Josh's progression tracker


Jiu-Jitsu Blue
Ok I'm starting this thread simply for the purpose of recording my lifts each week, so that I don't go into my gym and forget my numbers again like yesterday. I'm currently on a powerlifting routine, and have progressed my strength quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. So here were my lifts for:
4-3-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 175x5x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 130x5x5
Bent over Rows: 110x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 30x10x10x10

I don't record my warmup sets, only worksets.
But as for the workout, I felt very good doing each one of the exercises in proper form, and feel more than ready to increase the weight for next week.
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Today I boxed with my trainer at the gym. He showed up a little bit late, and so in the mean time I did needsize's 5x5 ab routine. I enjoyed it quite a bit, because this time I got to look at all the yummy mummys while holding the position with the most resistance. The core training and boxing with my trainer was pretty good too, however I feel quite sore now after two days of intense training. Tomorrow I'm taking the day off so its all good.
4-6-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 190x5x5x5
Box Squats: 190x5x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 155x10x10

All in all, a pretty good workout. Strength has continued to increase. Another workout due for tomorrow.
4-7-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Bench Press: 195x5x4(dropset)190x4
Incline Dumbell Press: 50x10x10
Dips: 2x10
Tricep Pushdown: 70x8x8
Upright Rows: 80x5x5

Not a very good workout today...I increased weight on the bench press by 5 lbs this week, and unfortunately could not do 3 full sets of 5 with it. If I had just a tiny bit of assistance by a spotter behind me, I'd have likely been able to pull it off forsure. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I'd also like to be doing lower reps on the incline dumbell press, however the next weight up that I own is a pair of 65's, and I still dont feel quite ready to be pushing those above myself. I should be able to soon though, hopefully within the next few weeks. Rest day tomorrow, Friday is back and biceps.
4-9-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 180x5x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 135x5x5
Bent over Rows: 115x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x8x8x8

Very good workout tonight. I decided to raise the weight and lower the reps with the incline curls. I might try to build my way up to 10 rep sets with the 35s, and then raise the weight once again. I was especially concentrating on using perfect form tonight, because it is obviously essential for any bodybuilder to do so. I also raised the weight on all of the other exercises as well, and hope to continue doing so. Next workout is scheduled for Monday.
4-12-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 195x5x5x5
Box Squats: 195x5x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 160x10x10

Pretty good workout, asides from the fact that I had a terrible headache from start to beginning. Increased the numbers on all my lifts, so I'm very proud about that. Another workout due for tomorrow, because I won't have the time or the energy to do it on Wednesday.
4-13-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Bench Press: 195x5x5x4
Incline Barbell Press: 125x5x5
Dips: 2x10
Tricep Pushdown: 70x8x8
Upright Rows: 80x5x5

Great workout today. Strength has increased, and I'm starting to feel alot more comfortable with my bench press. I just started doing incline presses with a barbell aswell, so I am starting light so that I get used to the movement, then work my way up. Tomorrow is a rest day.
4-16-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 190x5x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 140x5x5
Bent over Rows: 125x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x8x8x8

Awesome workout. Very motivated, and felt very strong going in. I was able to increase the weight to my lifts by a significant amount this week, and I feel like my strength has really been shooting up. Boxing on Sunday.
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4-18-04: Boxing

Went very well. Not much else to say. My trainer tells me that my strength and endurance have increased drastically. I'm glad.
4-19-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 200x5x5x5
Box Squats: 200x5x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 165x10x10

Great workout. Strength just keeps on increasing, and I really feel like I'm benefitting from this routine that pullinbig gave me. The legs are starting to look much thicker than they used to. Next workout is on Wednesday.
4-21-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Bench Press: 195x5x5x5
Incline Barbell Press: 130x5x5
Dips: 2x10
Tricep Pushdown: 75x8x8
Upright Rows: 80x5x5

Pretty good workout. Took a nap before, so I was a little tired going in. Bench press was feeling real good today, and I hit all my reps in all three sets. Next week I will increase the weight of my worksets to 200 lbs. My Upright rows could have been better though. My form was a little off. Must get some sleep now. Next workout is on Friday.
yo josh nice gains. congrats bro. you may wanna drop the squats, bos squats, bench and deads back to 2 work sets. you'll prolly make faster progress and wont need as much recoup time.

still nicely done.
Thanks for the advice pullin.

I think I'm gonna lower like sets like you said in those lifts, except for maybe squats for the time being...
My problem is that I don't have a leg press machine, and so I subsitute the worset I'd be doing on that for an extra set of squats.

I'll list my workout from yesterday next.
4-23-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 195x5x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 145x5x5
Bent over Rows: 130x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x8x8x8

Pretty sick workout. I did it at this new gym I was checking out. The narrow grip pulldowns were not measured exactly in pounds, but the machine just had plates with numbers from 1-20 on them.
Well, I did 15 and it felt something like 145...Could have been 150? Who knows...I think I'll be going there on most Fridays from now on. I've increased the weight on my deadlifts once again, and I am confident that next week I will reach my goals by hitting 200 pound worksets for both deads and bench press.
josh81 said:
4-23-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 195x5x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 145x5x5
Bent over Rows: 130x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x8x8x8

Pretty sick workout. I did it at this new gym I was checking out. The narrow grip pulldowns were not measured exactly in pounds, but the machine just had plates with numbers from 1-20 on them.
Well, I did 15 and it felt something like 145...Could have been 150? Who knows...I think I'll be going there on most Fridays from now on. I've increased the weight on my deadlifts once again, and I am confident that next week I will reach my goals by hitting 200 pound worksets for both deads and bench press.

you making me proud. congrats on the progress. how are you looking in the mirror? I know its only been a few weeks but how much difference are you seeing? with the deads and heavy back work those traps should be popping out as well as your lats. keep up the good work.
I see many changes. The lats are looking wider, back is thicker altogether, and chest has definitely grown. Here, I'll post a couple pics.
4-26-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 205x5x5x5
Box Squats: 205x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 170x10x10

Okay workout...Strength has increased, but my back felt a little sore after the first few sets of squats. On my third set, I dropped the weight forward on my fourth rep. My back was feeling a little bit sore after that. I still made up the 2 lost reps immediately after. I think I may stay at the same weight for the calve raises for next week, since they felt quite hard today. Lowered the sets on the box squats (thanks pullinbig:D ) and I still felt like I hammered my legs real hard. Rest day tomorrow.
you be proud of me today. i did a set of ten on squats. 500x10. thats all i did too. blew groceries and went home.

I got a lot of my lifts on video. still working on posting them soon. i got a host but gotta get administrative access to the board. he is working on it.

i have some deads, squats, board presses, etc.... some are me and some are others at the gym. we got some strong boys and girls up there.