Masteron experiences??????


Man on a Mission
Never tried that one. Is it comparable to any other compound.(Ive read the profile) but i want to hear from peeps that have used it.

Any input appreciated!

ran over 10 weeks of it leading up to a show, great for helping me look hard and vascular, but pointless I think unless you are at least 8% or leaner
I ran Masteron for 10 weeks at 500mg a week... I think Masteron is comparable to Equipoise, but better in my opinion.
i did not like it, but my bf was prob not low enough. it was 10-12 at the time. i got nothing out of it at all.
Aboot said:
Better in what way and for what purpose?

When I took Eq with test I held more water. I ran test with Masteron and it Seemed to dry me out very nicely, Better then Eq did... I was pleased with the results I got with Masteron, but to each his own.
I've never taken it but it was said that "it is not aromatized into estrogen..." "Improvement in muscle desity and hardness. But like everything there are the side-effects of acne accelerated hair loss and increased aggression.
Swoleburn said:
When I took Eq with test I held more water. I ran test with Masteron and it Seemed to dry me out very nicely, Better then Eq did... I was pleased with the results I got with Masteron, but to each his own.

It has some anti-E properties by competing with estrogen receptors that's why.
I've used quite a bit of it and I like it. I think it is worthwhile if you are below 10% bodyfat and want to improve your appearance while recognizing that it won't do anything for your size and maybe nothing for your strength. It makes me more hard and vascular. Seems to improve my libido.
Trevdog said:
I've used quite a bit of it and I like it. I think it is worthwhile if you are below 10% bodyfat and want to improve your appearance while recognizing that it won't do anything for your size and maybe nothing for your strength. It makes me more hard and vascular. Seems to improve my libido.

that would make sense, my workout partner said he got similar results from using proviron at higher doses