injecting, does it make a difference?


i do test 500/week 2 pins and always do in the shoulder, i was wondering does it make a difference if every week i mix up the shoulders? like first week i inject in left then next week in right and vice versa? or should i keep injecting it into the same shoulder, any plus or negative to switching?
u should definetly add more injection sites than just shoulders , so yes u should be switching between them and at least have a couple more , y dont u add in quads or glutes , or both . It keeps the receptores fresh and prevents buildup of scar tissue in the muscle
u should definetly add more injection sites than just shoulders , so yes u should be switching between them and at least have a couple more , y dont u add in quads or glutes , or both . It keeps the receptores fresh and prevents buildup of scar tissue in the muscle

Changing injection sites has nothing to do with keeping receptors fresh.
you should try and rotate injections...dont no why u would want to keep hitting the same spot time after time..
Go 1 shoulder Monday then switch to the other on Thursday.

Then go 1 side of glute Monday and switch to the other on Thursday

Then repeat that will be perfectly fine.