I'm spoiled.....cruising sucks. Who's with me?


New member
I'm sure not many will sympathize with me here.....

I'll admit, I'm a rep, I'm spoiled, I get to run top notch gear, HGH, peptides, you name it, at whatever dose I want, for as long as I want and always have plenty to spare. Not many are as lucky as me.

I remember the days when I would run PCT and count down the milliseconds until I could jump back on a nice 500mg test cycle again. Those were the days. 500mg was supreme, gains were abundant, feeling of well being was euphoric, could walk on water.

But after feeling the effects of strong hormones....npp, tren, anadrol, etc...and shooting test base before a workout, 500mg feels like a cruise dose. And a cruise dose of 250mg feels like PCT. I dread cruising, I hate feeling normal....but as we know it's necessary. I'm constantly trying to justify extending my cycle, or trying to tell myself that 500mg for a cruise is sustainable.

I can totally see how a responsible user becomes an abuser.....but gotta be strong and do what's best for your health and longevity.

That being said, CRUISING SUCKS BALLS!

Who's with me?!?! Anybody???
Ya it does suck i use to cruise longer but im chasing goals right now in powerlifting. I think i lasted 6 weeks and used halo for a little bit just to know if i can count on it for my next competition. Its very important to take cruises i just waited for my bloodwork to normalize amd im avout to start some var and sarms it it ever gets here.

I lose alot of strength in 250mg test only well still strong vut not that superhuman strong. Its a mental fuck forsure. Even though my cruises are short i di make sure bloodwork is ok. After competition I have high liver values so I waited a couple more weeks retook the test and now I'm good
Ya it does suck i use to cruise longer but im chasing goals right now in powerlifting. I think i lasted 6 weeks and used halo for a little bit just to know if i can count on it for my next competition. Its very important to take cruises i just waited for my bloodwork to normalize amd im avout to start some var and sarms it it ever gets here.

I lose alot of strength in 250mg test only well still strong vut not that superhuman strong. Its a mental fuck forsure. Even though my cruises are short i di make sure bloodwork is ok. After competition I have high liver values so I waited a couple more weeks retook the test and now I'm good

I hear you brother. My last cycle was a super heavy bulker for 24 weeks. Could not get myself to cruise for longer than 8 weeks before I hopped back on and started cutting down with some prop, mast, and some golden delicious trenbaloney sammiches.
I did a cycle from basically 1984-1989 winning or placing in State meet s and show s and collegiate meet s and

PCT s for quitter s...
My trt is 150 a week..I cheat at least 8 month s a year but only with trt x 2 or 3 plus 150 tren and oral s but only for 2-3 weeks as I m a feeble old fucker now but screw normal. Addiction to me is when you run out and can t get more of what you want and resort to stealing or lying or ruining your kids inheritance.. Run that free gear. Life s to long anyway...how old u wanna be ? I ll not be shuffling around with an IV on a pole at 73 waiting for someone to change my diaper.
Better to check out at 66 with my dick in a 30 yr old or a cig in my mouth and a pin of tren in my ass.


Young guy s ignore me...can t find my adderol...
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I have always been in a position to run as much gear as I want too for as long as I feel. It's a mixed blessing. I admit I abused AAS for years. The advice I give the new guys now is focused more on nutrition and training and less on gear. Too many guys new to this life feel AAS is what will take them where they want to go and don't understand that it's only one part of success.

Run responsible cycles followed by an informed pct and time off for the body to recover before you hit superman again.
I did a cycle from basically 1984-1989 winning or placing in State meet s and show s and collegiate meet s and

PCT s for quitter s...
My trt is 150 a week..I cheat at least 8 month s a year but only with trt x 2 or 3 plus 150 tren and oral s but only for 2-3 weeks as I m a feeble old fucker now but screw normal. Addiction to me is when you run out and can t get more of what you want and resort to stealing or lying or ruining your kids inheritance.. Run that free gear. Life s to long anyway...how old u wanna be ? I ll not be shuffling around with an IV on a pole at 73 waiting for someone to change my diaper.
Better to check out at 66 with my dick in a 30 yr old or a cig in my mouth and a pin of tren in my ass.


Young guy s ignore me...can t find my adderol...

I've thought similar on the ageing factor T. Who the fuck wants to be so old you gotta wear a diper..again?? F that. I hope to check out in my 60's as well. Only 42 now and feel half crippled every morning on my way out of bed...lol. Seriously.
I'm thinking of using SARMs, Peptides, HGH, and Slin together for my next "cruise" , give myself a break from the anabolics for awhile. I'll be on plenty of compounds to stay anabolic but with no actual AAS I will still be technically off cycle

I think cruises can be beneficial if we formulate good protocols , maybe even be a time to grow and recover. will take a knowledge of how different compounds can work together synergistically , completely different then just cruising on a maintenance dose of say 250mg of test (which yeah is not fun).
Glad I'm not alone here. Funny enough, I got blood work last week after being on no lower than 500mg test in well over a year. Everything came back just fine. Everything is well within range minus my blood glucose due to not fasting.
And echo cardiogram will tell the rest of the story. Heart wall thickening can reduce your ejection fraction. That's the amount% of blood that's pushed out of your heart with each heartbeat 65-75% is good. <45 % is considered mild heart failure

In shirt....blood work doesn't tell the whole story my friends
Those who know me know I m a joker but yes I was an abuser who d do anything to win or set a record

Now I m Mr Low Dose as (sacrilegous I know ) I m big enough and strong enough and ussually hard enough for my age to diet for a month and compete in physigue.

I try to tell young guy s it s not the gear although it s very beneficial but the YEARS of training genetic s recognizing what give s you most for the look you want and can MAINTAIN with reasonable cycle s, trt or cruises for one day you too will be old and creaky so slow the fuck down.
Rome was not built in a year but it burned down in a week
I'm sure not many will sympathize with me here.....

I'll admit, I'm a rep, I'm spoiled, I get to run top notch gear, HGH, peptides, you name it, at whatever dose I want, for as long as I want and always have plenty to spare. Not many are as lucky as me.

I remember the days when I would run PCT and count down the milliseconds until I could jump back on a nice 500mg test cycle again. Those were the days. 500mg was supreme, gains were abundant, feeling of well being was euphoric, could walk on water.

But after feeling the effects of strong hormones....npp, tren, anadrol, etc...and shooting test base before a workout, 500mg feels like a cruise dose. And a cruise dose of 250mg feels like PCT. I dread cruising, I hate feeling normal....but as we know it's necessary. I'm constantly trying to justify extending my cycle, or trying to tell myself that 500mg for a cruise is sustainable.

I can totally see how a responsible user becomes an abuser.....but gotta be strong and do what's best for your health and longevity.

That being said, CRUISING SUCKS BALLS!

Who's with me?!?! Anybody???

can I ask what your age, height, weight and est bf% is?
I read in a Men s Fitness ??? where AAS use (not abuse ) CAN actually assist in living longer and with a better quality of life as most of us vanity driven type s at least exercise regularly . When my knee s allow I enjoy treadmill for 20 40 60 ms on light day s or off day s as it s so forgiving than concrete.

Heavy lifting cannot be maintained forever.
And echo cardiogram will tell the rest of the story. Heart wall thickening can reduce your ejection fraction. That's the amount% of blood that's pushed out of your heart with each heartbeat 65-75% is good. <45 % is considered mild heart failure

In shirt....blood work doesn't tell the whole story my friends

Very true brother. That's something I have not done yet. I've seen so much contradicting information on this but have seen no conclusive studies showing AAS to cause this in healthy individuals with no pre-existing conditions. However, I would certainly not write it off as impossible. Thanks bro I'll certainly have to look into that.
For those of you that abused roids or even used them correctly for years, how's your well being after your 40's? Im turning 46 this year and have taken one rather mild cycle for last 3 years, longest 20 weeks. My desire for sex has gone down over those last few years, once a week and I'm good, use to want it daily. Could be just age. While on a cycle I want it 3 times a week. Definitely feel better when on a cycle, I don't cruise, but do a proper PCT. Start of my last cycle my test levels were in the 400's. 4000 while on. Will check it at start of this year's cycle for a comparison.
Those who know me know I m a joker but yes I was an abuser who d do anything to win or set a record

How many blue ribbons you got hanging up in the living room from all your MILF bagging comps?

I've only cycled once. Before that I was hypogonadal for 3 year of training. After 4 months of TRT->cycle I've been back in the 300's till the doc scopes my nuts and cuts out some developing sperm if found (off test cause trying to get fertility back- wasn't there before TRT).

Those three years were hard, I made slow progress, but progress non the less. After the cycle I've continued to make gains in size and strength despite my 80 year old man hormone levels. Hell, I'm having fun- but I'm psyched to come home after surgery on Thursday and pin 375mg of test and 300 of deca while all doped up on painkillers. Take that pip.

In 6 months of being off I've gone bulking from 230 to 246. Sure, I've upped my BF, but my strength and volume in the gym has all gone up. At one point my test levels were 180. So, I like training regardless of if I'm on gear or not. But hey, I'm new to AAS, what the hell do I know?

I like making gains. And I feel it's even more important to make gains and continue progressing while on cruise/TRT/pct, whatever. I have zero interest in running gear if it means yo-yo-ing up and down in strength and size and not progressing in a somewhat linear pattern.

Jozipf- what are your goals?

Anyhow, I'd have really loved to be on 500mg of test for the last 6 months!
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