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Quick update, got cleared to drive again and stop wearing my knee immobilizer. Celebrated by going to the gym to do some chest and shoulders. Workout at the bottom. Went to PT today, got some new exercises to do for recovery including stationary bike with no resistance. This weekend we are also going truck shopping. I won't be able to fully get back into the swing of things till I have my own vehicle. Once I do I'll get back in contact with my coach and start ramping things up as much as I can.

Hammerstrength flat press 4 x 6-8 155s 160s 165s*6 165s*3 135*3 (per side)
Hammerstrength incline 3 x 6-8 90s 100s 110s (per side)
Seated cable fly 3 x 8-10 60 70 80 RP (RP = Rest pause)
Standing db lateral 4 x 8-10 30 30 35 35
Seated db military press 4 x 8-10 60 60 65 65
Cable lateral 3 x 10-12 35 40 45 RP
I am now a driver again. I purchased a used truck this weekend. Spent all day Saturday looking but found what I wanted. Had to pay more monthly then I wanted but it's a good buy. Then on Sunday dealt with a main lone back up most of the day. Monday had my personal mechanic look at the vehicle to find that the front differential fluid needs to be replaced so now I have to bring to the dealership this weekend to have them look at it and most likely change it for free. Then add on the being super busy at work and you have some full days. However I did talk to my coach check ins start back on Monday. I'll start back on a multiple times a week lifting plan minus legs on Saturday. While also slowly increasing calories while still on 300 mg of test e weekly.
So it's definitely hard to get back to the constant soreness. I started my new 4 day lifting program. 2 chest days and 2 back days but shoulders are done 3 times with low volume. Going to try to stick to the same exercises week after week looking for progressive overload. I'll switch out an exercise if I stall for 2-3 weeks. I'm also focusing on 6-10 range with most of the workouts. Starting with 6-8 reps for the beginning of the workout then the last few are in the 8-10 reps on chest and back. Shoulders get more variation in the 8-20 rep range. I'm still not doing arms because I feel they are out of proportion with my chest and shoulder width. Lastly I'm taking a break from the healing peptides to save up for another more intense run of them later. They aren't cheap so I'd rather have everything on hand for a good 6-8 week run.
Things are getting back on track. I got all 4 days in that I had planned to lift last week. I had posing with a client and lifted on Saturday. However late in the day my knee began to ache. I was supposed to lift on Sunday but decided against it. I think giving it an extra day of rest and getting back on program tonight was the best decision. I've been pushing conservatively on the rehab exercises I'm allowed to do. Figured there wasn't a benefit I'm pushing thru the pain since it was still sore yesterday. Today it feels good and I'll get back to improving everything I can. Still running Euro Pharmacy Testosterone Enanthate at 300 mg per week. Along with Euro Pharmacy hcg at 1000 iu per week. My next blast is scheduled to start at the end of this month. Even though I still won't be able to do legs I'm excited to see what I can do to my upper body improvements. I've also never ran Tren in the off season so it'll be an experiment.
After some discussion with my coach I have decided to use DC training during my next blast cycle. I used it back in 2013. I remember getting positive results however knowing now that my training in the past wasn't intense enough I'm hoping to get even better results. The key to the program is consistent intense progress on the basic lifts. Seeing as how I can't train legs this could lead to me adding the much needed mass to my upper body. I've got everything planned out just have to wait a couple weeks to get started. Until then I'm still doing my best to progress those lifts during my cruise phase so I have accurate starting points to dive right in.

Current nutrition is 400 g protein, 200 g carbs and 80 g fat.
Hope everyone had a good Easter. I did up to a certain point. My fiancée is working a lot the last few weeks as well as having issues with some of her friends so of course that stress leads to us arguing over bs. Just for the record female friendships are held together by string they are so fragile. Really glad guys don't deal with all that drama. Beyond on the mishaps in personal life the gym is going well. I hit a PR on Hammerstrength flat press yesterday and looking to set a PR on Hammerstrength plate row tonight. Upper body is making strides. As for my knee the PT doc says I'm ahead of schedule. That's great news so we added in bodyweight lunges. Oh my god are these kicking my ass. My uninjured leg has no stamina and my injured leg is weak. But I can feel the muscles firing so that's good. I also was cleared to do some low load hamstring exercises. Looking forward to doing those today too. Whatever I can to get legs back up to size is a necessity. I'm know I'm trying to achieve a lot but I believe I can do it all thanks to the help of PSL Euro Pharmacy. Truly top notch products.
No huge announcements, everything is still going pretty smooth. None of my current exercises are stalling so continuing the heavy progressive overload as my main strategy with intensity techniques sprinkled in. I did decide that since I have reliable transportation 3-4 weeks into my next blast cycle I'll get some blood work done for even more proof of the quality I get from PSL Euro Pharmacy. Tonight is my 2nd chest and shoulder day focusing on mid range reps. Besides the knee which was a non gym injury my tendons and joints feel good so I'm not focusing on high reps 90% of my reps stay in the 6-12 range.
For today's entry I'm including a post I shared with my private group of clients I coach. It has to do with training so is very relevant to my current strategy with bulking.

"To the degree we're not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves." - Peter McWilliams

This quote is true for everything in our lives. If there is something you want to get better at you have to be willing to go outside of your comfort zone. I find this to be a necessity whether it be in the gym, business or personal growth. But since I'm your fitness coach and not your life coach lets focus on training. I had this exact thing happen to me my last back workout. I had two exercises in my training plan using weights for me that were going to be Personal Records. I'm not talking 1 rep max but full ROM multiple rep and set exercises. I was literally scared for my first and last exercise. I was still a bit sore in my back and I was afraid I could pull something, I wouldn't get enough reps or just get hurt. However I knew the only way to add the muscle I wanted to add would be to do my best no matter what the weights were.

If you at different points in your training you arent at least a bit scared you arent training intensely enough. The weight is completely relative to you but you should be scared and then do it anyway. Thats how you grow, thats where the body has to adapt and more forward. I welcome that fear in my training. I dont post this to be hardcore or prove anything because I was indeed afraid. I do know now that I can move that weight and it will help be achieve a better back which is one of my main goals. When it comes to cardio, lifting or anything else embrace the fear, then attack it and go for your goals.
Not much to update on today. I got a stomach bug on Wednesday, it was my rest day anyway but I decided it wasn't a good idea to train on Thursday. I'm also taking today off because I start DC training on Saturday. I also start my new blast cycle. I'll be using 600 mg of test weekly along with 300 mg of Tren E weekly. I've never used Tren in the off season so I'll be experimenting with its bulking abilities, strength increases and any nutrient partioning affects it has. I'll be sticking to DC 3 day a week plan until I judge my recovery. I'm currently looking into a Dante approved 4 day plan but nothing is for sure yet. I'd like to get blood tests done after 3-4 weeks of my blast cycle. Just have to budget the cost and schedule it around work.
Dc training is under way. Couldn't tell if I spent more or less time in the gym. However tonight is B workout and since I can't train legs really it should be a quicker one. That revelation about legs also makes me think I'll be able to switch to a 4 day a week plan instead of 3 for DC. I'm taking the first 2 weeks true to what it should be but after that I'm going to try 4 days for 2 weeks. If I don't have noticeable signs of lagging recovery I'll keep going with it. I also did my first shot of PSL Euro Pharmacy test at 300 mg with 150 mg of Tren.

A1 workout
Incline Bench R/P 255 x 9-4-3
Seated DB military press R/P
70s x 15-7-5
Shoulder stretch
Assisted Dips R/P -75 x 15-9-7
Chest stretch
Triceps stretch
Rack Chins R/P
bodyweight+25 lbs x 10-5-3
Single arm Hammerstrength plate loaded row R/P 190 x Bench
Hanging lat stretch
Things have been going smoother this week. I didn't gain any weight so we decided if I don't go up at next check in we'll increase macros. As for training I'm still getting into the groove but liking it. For DC training to work you have to have an intensity and focus to really push yourself. The rest pause sets are gruelling on some exercises. After that first round I'm sapped on things like shoulder press but on chest I still have some good left over. I train alone but when some of these totals start getting up there I'll be needing to get some gym goers to spot me. I'm still on track for my knee rehab and introducing new rehab exercises to try to progress in. All in all BB life is like riding bicycle you never forget how to do it.
Had a good weekend. It was a busy one but productive. I had to squeeze in my work out but got it done. Attended my clients competition where they took 1st place in classic physique B class. Being at the show git me pumped almost wanted to go train. However I knew I needed to rest. I was even dealing with soreness in my low back. Not like a hurt soreness closer to DOMS but I didn't even do back recently. Seems to be cleared up today. It's also my check in where I'll see if macros need to increase. I've also decided next week to move to 4 day a week DC Training I think my recovery can handle it.
Hit a bit of snag this week. After my A3 workout on Tuesday night I began to feel increasing bad. Ended up calling in sick Wednesday spent most of the day sleeping. I was up for maybe 6-7 hours total then slept thru the night till Thursday. Got up and went to work because I had no more sick time. Starting to feel better today. Just dealing with a runny nose now. Still gonna get my workout in but try not to take step back in illness but train hard enough to progress. It's a really fine line. I've circled an early date in June to get my blood drawn for tests. Can't guarantee but should work. I've upped my water intake sense I'm using Tren and weight finally bumped up a bit with the same level of conditioning. Gotta busy weekend in and out of the gym so I have to be careful not to prolong sickness and get my meals in. I've decided super heavyweight or bust is my goal.
Had a rough weekend when it comes to the gym. I didn't make it in at all. Spent all Saturday moving someone and then Sunday was arguing with the fiancée so couldn't get motivated to go. However last night was a good session. Beat the log book and didn't fail on the second A1 workout. Tonight is B hopefully the same will happen. Been having some digestion issues as well as weight fluctuations so probably going to up the calories and look into either probiotics or other supplement. I've already started using small amounts of apple cider vinegar mixed with water. I also switched this week from Euro Pharmacy nolvadex to Euro Pharmacy Arimidex half tab every other day. Sent check in pics to coach last night so we'll see what changes he wants to make. My knee is slowly rehabbing, I don't like the current look but not much I can do but follow the protocol.

Side note forum wouldn't load my progress pics.
This week has been ideal in the terms of bodybuilding consistency. I made it to the gym the days I wanted, git macros in, rested and recovered. Doing DC training 4 times a week seems to be working. The problem I'm having currently is weight fluctuation. I know there is no use in weight chasing but gaining and dropping isn't ideal either. I would rather small consistent increases then adding 4 lbs only to drop 4 lbs the next check in. So we've upped calories, my macros are 400 protein, 250 carbs and 65 fat. I'm also mulling around the idea of throwing in some EQ into the cycle for the last third or fourth of it. I have some left over from my last blast with PSL Euro Pharmacy. I just have figure out how much is left and devise a plan. The goal would to kick start the gains again after stagnation by adding in the Testosterone derivative. I haven't fully decided, hell if my gains pick up all of sudden I wouldn't do it. My goal is always to get the most out of the least and if I can grow on less then a gram a week why do more? Lastly had physical therapy today where we added in new exercises and found out I'm still on schedule rehab wise. Gonna be following Jr USA's and New York Pro this weekend as well.
Everything has been moving along some what normally. My workouts are getting a bit shorter now that I've done the 3 separate workouts multiple times. I know which things I need more warm up on and which I dont. I'm also getting more nervous about them ha ha. I've yet to fail on an exercise so the weight is continually going up which means more possible muscle but also more risk. I've probably covered this before but I think you need to have points in your workout where you are afraid and you still get the set done. Staying in your comfort zone will never lead you to greatness or at least your absolute max. I'm having to recruit people for spots but I'll do that if it means I can show up a more complete bodybuilder. Currently I'm at 400 grams protein, 250 grams of carbs and 65 grams of fat. Some days are harder then others to get it all in. For right now I could probably get in another couple hundred calories but that may be my limit till my body hopefully catches up and starts clearing out food quicker. Lastly I added a new supplement to my daily intake. It's called kidney stuff and as it implies it's to aid in kidney health. Since I'm currently running PSL Euro Pharmacy Tren I want to do everything possible to keep them healthy. I'll most likely keep it in year round.
Just ordered my blood test today. It will give me my Testosterone and estrogen along with other health markers. However I'm really only focused on those 2. I'll most likely be able to get my blood drawn in 2 weeks. The timing should work out well. The Testosterone Enanthate and Tren enanthate should be at a really stable level. Also it will have been a long enough time since my switch from nolvadex to arimidex. So I'll get a good idea if my half tab of arimidex every other day needs to be adjusted. At minimum you should get bloods done once year during a cruise in which case everything should be in normal ranges. I also suggest you do it during a blast to really understand how sensitive you are to aas and AI's.
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