Good news, everything has been confirmed and we are a go for continuing this log. This week is my first one cutting and it's been a rough start on the nutrition side. Cardio and lifting have flowed nicely. However it seems that as soon as my coach cut macros my body decided to turn up my appetite. I was literally forcing food in and nothing sounded good to eat some days. Now I'm constantly hungry and I want to cheat every day. It could be the extra Cardio that's got my metabolism going or it could all be in my head. Funny thing is I already feel a bit more defined, very small amount but still there. Macros were cut to 350 protein, 250 carbs and 65 fats. My goal is to keep cleaning up my nutrition and pushing harder on cardio. I think if I can drop 10-15 lbs with 80-90% of that being body far I'll look a lot better and may be able to increase calories again to try to add muscle before an all out prep early next year.