Is it worth my money to take supps, on my cycle?


New member
Hey fella's just kinda wonderin what you think about, taking supplements while cycling... I take the basics muti vit's, protien, glutamine, fish oil.... but is creatine or Nitric oxide gunna benfit me while on my cycle, Im cycling test and EQ right now with some Anadrol to kick start.. and have always taken supps but is it worth my time and money.? If so what are best or going to benefit results along with cycle.
personally I think glutamine is a waste as well, on cycle I take something for my joints, flax oil, lots of vitamins, and some protein powder, I havent bought anything else since I started juicing
Creatine is good, but if its either you use it on-cycle or post-cycle, take it post-cycle, it helps maintain the gains you had.
ok good stuff, i'm just starting my dieting, i'm pretty lean to start. What is a good supp for fat burning, i've never bothered trying any, i've heard lipo 6 isn't bad? i'm probably 10 % bf right now getting really vascular already, but i wanna be a freak in 8 weeks.!
Flax seed oil, Milk Thistle, Protein...I think it is a waste to take supps on cycle...If you want take supps after cycle....
Use creatine post cycle, during cycle you can have whey protein etc. Vitamins are always good doesn't matter what you do.
I do the same i save the creatine and other supps post cycle and i keep it simple with protein and a good multi vitamin. if you diet is in check and your post cycle therapy (pct) is in order gaining and keeping those gains will come alot easier.
Only sup I stand by is creatine. Everything else is food and diet. Although some sups aren't bad, most aren't worth the money.
needsize said:
personally I think glutamine is a waste as well, on cycle I take something for my joints, flax oil, lots of vitamins, and some protein powder, I havent bought anything else since I started juicing

true dat!!!!!!!
Standard sups all year: multi, extra C&E, fish oils, green tea, BCAA's.

I take creatine post-cycle.
flashpoint said:
Do you guys take creatine during post cycle therapy (pct) or after post cycle therapy (pct) is completed?
Both, If I'm off cycle, I'm on creatine.
creatine post for me. Many will disagree, but I think taking creatine full time stresses the kidneys. I love it post cycle as it helps me keep all my mass I attain while on.
I'd definately take joint supps on will be lifting much heavier weight and your joints are going to need all the help they can get...msm, glucosimine, cod liver ......ignore your joint care at your peril...sensitive joints will really hamper the intensity of your workout or even worse if you damage something.
Its a must to take creatine while taking Ana Anavar (var) : They both work to speed up ATP production & when taken together have a synergistic affect. Some UGLs actually make Anavar (var) w/creatine as filler!
I love superpump250 as a pre-wout energizer,too. I don't pay for it,though,and if I had to-wouldn't bother. But I DO swear by it.
Lipo-6 IS a good fat burner,but clen is BETTER!
CoQ10,Cinnamon , turmeric, EGCG (green tea ) are good antioxidants/anti-inflamatory with EGCG being one of the best. Taking cinnamon and EGCG with your meals also helps keep your insulin levels stable.
other antioxidants I have been trying are olive leaf extract and pomegranit.
I also take fish oil and D
CoQ10,Cinnamon , turmeric, EGCG (green tea ) are good antioxidants/anti-inflamatory with EGCG being one of the best. Taking cinnamon and EGCG with your meals also helps keep your insulin levels stable.
other antioxidants I have been trying are olive leaf extract and pomegranit.
I also take fish oil and D

^^^ legit......i take cinnnamon and alpha liopic acid, coQ10, egcg a multi vit, fish oil and (raspberry ketones preworkout) and a shit load of red bulls all day long lol