Kaz's road to 230+, second cycle log

Thanks guys its gonna be a fun filled ride I guarantee it.. I'll keep it updated as I go with as much info as possible to track sides, progress, and overall performance of the compounds I run over the course of a year..
stop posting your damn sob story and go eat... lol

Oh common now 3J my SOB story helps, my estro is high and I feel like a little bitch so I'm gonna go eat my feelings away .... to the fridge I go LMFAO
well I missed a day due to being snowed in.. Everything was closed..


Wide Grip Pull ups
3 x 10 reps with body weight

Close Grip Pull Downs
1 x 12 reps with 100lbs
1 x 6 reps with 180lbs
2 x 8 reps with 140lbs

T-Bar rows
1 x 12 reps with 2 plates
1 x 10 reps with 3 plates
1 x 4 reps with 5 plates
1 x 10 reps with 2 plates

Back Flyes
3 x 12 reps with 35lb DBs

Straight Arm Pulldowns
3 x 12 reps with 40lbs

Was a decent day, still at 208.5lbs on wake. Energy and strength are through the roof, recovery is amazingly quicker than it was. So far no complaints and loving the cycle
Got to love these winters up north a main reason I got back into working out again stuck inside way to much need something to do I actually slipped yesterday fell right on my upper arm feels all numb like after you pin lol
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Sorry guys got sidetracked by real life, been a hectic few weeks. Currently sitting at 208.5 still (had a bout of a stomach flu and just gaining it back now)


Sorry for the crappy pic, I suck with a camera..
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Looking good buddy got some big legs lots of power there. Yeah I am going to be doing a run with 3J for 6 months here in May very stoked.Should make that cycle good I like the results your getting from Orion.
Looking good buddy got some big legs lots of power there. Yeah I am going to be doing a run with 3J for 6 months here in May very stoked.Should make that cycle good I like the results your getting from Orion.

You won't regret it man you're gonna grow like a weed.
Thanks guys. I dropped the deca, the hate part of our love hate relationship prevailed. So I am on 1.5g Test only at the moment. Only sides I am seeing are the acne and BP went up. Added in a capsule of carditone daily and BP is regular again. Strength is through the roof. Chest was always my weak point lift wise and I usually worked with 225 as an 8 rep working set when cruising and now I am doing 315 for 3-4 reps with an 8 rep working set at 275.

Feeling so good and pumps are so intense its nuts. I wish I could bottle this feeling and use it while cruisin.. Its unlike anything I have done before.. Think I may throw some abombs in for 4 weeks as well we are doing a calorie increase in my diet shortly :)