Josh's progression tracker

got todays squat as well. i had my last squat of 615 x 5 but lost it somehow. I tried to view it and it was gone. weightlifters. go figure.
prolly 2 to 3 times per month. I normally dont pull and squat in the same week. if i do i make sure to do racks or sldl instead of full pulls. i get overtrained easliy esp with heavier lifts. i have to listen to what my body tells. if i am ready to squat or pull deads i go to the gym and hit it. it may be on a monday or a wednesday or sunday. i listen to these old bones. there are a couple of us older guys at the gym and thats the way we do it. if my legs are sore i dont squat or pull. i make sure i am fresh so i can give it 100%. i normally do chest shoulders and tris at least once a week and sometimes two. bear in mind that i dont do any direct shouder or tri work. that all comes from benching variations.
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4-28-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Bench Press: 200x5x5
Incline Barbell Press: 130x5x5
Dips: 2x10
Tricep Pushdown: 75x8x8

I was quite tired tonight, and I had to be home to celebrate a birthday in the family, so I cut my workout just a little bit short. I will make up the upright rows on friday when I do my deadlifts. But on the flip side, I did accomplish my goal of a 200 lbs bench for my worksets of 5 reps. pullinbig, I feel as if I owe a large portion of my success to you. Without your routine and assistance, I never would have been able to progress so fast in the bench, squat, and deadlift category. Thanks bro.
I'm planning on setting some new goals for myself, as I have already accomplished the ones I set in time for the summer. They came two months early. Not bad...I plan to keep up the same routine aswell I must add.
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if you wanna show you appreciation hook me up with the girl in you atavar. geez. ted nugent said it best. " i dont know where they come from but they sure do COME, cat scrath fever" guess i showed my age on that one.

dont worry about the rows. just get um next time. better to leave one off than to do too much.

ok guy since you over 200 for reps now. here are your goals for bench.

225 for reps.
then 275 for reps
then 315 for reps.

if you add 5 lbs every other week you'll be at 330 for reps in a year. see how easy this is? hell 5lb every third week will put you at 285 or so in a year. as long as you dont overtrain and eat right these numbers are more than possible.
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They definitely do sound quite possible.

My only problem is that for July, I will be on vacation touring through the US, so unfortunately I will have very few chances to go to a gym in that time. Maybe I can slip in 4 or so, but not nearly enough to progress my lifts.
But either way, I'll definitely be back in the gym pumping hard throughout August and the months afterwards.
trhe break will not hurt you. prolly do you good. if you can get to the gym 1 day per week you will make some gains.

1 day per week routine.

deads 2 x 5
seated rows 2 x 5
wide grip flat bench 2 x 5
dips 2 x 10
curls 2 x 8

10 sets total and you will get stronger thru out the summer. ,maked sure to keep you calories and sleep in place.
Awesome routine.
Looks like I'll be following it while I'm on the trip.
Ok, now here's todays workout.
4-30-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 200x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 145x5x5
Bent over Rows: 135x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x9x9x8

Pretty solid workout tonight.
Increased the weight on the deads by another 5 lbs, and they didn't feel too hard at all. The curls also felt pretty good, and I was able to squeeze in another couple reps. I also added another 5 lbs to the Bent over Rows, and they still felt pretty good too. Time to start shedding a bit of fat now. I'm weighing in at 195 lbs currently, and somewhere around 13% bf I believe.
5-2-04: Boxing

Great workout today. Did many core movements with my trainer, and worked on my combinations for a while with lots of foot movement involved. Calves got worked hard. I'm delaying my workout tomorrow til tuesday, because I will not get the chance to tomorrow because of a booked schedule.
5-4-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 210x5x5x5
Box Squats: 210x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 170x10x10

Good workout. I took a long nap before, so I was pretty groggy going in. It turned out ok though, and I put up some good numbers on my squats, increasing the weight by 5 lbs. I was making sure to squat very low too, so that I can get the most out of my workout. Next one due for tomorrow.
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5-5-04: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Bench Press: 200x5x4x3
Incline Barbell Press: 130x5x5
Dips: 2x10
Upright Rows: 80x5x5

Terrible workout. Mentally, I just wasn't there. I felt like shit on top of that, and very tired. Didn't hit my reps on the bench press, and felt very angry afterwards because of it. Widened my grip a little bit, so that might be contributing as well, but I doubt it, because I went back to my normal grip for the third set and could only hit 3 reps. Skipped the pushdowns, b/c my tris were totally burnt afterwards. I also feel like I should maybe widen my grip on the incline barbell press, because I really felt it in mainly my tris. pullinbig, if you're reading this, what do you think? Have you got any advice for me?
index fingers on the ring. thats wide. inclines and flat. also get a spot so you can tough out those last couple of reps. no shame in needing help. those last two you need help on will do you more good than all the others put together. the extra set on flat bench wasnt necessary either. that may have drained you for the rest of youre work out.

if you'll look at the vids of me doing rack work on the 515-4"lockout you can see i am using a medium grip. pinkies on the rings. on the 405'-6"lockouts you can see i have my index finger on the ring, wide grip. yopu may have to stop it a couple of time st see it but it is there. next time i bench i'll get a pic of both grips and post them.

did you eat before you went to the gym? and if what?
I ate a banana right before.

I don't think it was that. Mentally, I just wasn't there.
I wasn't concentrating on the weights at all while I was lifting, nor did I have my music to motivate me and pump me up like usual. I agree, the extra set was not necessary...I just felt very upset after not hitting my last rep, so went for it again. Not the smartest idea, I know...
josh81 said:
I ate a banana right before.

I don't think it was that. Mentally, I just wasn't there.
I wasn't concentrating on the weights at all while I was lifting, nor did I have my music to motivate me and pump me up like usual. I agree, the extra set was not necessary...I just felt very upset after not hitting my last rep, so went for it again. Not the smartest idea, I know...

main thing is you went. sometimes we just have an off day. you doin good bubba. keep it up. hey when you leave for the summer?
July 1st

I've been training my heart out every workout, b/c July is going to be absolutely wild...

I'll be back in the gym tomorrow, lifting hard like always. Shit happens I guess, I just wasn't into this one. But hey, at least I feel pretty sore today, so I know that the workout was worth something!
5-8-04: Back, Biceps

Deadlifts: 205x5x5
Narrow Grip Pulldowns: 150x5, 145x5
Bent over Rows: 140x5x5
Incline Dumbell Curls: 35x9x9x9

Much better workout than the last. Lower back was feeling a little sore, but nothing too serious. Did the workout anyway, and feel fine. My calves and hamstrings have been feeling real sore too...It must be from all the football. Boxing tomorrow.
5-10-04: Legs, Calves

Squats: 215x5x5x5
Box Squats: 215x5x5
Standing Calve Raises: 170x10x10

Increased the weight on the squats again. Felt pretty good, still feels somewhat comfortable to be lifting the heavy weight. Squatted deep too. I suppose that's whats helping lead me to this sort of progression. Good workout.