Its been awhile "Ology" Now what?


I'm finally out of the Army, and its a bit strange doing everything for myself lol. Now I have to get a job =( I must be able to maintain the fitness, or I will lose it! Hehe I missed you guys!!!
Hey man - nice to have you back - i guess you were on ology in the past? Thanks for your service to our country - much appreciated, dude. it's a tough time to enter the workplace so don't get discouraged - it's a sukky economy. Anyways - yeah def keep up with fitness - good for your mind as well as your body.

Where are you located now? living with family? hope you have a good holiday!
Hey man - nice to have you back - i guess you were on ology in the past? Thanks for your service to our country - much appreciated, dude. it's a tough time to enter the workplace so don't get discouraged - it's a sukky economy. Anyways - yeah def keep up with fitness - good for your mind as well as your body.

Where are you located now? living with family? hope you have a good holiday!

Thanks man, I havent been a member for that long, I lurked for awhile though! I moved back to Texas, which is good because my family is here, and the economy isn't complete shit. I plan on going back to school on the G.I bill. I plan on using some of that extra cash for juice too! hehe. Courtesy of uncle sugar. Happy Holidays!