I am going to use the combo for sure. Everyone that has tried it has nothing but good things to say about it.
Based on the lab results I have gotten, I would say that 20mg Nolva works almost as well as the standard clomid regime. Personally I stay away from clomid because I get bad acne outbreaks. And I disagree that it is just due to the hormone fluctuations post cycle -- if anything, your skin should clear up when your test levels are really low.
Good post! lets put together a new post cycle combo!

4 week therapy! You will need 28, 50mg pills of clomid and 28, 21, 20mg pills of N-dex and the therapy will go like this:

All doses are to be taken ED!

First 7 days: 100mg of clomid, 20mg of N-dex
Second 7: 50mg of Clomid, 20mg of N-dex
Third 7: 50mg of Clomid 10mg of N-dex
forth 7: 10mg of N-dex

How does that look?

Also lets make sure of atrophy has been prevented or reverted before HPTA therapy starts!

So make sure the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has completed the job before moving forward!

Looks good.
Brock Landers said:
some on here claim to break out more on clomid than test.

I guess I'm not the only one then (?) Clomid is like DBol for me I swear, I also had clomid blues for awhile when @ 100mg, no problems with 50mg other than the skin thang.
Easto said:
What's the best way to limit the fluctuations when coming off a cycle?

tan a lot and keep yourself as clean as possible....there's nothing you can do about the fluctuations but you can try to control the acne.....
Well, I plan on running an Enan cycle this summer. I have a pool, so I figure the swimming and sun should keep the skin pretty clear.