How do people die of roids?

Its not directly the steroids that do it, but if I had to say some sides that could kill you would be high blood pressure and liver damage.
Steroids were cleared for medical use so that already presents a clear point as to whether steroids are safe or not.

Technically even eating is dangerous for you because of all the pesticides and chemicals that food is layered withplus our friend acid rain doesnt help so I gues food can kill us too.. we dont have much in this world which wont deterioate our health!
Makaveli_786 said:
Steroids were cleared for medical use so that already presents a clear point as to whether steroids are safe or not.
Yeah, but compare the reasons why doctors prescribe them to the reasons that we want them.

There is a huge difference between treating a deficiency and someone that has normal levels of something and wanting to elevate it through the roof.
True but doctors have been known to prescribe ridiculous dosages, for e.g. the doc who prescribed 500 mg of Drol to a woman, a woman with liver cancer too.

He was probably crazy but from what I hear steroids are used very heavily in medicine today but I still dont see many people dyin from juice use.
i had a buddy of mine who was 28 and was driving and all of a sudden had a heart attack..they linked it to him haveing do all the juice he did..but i beleive that it can happen..but i am sure in the same sence if u abuse them they will kill u
Aspirin and Penicillin can kill. While neither drug has an LD50 (the amount of drug it takes to poison someone), you can still die from misuse. If you took a ton of either one, the cause of death would be a bleeding stomach ulcer, not poisoning. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is in this category. It is only from long-term abuse/misuse that one can die from AAS.
lawnboy said:
i had a buddy of mine who was 28 and was driving and all of a sudden had a heart attack..they linked it to him haveing do all the juice he did..but i beleive that it can happen..but i am sure in the same sence if u abuse them they will kill u

In a case like this, your buddy may or may not have had the heart attack with or without gear use??????
Flex it said:
So, are we all playing Russian roulette, or just the ones that abuse??:confused:

bro, i think each of us plays russian roulette daily just by getting out of bed. the chances of having a piano fall on your head may be astronomical but it has happened and in a way it is roulette. you can be a responsible user and have an undiagnosed, underlying, maybe dormant condition which can develop after using gear. someone once told me that a real danger in steroid use was that if you had an undiagnosed tumor and used gear, the tumor would naturally grow as you did. who knows how true this is but it is definitely a danger. so yes, i would say we are all roulette junkies in some way.
AAS abuse has been linked to elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels (hypercholesterolemia), high blood pressure (hypertension), liver damage, excessive growth of heart (in particular, excessive growth of the left ventricle) and over all cardiac malfunction, and in some instances, heart attacks (myocardial infarction). So as StoneColdNTO said, "You guys that think the dangers of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use are all a smear campaign, are going to be in for a very rude wake-up call one day."
I'm curiuous to hear what most of you would consider "steroid abuse." For this instance, lets say a cycle is 10 weeks in length (not including PCT). 3 cycles a year...4 cycles a year....??? I mean, damn, with 4 cycles a year at 10 ON weeks per each cycle, that definitely means that almost all of the remainder of the weeks that year, you're on ancillaries at the least. Probably means every day of the year is dedicated to some aspect of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.
Even at 3 cycles a year, your body is exposed to any possible adverse Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) effects more of the weeks that year then not. I personally feel that 2 cycles a year is playing it safe and that going beyond that could (not definitely, everyones different) set one up for serious complications.
I think anyone that takes steroids and doesn't need them are abusing them. Even if its one cycle a year, or four.
rjx said:
I think anyone that takes steroids and doesn't need them are abusing them. Even if its one cycle a year, or four.
How many people, myself included, on this board actually need to take steroids? I'm guessing less then 10%, though thats probably over doing it.
jmul508 said:
I'm curiuous to hear what most of you would consider "steroid abuse." For this instance, lets say a cycle is 10 weeks in length (not including post cycle therapy (pct)). 3 cycles a year...4 cycles a year....??? I mean, damn, with 4 cycles a year at 10 ON weeks per each cycle, that definitely means that almost all of the remainder of the weeks that year, you're on ancillaries at the least. Probably means every day of the year is dedicated to some aspect of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.
Even at 3 cycles a year, your body is exposed to any possible adverse Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) effects more of the weeks that year then not. I personally feel that 2 cycles a year is playing it safe and that going beyond that could (not definitely, everyones different) set one up for serious complications.

all comes down to risk vs benefit ratio

some cycles for some poeple are higher risk than others

id say abuse is when you do not use it judiciously, and accept far too many adverse effects for the benefit you receive

eg a guy doing 4 light (very light) cycles per year responsibly, paying attention to diet, cardio, doing bloods, and backing away from the gear when adverse events occur or are likely, having post cycle therapy (pct) etc etc i would consider fine lifestyle choice)

whereas an 18 year old low self esteem adolescent with no idea about training, diet, no bloods, no post cycle therapy (pct), no moderation just going hard using exceedingly high doses/durations in order to achieve a silly goeal (ie get huge to impress his mates or crutch his self esteem) i would call an abuser

it all comes down to responsibility. if you make a lifestyle choice to use, and minimise harm through all other avenues, in order to achieve a reasonable goal, then i wouldnt have a problem with it