Looking for Ripped Fuel...


New member
I just want some quick answers, mods you can move or delete this post soon, sorry for the inconvience.

Just looking for a good online supplement store that sells Ripped Fuel for cheap. Best I can find is $29 U.S for a 200 cap bottle but I'm also not sure if the site is even legit. Also if they send to Canada thats just a bonus :)
For American Brand Ripped Fuel, I use Nutrition House. They are usually located in big malls. The thing is, they dont sell it out in the open. You usually have to look like you know what you are talking about (ie. muscular or fit) because they keep it in the back or undeath the cash register. At least thats where we kept ours when I worked there when I was around 16.

As far as online stores in Canada that sell it, I believe they are only allowed to sell the Canadian version and that version is minus the Eph. And as far as US stores that have it and will ship to Can., the risk is there that it will get snagged at Customs.
I but the american Ripped Fuel at my local health store. They also keep theirs under the counter. They only pull it out for the people they recognize from the gym. The owner of the store also owns the gym.
bro, check out thermocut from sportlab, they are going to discontinue the ephedra version, but for now they still have it... trust me, that stuff will rock your world!
i always like xenadrine. I've tried ripped fuel and hydroxycut and it didn't really feel like it was working, maybe i was just being biased though...
Just curious, how are these different products any better than using just the plain old ECA stack?
i dont think they are any better, it is the ECA components of all the above that make them work
kinda funny

but in Canada ephedrine is illegal, yet legal in the US

and Clenbuterol is illegal in the US yet legal in Canada.........


:eek: :confused:
OMEGA said:
kinda funny

but in Canada ephedrine is illegal, yet legal in the US

and Clenbuterol is illegal in the US yet legal in Canada.........


:eek: :confused:

actually bro, ephedrine is not illegal in canada if sold in 8mg per tab and as of this past january, cannot contain more than 50 tabs per bottle (no more than 400mg per container). as well, ephedrine cannot be sold pre-mixed with any stimulants, IE caffeine.
also, clen is illegal for consumer purchase, it is not under the counter of your local health food retailer even, the only place it is available is through veterinarians