How is every under ground lab getting busted.


New member
are they getting caught from people who bought giving up there source or are they getting caught for spending huge amounts of money with no income or is the government picking up on to the packs coming into the country and setting up stings?
I wouldn't say that most UG labs are getting busted. I would say that most UG labs have closed shop.
would u say they closed shop because they cant get supplies any more or because they are nervous.

and when they do get busted which of the three reasons i listed do u think its the most likely.

i heard of one where a kid was making some crazy amount of money and then went and bought a lambo or something.
buying a lambo or anything to attract attention with money made illegally is probably not a good idea
I don't know why they are closing their doors but I dont like it. Two I know about have closed there doors. I think the DEA or something are making people neviours. I hate to say but BALCO may have started this whole thing.
Operation Raw Deal came from Operation Gear Grinder

First it was operation gear grinder. From their they found out that China was the connection. So for 2 years or so they began operation raw deal. The companies that these UG labs buy from are the same companies the research companies buy from. Obviously, China is one of the best places for pricing. The IRS got involved in a lot of undercover operations and a few research companies got mixed up because they didn't pay taxes or were selling research chems while registered as a human grade supplement company, or talked about how to make gear, etc. Any research company that went down who was not an underground lab was just stupid or running something on the side. Than President Bush signed an agreement with the Chinese government in May that the Chinese agreed to strip licenses and come down on their pharmaceutical companies who export controlled substances in the US. So most of the Chinese Pharmaceutical companies do not want their licenses suspended, so they will not send into the US. Of course there are always going to be exceptions, but for the most part the US had a hand in the UGL's closing shop. If the supplier will not send any more, no UGL. Yeah right, lol, people are just going to be a little smarter I hope. All this was bound to happen as stupid and careless as everyone became over the past 5 years.
First it was operation gear grinder. From their they found out that China was the connection. So for 2 years or so they began operation raw deal. The companies that these UG labs buy from are the same companies the research companies buy from. Obviously, China is one of the best places for pricing. The IRS got involved in a lot of undercover operations and a few research companies got mixed up because they didn't pay taxes or were selling research chems while registered as a human grade supplement company, or talked about how to make gear, etc. Any research company that went down who was not an underground lab was just stupid or running something on the side. Than President Bush signed an agreement with the Chinese government in May that the Chinese agreed to strip licenses and come down on their pharmaceutical companies who export controlled substances in the US. So most of the Chinese Pharmaceutical companies do not want their licenses suspended, so they will not send into the US. Of course there are always going to be exceptions, but for the most part the US had a hand in the UGL's closing shop. If the supplier will not send any more, no UGL. Yeah right, lol, people are just going to be a little smarter I hope. All this was bound to happen as stupid and careless as everyone became over the past 5 years.
And even this diversion is not making cocaine any cheaper. :rolleyes:
simpllyhuge said:
yeah but now the boards people knew me on are down so its like no new source is gonna trust me.

I thought you had decided to go natural for awhile anyway. Weren't you on for two years straight?
yeah i am natural and plan to stay that way for at least till the summer porbly longer. my freinds bother me thou and i just like to stay in the loop.
simpllyhuge said:
are they getting caught from people who bought giving up there source or are they getting caught for spending huge amounts of money with no income or is the government picking up on to the packs coming into the country and setting up stings?
All of the above, and others. Careless and agressive advertising certainly doesn't help.