Metal's test/tren log

Kee at it metal - really looking forwards to following this log.

Im looking at starting a cut with 3J in a few weeks, and at the moment I have my eyes on finishing with a test/tren/mast blend... keen to hear about how you do/don't get on with the tren sides :)

Best of luck bro, eat clean and train dirty!

Thanks bro. You'll get your moneys worth with 3j. The sides haven't been bad at all so far. Gonna give it a few more weeks and bump up the dose a tad if all goes well. Maybe 100mg eod. Thanks for following
Have you considered taking melatonin before you go to bed to see if that helps? Keep up the good work man 531 is gonna make you strong as hell!
shit ... cant believe i missed that. Ive been running 531 for the last 24 months :)

are you aware he has just released a new book called "beyond 531"?
Have you considered taking melatonin before you go to bed to see if that helps? Keep up the good work man 531 is gonna make you strong as hell!

I will definitely look in to it if it keeps acting up, because I need my sleep! Strength was fucking amazing today in the gym. One of the best workouts ive ever had! I highly recommend tren when you're ready bud :)
shit ... cant believe i missed that. Ive been running 531 for the last 24 months :)

are you aware he has just released a new book called "beyond 531"?

How have you progressed running it for so long? I just received the first book yesterday and read it, and it seems the way to go for a routine. I did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. I'll look for it
I will definitely look in to it if it keeps acting up, because I need my sleep! Strength was fucking amazing today in the gym. One of the best workouts ive ever had! I highly recommend tren when you're ready bud :)

Nice! I just bought EQ and tbol yesterday for my next cycle, third cycle I'm finally gonna follow your advice and take that tren out of my fridge haha
How have you progressed running it for so long? I just received the first book yesterday and read it, and it seems the way to go for a routine. I did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. I'll look for it

Yeah I have loved it... its taken will power to not want to bounce over to another programme at times though.

I found that investing in a "mini plate set" made getting the exact weights alot easier.

In the last 24 months Ive spent 8 months in Aghanistan, 2 months in Jordan, 6 weeks in Thailand, not to mention a month in the states, and time in egypt. My training has been disjoined, but on the whole I continued to make good progress. A few months ago I slipped a disc in my lower back and the last few weeks have been my first heavy gym sessions back. A few more weeks of conservative lifting, then ill be back onto 531.

I would definately recommend adding in some conditioning work into your routine though. Something like lower weight / high rep thrusters on non squatting days, and I would definately look at getting power cleans in there too.

Looking forwards to seeing your proposed split.

If you want to go "balls to the floor" then once all your gear has kicked in you can look at running his frequency programme

Yeah I have loved it... its taken will power to not want to bounce over to another programme at times though.

I found that investing in a "mini plate set" made getting the exact weights alot easier.

In the last 24 months Ive spent 8 months in Aghanistan, 2 months in Jordan, 6 weeks in Thailand, not to mention a month in the states, and time in egypt. My training has been disjoined, but on the whole I continued to make good progress. A few months ago I slipped a disc in my lower back and the last few weeks have been my first heavy gym sessions back. A few more weeks of conservative lifting, then ill be back onto 531.

I would definately recommend adding in some conditioning work into your routine though. Something like lower weight / high rep thrusters on non squatting days, and I would definately look at getting power cleans in there too.

Looking forwards to seeing your proposed split.

If you want to go "balls to the floor" then once all your gear has kicked in you can look at running his frequency programme


Nice. I'll look into it. Bummer about your back. Hopefully you'll have a full recovery. I will be incorporating sprints and I'm looking into getting a sled to drag around while sprinting also. I hate running, bur maybe sprinrs will do the trick
Nice! I just bought EQ and tbol yesterday for my next cycle, third cycle I'm finally gonna follow your advice and take that tren out of my fridge haha

Nice bud. Youre gonna have your comrades on your back about "roids" like a mofo after that one :D
Bumped tren up to 100mg eod. Still doing test e at 50mg eod. Absolutely loving it. Great energy, determination, and pumps in the gym. Starting to see some changes. Been on 3j's diet for almost a week. Definitely helping just taking a little getting used to since I've never carb cycled before
Strength, pumps, and aggression are soaring in the gym. Only thing is my cardio is suffering. I can tell when I try to superset and I get out of breath in between. I know its a common side effect but is there anything I can do other than man up? Anything to worry about with being out of breath for a few brief moments? Diet is going great wih 3j. He has me on a carb cycle and I realized over the weekend how much I APPRECIATE food!
Glad your enjoying it. As far as the cardio goes a little ephedrine seemed to help me some when doing intense weight lifting like supersets and whatnot. Gotta watch that BP though. Love me some tren :D
Glad your enjoying it. As far as the cardio goes a little ephedrine seemed to help me some when doing intense weight lifting like supersets and whatnot. Gotta watch that BP though. Love me some tren :D

Yeah I think I'll shy away from ephedrine. I quit taking pre workouts also because I felt that my bp would get a little out of control with them. Definitely lovng this cycle regardless! :D
What's up bros. Doing my first pin of test/tren tomorrow 23 june. I've been cruising at 250mg/wk with test e for a few months now.

Current stats 25 6'2, 233lbs 15-20% bf

First cycle was test c/deca and I gained 20lbs plus a lot of strength. Had a great time on it and i plan on using basically the same diet on this cycle. High protein, high carb, and low fat. Might cut back on the carbs depending on how the cycle progresses. I plan on staying 230+ but I want to cut bf and make it a solid 230+.

Cycle details
Test e 250mg/wk 12 weeks split into 2pins/wk
Tren a 300mg/wk 10 weeks 75mg/eod
Liquidex .5mg eod adjusting accordingly
Caber e3d until I finish tren, I will be swapping to prami when my caber runs out
Letro on hand in case of gyno
Finishing up on HCGenerate which has proven to me it works. Gonna see how it holds up to the likes of tren

Any questions, suggestions, concerns hit me up. Thanks bros!

Not trying to criticize, I know you definitely know your shit, just trying to help but @75mgs/EOD of Tren A, that would come out to 262.5mgs/week not 300 mgs. For every 2 week period doing something EOD, you only end up doing it 7 times not 8...
Not trying to criticize, I know you definitely know your shit, just trying to help but @75mgs/EOD of Tren A, that would come out to 262.5mgs/week not 300 mgs. For every 2 week period doing something EOD, you only end up doing it 7 times not 8...

Yes. I've learned the error of my mistakes since its my first time with a short ester. As of this morning I'm doing 70mg ed now. Started off too low, crept it up a bit, now im just doing it ed. If Any sides other than shitty cardio, sweating at night, (which hasn't been bad at all) and insomnia (which has only happened a time or two) I'll lower it but until then we'll see. Thanks for the critique :)
Strength, pumps, and aggression are soaring in the gym. Only thing is my cardio is suffering. I can tell when I try to superset and I get out of breath in between. I know its a common side effect but is there anything I can do other than man up? Anything to worry about with being out of breath for a few brief moments? Diet is going great wih 3j. He has me on a carb cycle and I realized over the weekend how much I APPRECIATE food!
Ephedrine like MeatHead suggested or albuterol can help. I just said screw it on tren and lived with the poor quality of cardio and took more time in my sets to catch my breath. Just wait, in a few weeks - you won't even miss the old stuff you were eating and realize how much better you feel on a REALLY clean diet. I like the fact that I visit maybe 4 aisles in the grocery store now. :D

Oh, and don't sweat the tren dosing thing. At least you went under and not grossly over. I can't imagine the situation at home though with Tren in you and post-baby hormones in her haha. Good times. :D
Ephedrine like MeatHead suggested or albuterol can help. I just said screw it on tren and lived with the poor quality of cardio and took more time in my sets to catch my breath. Just wait, in a few weeks - you won't even miss the old stuff you were eating and realize how much better you feel on a REALLY clean diet. I like the fact that I visit maybe 4 aisles in the grocery store now. :D

Oh, and don't sweat the tren dosing thing. At least you went under and not grossly over. I can't imagine the situation at home though with Tren in you and post-baby hormones in her haha. Good times. :D

I think I'll just man up on the cardio thing for a while. I don't want to add anything else until I've donated blood and get a blood test just to be safe. The diet is really shocking my body and my mind lol sunday was all mental and a lot of mear and peanut butter! The hormones come and go for her mostly :p is she on her period? Is she not? I can never tell. I'm just a dick according to her lol
Nice log dude. Cant wait to try me some Tren. Gonna buy it with my next cycle n keep it stashed for about the 4th to 5th one.

Im kinda confused tho on yur tren dosage. I thot u recently went up to 100mg EOD but then I saw 70mgs EOD. Still 250 a week test?
Nice log dude. Cant wait to try me some Tren. Gonna buy it with my next cycle n keep it stashed for about the 4th to 5th one.

Im kinda confused tho on yur tren dosage. I thot u recently went up to 100mg EOD but then I saw 70mgs EOD. Still 250 a week test?

Thanks man. Itd be hard for me to let it just sit there :p when I finally got my dosage right, I was doing 100mg tren eod and 50mg test e eod. Now I'm doing 70mg ED and still doing test e 50mg eod. The tren is really starting to shine especially with this carb cycle