the standards by which it is judged. Your actions are clear, so you seek to blur the lines between right and wrong, even going so far as to suggest their is no "right and wrong", there are merely different "view points". This is bullshit, and a modern day method of brainwashing.

As i doubt you are one of the people pushing this agenda to advance your own goals, i pity you. I pity you because you have been a victim of thought control. You have had your God-given morality, judgment of right and wrong, and strength to stand for what is right stripped from you. It was stripped not by force, but without a single shot fired. It was stripped away through indoctrination, indoctrination you are likely to pass on to your future children (if you dont abort them). In the future, when your son is shooting up the H-er and taking an ass pounding from some buck nigger with aids, i want you to remember.... He isnt gay. He is just getting fucked by a dude. He isnt doing anything wrong, it is just different from what others do.

good luck
No, i dont know what cognitive dissonance is.

You are a joke. Instead of trying to argue the validity of your "Moral Relativism", you instead point out the fact that i type poorly and fly by writing my posts at a mile a minute. Score one for the liberal! Like any other time they are faced with logic and\or showed the fallacies in their thinking, they ignore the statemtn and either dance around the topic or attack the person based on some bullshit.

If you are going to try and prove your superiority in a battle of wit, save yourself the effort. I would leave your head feeling like a piece of burned toast.
The facts are that you try and justify your deliquent behavior by changing the standards by which it is judged. Your actions are clear, so you seek to blur the lines between right and wrong, even going so far as to suggest their is no "right and wrong", there are merely different "view points". This is bullshit, and a modern day method of brainwashing.

As i doubt you are one of the people pushing this agenda to advance your own goals, i pity you. I pity you because you have been a victim of thought control. You have had your God-given morality, judgment of right and wrong, and strength to stand for what is right stripped from you. It was stripped not by force, but without a single shot fired. It was stripped away through indoctrination, indoctrination you are likely to pass on to your future children (if you dont abort them). In the future, when your son is shooting up the H-er and taking an ass pounding from some buck nigger with aids, i want you to remember.... He isnt gay. He is just getting fucked by a dude. He isnt doing anything wrong, it is just different from what others do.

good luck

Wow, you really convinced me with your complex argument about getting ass-fucked by a "nigger." Blue-collar verbal diarrhea at its best.

Your attempts to incense me are futile. You can't anger someone when they're too busy laughing at your stupidity.

When, and if, I have kids, they'll be smarter than you by the time they can sit upright. And they'll be enjoying the benefits of having an educated father, who at 28, is pulling in 6 figures and driving a Lexus. Think about that next time you're trading your food stamps for test. :splat:
Wow, you really convinced me with your complex argument about getting ass-fucked by a "nigger." Blue-collar verbal diarrhea at its best.

Your attempts to incense me are futile. You can't anger someone when they're too busy laughing at your stupidity.

When, and if, I have kids, they'll be smarter than you by the time they can sit upright. And they'll be enjoying the benefits of having an educated father, who at 28, is pulling in 6 figures and driving a Lexus. Think about that next time you're trading your food stamps for test. :splat:

Yeah, keep talking about your E-complishments. Im sure its all 100% true.

What kills me is you join this board and head straight for the threads about cock and faggotry.

Loqueefer, lol
Yeah, keep talking about your E-complishments. Im sure its all 100% true.

What kills me is you join this board and head straight for the threads about cock and faggotry.

Loqueefer, lol

Even if it is true, my earning potential at the end of this year would not be worth posting, as it would just be called BS.

Enjoy your soon to be "lexus". lol. what a joke.
Even if it is true, my earning potential at the end of this year would not be worth posting

not quite true. after having seen your pics in another thread you could have a nice profitable career in the wonderful world of adult porn. And even bigger bucks on the gay side of the camera. stand, pose, flex, jack, cum. take home $2500. all in a 1/2 day's work. Extra spending money to play with.
not quite true. after having seen your pics in another thread you could have a nice profitable career in the wonderful world of adult porn. And even bigger bucks on the gay side of the camera. stand, pose, flex, jack, cum. take home $2500. all in a 1/2 day's work. Extra spending money to play with.

tell me more.
so i get to bang chicks and get paid for it?

what is this about gay porn? I dont think i could do it. Even if i didnt have to touch anyone, i couldnt stop myelf from laughing.