5-19-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders
Bench Press: 200x5x5
Incline Barbell Press: 135x5x5
Dips: 2x10
Tricep Pressdown 75x9x9
Upright Rows: 85x10x10
Okay workout. Increased the weight on the incline press, hit more reps on the pressdowns, and added weight and reps to the upright rows for today. Here is the thing, doing upright rows up to my neck was really starting to bother my shoulders, and so a trainer today told me that I don't have to go that high if thats the case, and to only bring it up to about my mid-chest level. I'm going to raise the weight and lower the reps for next week with this form, this was just to get the movement down. Unfortunately, I feel like I am stuck at the same weight on my bench press. It is becoming somewhat discouraging, because one week I will feel very strong and get my lifts with 200 lbs up well, and on the following week I will not. Any suggestions anyone?