Masteron TABS

I thought I recall Masteron being liver toxic. At least it seemed to be when everyone was using it years ago. I couldn't imagine being able to do tabs but then again you do have Winstrol (winny) tabs.

i've searched long and hard for some decent feedback on his oral masteron but came back short... on his list i think it says/said not liver toxic.

They are pretty anabolic and mildly androgenic.. i think they'd work similarly to anavar
I've taken IP's "oral masteron". He himself says that they are not masteron, but rather he chose this name to market them.:rolleyes:

Apparently they are simply DHT. The results are not dramatic and certainly not close to a similar dose of anavar. However, they did seem to boost my libido and give me a harder look.
NS, Masteron is not 17-aa.

Masteron is also not hepatoxic. Its impact as far as toxicity is concerned is very minimal at worst.

I'll be starting my Quest Masteron this Wednesday so I should have some feedback shortly.
Wasn't Masteron one of the worst for the hair? I can't remember but there was something that wasn't perfect about Masteron and I can't remember what it was.
Dont really see how it could be hard on the prostate. I understood that most prostate problems were caused by estrogen not dht. The problem that causes Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to be hard on the prostate is the fact the most aromatise into e and dht. Ok I am going a little over my own head now but my point is that Masteron does not convert or aromatise in any way. Therefor I dont see how it could cause prostate problems....
masteron is not hepatoxic as stated above ,but beeing dht dirivative is is bad on the hairline .the oral masteron was proviron.ans its not 17alk.either fyi
Well if IP's "oral masteron" was proviron, I wish he had just said so. He'd probably sell a hell of a lot of it if he made 50 mg. tabs. He'd have the best price on it.