I am taking Megatrons advice and waiting until I do this the right way.


New member
I have slept on this and I have decided that I will just continue to use Creatine and not waste my time until I can do this the right way. I just don't see the point if running Var by itself if it is bad for you.

Can anyone tell me if my natural test levels are still ok even though I have taken Var for only 3 days? I would really appreciate it. I will put the Var aside until I can find a good test to use it with. I kept thinking to myself why mess up my body's natural testosterone? In the long run that's going to hinder my gains more than help them. I actually think over the long term I would actually make better gains relying on my bodies own natural testosterone than putting Var in my system on its own.
Get a blood test in three weeks. While it's too late to know if any damage has been done (not likely after 3 days), you should get some numbers before you plunge into this lifestyle.

If you're truly 35 (not calling you a liar), it's something you should know anyway as you're getting to the age where test levels may be on the decline and require medical intervention.

You have made the right choice, now you have some more choices ahead of you that will dictate success or failure in the future.

My .02c :)
i agree with half...

alot can be done naturally if youre not ready to take the steroid plung
i agree with half...

alot can be done naturally if youre not ready to take the steroid plung

Ok well please answer me this question..........

There are guys out there that swear they have received nice gains on an anavar only cycle. Some claim they have gained 10 pounds of muscle with Anavar.

Why do they continue to use Anavar only cycles if in fact it messes up their natty test levels? Are these guys stuck with having to use gear for the rest of their life since they made this decision?
Ok well please answer me this question..........

There are guys out there that swear they have received nice gains on an anavar only cycle. Some claim they have gained 10 pounds of muscle with Anavar.

Why do they continue to use Anavar only cycles if in fact it messes up their natty test levels?

uneducated for the most part.. these guys gain 10lbs of muscle on cycle they are saying right?? thats unlikely.. ask them how much of it they keep about 4-6 weeks after cycle..
uneducated for the most part.. these guys gain 10lbs of muscle on cycle they are saying right?? thats unlikely.. ask them how much of it they keep about 4-6 weeks after cycle..

Explain to me the scenario that will take place to a person after getting off a cycle of anavar only please. Will their muscles just disappear even if they keep lifting or what?