let me get this straight..about trenbolone


New member
4G kit with 1 Component TH-Belt (4000mg)
makes 100mg / ml or 76mg/ml ???
everbody say diffrent.. please help veterans...

Depends on the kit, and how much oil you loose to filtering.
I stole this from bellx1 over at anabolicuniverse. It shows the concentration you have based on the amount of oil you have left with a 4g kit.
35ml = 110mg/ml
36ml = 108mg/ml
37ml = 104mg/ml
38ml = 102mg/ml
39ml = 99mg/ml
40ml = 97mg/ml
41ml = 95mg/ml
42ml = 92mg/ml
43ml = 90mg/ml
44ml = 88mg/ml
45ml = 86mg/ml
46ml = 84mg/ml
47ml = 82mg/ml
48ml = 80mg/ml
49ml = 79mg/ml
50ml = 77mg/ml
Most 4g kits are produced to allow the conversion of 75mg/ml. You can make the mg/ml higher by decreasing the sterile oil in the kit or you can make the mg/ml lower by increasing the sterile oil as well.