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Almost every BB uses Clomid in their P.C recovery,but others(found also in Anabolics2002)claims that Nolva is better.!I used,in past a mix(50mgClomid/20mgNolvadexED)combined with HCG,very good combs.I'm going to use it again.You guys,What do you think?
To each his own on this one bro. For those who can't handle the sides, they opt for nolvadex. I used nolva on my last cycle to recover, and plan on doing a mix of nolva/clomid on the next.
I wont use clomid anymore as I still get streamers on my eyes months after I stop and it made me too worried. Now I just use arimidex and am dbol. It works fine.
I like to use a combo of both, but its indidvidual. Its like saying who is the hottest women, i would say Alyssa Milano,m House1 would name a midget, its all opinion:40oz:
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What will happen if I do the full clomid(300mg,100mg ten days and 50mg ten days) with 20mg nolva. Im on a deca only cycle and want to be sure to get my hpta back online.
I cant really tell which one works faster. I do know that the last time I used nolva I broke out like never before, so its not like clomid causes any more acne than nolva, heck its neither one...its the hormones.

I will stick with both.
RoadHouse said:
Its like saying who is the hottest women, i would say Alyssa Milano

I'm sooooo disappointed RH! The "hottest"????

Back to the question.......I ran a Nolva/Clomid Combination Regimine last time around and recovered very Nicely (better than Clomid alone)! I will probably run this como everytime!
DRveejay11 said:
I'm sooooo disappointed RH! The "hottest"????

Back to the question.......I ran a Nolva/Clomid Combination Regimine last time around and recovered very Nicely (better than Clomid alone)! I will probably run this como everytime!
Hot is different than beautiful, there are definitley more beautiful girls, but shes very sexy as well, tatoos, mm mmm. Plus, i have a crush on her since "Whos the Boss"

Yep, Nolva/HCG the last two weeks, followed by Nol;va/Clomid, helped me recover the best. No emotional outbursts either:rolleyes:
DRveejay11 said:
I'm sooooo disappointed RH! The "hottest"????

Back to the question.......I ran a Nolva/Clomid Combination Regimine last time around and recovered very Nicely (better than Clomid alone)! I will probably run this como everytime!

Jay, What were the dosages that you used?
Since Clomid can slightly decrease pituitary response to LHRH & Tamox can increase it, a combination of both may give you slightly better results ...

Clomid/nolva combo was found to be superior than Clomid only for ovulation induction:

Fertil Steril 1993 May;59(5):976-9 Related Articles, Links

A clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen citrate combination therapy: a novel therapy for ovulation induction.

Suginami H, Kitagawa H, Nakahashi N, Yano K, Matsubara K.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ehime University School of Medicine, Japan.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of a clomiphene citrate (CC) and tamoxifen citrate (CC/tamoxifen) combination therapy in ovulation induction by comparing with a CC alone therapy. DESIGN: A randomized cross-over study with CC alone and CC/tamoxifen combination therapies for 20 normoprolactinemic anovulatory women. Randomly selected 10 of the 20 women (group A) underwent a CC alone therapy (100 mg CC during cycle days 5 to 9) for the initial three consecutive treatment cycles and a CC/tamoxifen combination therapy (50 mg CC and 20 mg tamoxifen during cycle days 5 to 9) for the subsequent three consecutive treatment cycles. The remaining 10 (group B) were treated similarly but with the inverse sequence. Ovulation was documented when a high BBT phase persisted for 11 days or more, when midluteal serum P levels exceeded 7 ng/mL (22.3 nmol/L), or when pregnancy ensued. RESULTS: The rates of ovulatory/treated, pregnant/treated, and pregnant/ovulatory cycles were 42 of 56 (75.0%), 3 of 47 (6.4%), and 3 of 35 (8.6%) for CC/tamoxifen, respectively. Those were 25 of 57 (43.9%), 1 of 48 (2.1%), and 1 of 21 (4.8%) for CC, respectively. Clomiphene citrate/tamoxifen was more effective in ovulation induction than CC. All the pregnancies were normal and single. None of the treatments was accompanied by any remarkable side effects. CONCLUSION: Clomiphene citrate/tamoxifen is a novel treatment modality of ovulation induction with high efficacy.
Good post! lets put together a new post cycle combo!

4 week therapy! You will need 28, 50mg pills of clomid and 28, 21, 20mg pills of N-dex and the therapy will go like this:

All doses are to be taken ED!

First 7 days: 100mg of clomid, 20mg of N-dex
Second 7: 50mg of Clomid, 20mg of N-dex
Third 7: 50mg of Clomid 10mg of N-dex
forth 7: 10mg of N-dex

How does that look?

Also lets make sure of atrophy has been prevented or reverted before HPTA therapy starts!

So make sure the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has completed the job before moving forward!