Male Hormone Test Kits


Cycle, test, HGH
I'm looking to get some blood tests soon, I want to see if the very mild dose of Anavar (var) I'm using is inhibiting me, and if so to what extent.

I already know Anavar (var) inhibits at 15mg but even so I'd like to back this up with some concrete proof....I'll be the lab rat.

I've found a site that offers mail order test kits:

I'm a little unsure what levels I need to have tested?

And could you recommend which kit I need ?

If anyone has some experience in this field can you pip in.
Lucky13 said:
I want to see if the very mild dose of Anavar (var) I'm using is inhibiting me, and if so to what extent.

I trust you have pre-cycle bloodwork of baseline levels for comparison ??
StoneColdNTO said:
I trust you have pre-cycle bloodwork of baseline levels for comparison ??

Good point.

These tests you draw your own blood or saliva?

"All samples are analysed on a fully quantitative basis for blood contamination prior to analysis for hormone levels. Androbalance/LCN are the only organisations routinely employing this technique, thereby safeguarding the quality of salivary hormone analysis."
The only before test I have is frozen urine/saliva/blood, kept at -20 , I am hoping I can use this as I've heard it is good for quite a few months?
I've had a reply from the company that do the male order tests, they've advised they test for free testosterone this going to be sufficient ? If not could you let me know which ones I need to ask for ?

Cheers L
Can anyone advise what testosterone levels I need to have tested or is it only free levels I should be interested in ?
Lucky13 said:
The only before test I have is frozen urine/saliva/blood, kept at -20 , I am hoping I can use this as I've heard it is good for quite a few months?

Please explain how you did this?
Well I pissed/dribbled and drew blood, placed into some sample jars and put it in a deep freeze.

Can anyone advise what testosterone levels I need to have tested or is it only free levels I should be interested in ?
Lucky13 said:
Can anyone advise what testosterone levels I need to have tested or is it only free levels I should be interested in ?

I'll bump this for ya. But I think you need both free and total. Come on bros,,,,someone knows.
mustanged77 I don't get to pick they said they test free only so I don't even get a choice.

Anyone else out there know for sure what I need to get tested when going for a testesterone test ?
Come on guys someone must have this info ???

Anyone know for sure what I need to get tested when going for a testesterone test ?
Lucky,,,,here is a post I had saved about blood testing. I think it was posted on this board:

Blood testing needs to be done three times to get baseline readings. As a minimum, you want to test:

1. Cortisol, Total (367)
2. DHEA Sulfate (402)
3. IGF-1 (839)
4. IGFBP-3 (34458)
5. t3, Free (34429)
6. T4, Free (866-78)
7. TSH (899-75)
8. Testosterone, Total, Free and Weakly Bound (30741)
9. Hemoglobin A1C (496-39)
10. Fasting Insulin (561)


11. CBC (6399-20)
12. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (10231-92)
13. Lipid Panel (7600-4)


14. GGT (482-31) Important Liver Value not included in Comp Metabolic Panel
15. PSA (5363-64)

Your first test should be before starting an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle. You should be "clean" before the blood testing. The second test should be in the middle of the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle. The last test should be about 5-6 weeks into your recovery cycle. These three snapshots will give you all the information you need to properly plan cycles. Taking the results, along with your fitness goals, safe and effective cycles can be planned. Blood Testing will only need to be repeated once a year after this as a method of checking.

I hate to say it, but blood testing should be mandatory; otherwise, you are just experimenting and this is what gives HRT a bad name. The other problem is getting your own doc to order these tests. If he won't find someone who will (myself or other anti-aging/longevity type docs--there is one in every major city, you just ahve to find him/her.) Lastly, don't rely on your insurance. If you insurance picks up the tab, great. If it doesn't, be prepared to pay. All of the money spent on testing and the meds is an investment in your health and fitness. Don't let some third-party control your destiny.