How long does PCT emotional/depression period last?


New member
Im a few days into PCT and I feel like I am going to lose it... very depressed, emotional... fighting urges for alcohol and other depressive drugs... any tips?
It gets better. Just know that this is a short term effect of your hormones being all out of wack man. For most it does not last the whole pct. Serms kick in , T levels get up above your normal off cycle levels, you start to feel a bit better.
I'm in my last week of PCT and actually starting to feel better. Hang in there, it will get better.
What did your cycle look like? What are you using for pct?

I always felt down until I went off pct. Clomid made me moody.
what are 2nd generation SERMS?

Please do not listen to that statement- it is nonsense. First of all the classification of serms as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation is a highly inaccurate way to classify them. Second of all to give you an example Raloxifene is considered a second generation serm and it is among the worst choices for use in a pct.
You just have to understand it's temporary... and try to not break shit around the house!